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без примеровНайдено в 1 словаре

Англо-украинский словарь
  • dicts.universal_en_uk.description


  1. [trip]


    1. поїздка, подорож; екскурсія; рейс

    2. швидка, легка хода, легкий крок

    3. спотикання; падіння (спіткнувшись через що-н.); to make a trip спіткнутися, впасти

    4. помилковий крок; помилка; обмовка; ляпсус

    5. сл. отключка; галюцинація під впливом наркотика (особ. ЛСД); переживання; відчуття; випробування

    6. улов, отриманий риболовецьким судном на шляху до промислової області

    7. спорт. підніжка; заслін корпусом

    8. тех. клямка

    9. тех. розчіпляючий пристрій; вимикач (подачі); війск. розобщитель (у автоматичній зброї)

    10. тех. перекидач

    11. горн. склад (вагонеток)

    12. мор. галс

  2. [trip]


    1. йти легко, швидко; бігти підстрибаючи (trip away trip down trip in trip out); she came tripping down the garden path вона прибігла підстрибом по садовій доріжці; she tripped in /into the room / вона упорхнула в кімнату

    2. (on, over) спотикатися; падати (спіткнувшись через що-н.); to trip over one's own feet зачепитися ногою за ногу; примушувати спотикатися або сковзатися

    3. запинатися, вимовляти із запинкою; спотикатися (trip up)

    4. (часто trip up) зробити помилковий крок, помилку, ляпсус; обмовитися

    5. сл. відключатися під впливом наркотика, починати галюцинувати; бути в отключці (часто trip out)

    6. спорт. ставити підніжку (часто trip up)

    7. танцювати легко, витончено

    8. іст. відправлятися в подорож; здійснювати поїздку, екскурсію

    9. тех. розчіпляти; вимикати(запускати, приводити в дію (механізм)); включатися, приходити в дію (про механізм)

    10. війск. скидати (бомбу)

    11. тех. перекидати

    12. мор. вивертати з грунту (якір); підводити (щоглу), звільняти (щоглу) від штифта (перед укладанням її на палубі)

Примеры из текстов

A phrasebook will help you prepare for a trip to another country if you are only beginning to study a foreign language.
Розмовник допоможе вам підготуватися до поїздки в іншу країну, якщо ви тільки починаєте вивчати іноземну мову.
ABBYY Lingvo x3ABBYY Lingvo x3
BYY Lingvo x3
ABBYY Lingvo x
BYY Lingvo x3
ABBYY Lingvo x

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tripСущ. среднего родапоїздка; подорож; екскурсія; рейсПримеры

pleasure trip — розважальна поїздка
business trip — ділова поїздка, відрядження
round trip — поїздка туди, назад
a trip abroad — закордонна поїздка, поїздка за кордон
honeymoon trip — весільна подорож
maiden trip — перша подорож
to take a trip — з'їздити, проїхатися
to have a bad trip — погано з'їздити
to go for a trip, to make a trip — відправлятися в подорож
to make trips — курсувати
extra trips were scheduled by railroad companies — залізничні компанії запланували /передбачили/ додаткові рейси; похід, візит
a trip to the dentist — візит до зубного лікаря, відвідини зубного лікаря; відстань, що покривається в ході однієї поїздки
the village was one day's mule trip — до села був один день їзди верхи

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Формы слова


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)tripping
Past Participle (Participle II)tripped
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I tripwe trip
you tripyou trip
he/she/it tripsthey trip
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am trippingwe are tripping
you are trippingyou are tripping
he/she/it is trippingthey are tripping
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have trippedwe have tripped
you have trippedyou have tripped
he/she/it has trippedthey have tripped
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been trippingwe have been tripping
you have been trippingyou have been tripping
he/she/it has been trippingthey have been tripping
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I trippedwe tripped
you trippedyou tripped
he/she/it trippedthey tripped
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was trippingwe were tripping
you were trippingyou were tripping
he/she/it was trippingthey were tripping
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had trippedwe had tripped
you had trippedyou had tripped
he/she/it had trippedthey had tripped
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been trippingwe had been tripping
you had been trippingyou had been tripping
he/she/it had been trippingthey had been tripping
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will tripwe shall/will trip
you will tripyou will trip
he/she/it will tripthey will trip
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be trippingwe shall/will be tripping
you will be trippingyou will be tripping
he/she/it will be trippingthey will be tripping
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have trippedwe shall/will have tripped
you will have trippedyou will have tripped
he/she/it will have trippedthey will have tripped
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been trippingwe shall/will have been tripping
you will have been trippingyou will have been tripping
he/she/it will have been trippingthey will have been tripping
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would tripwe should/would trip
you would tripyou would trip
he/she/it would tripthey would trip
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be trippingwe should/would be tripping
you would be trippingyou would be tripping
he/she/it would be trippingthey would be tripping
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have trippedwe should/would have tripped
you would have trippedyou would have tripped
he/she/it would have trippedthey would have tripped
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been trippingwe should/would have been tripping
you would have been trippingyou would have been tripping
he/she/it would have been trippingthey would have been tripping
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am trippedwe are tripped
you are trippedyou are tripped
he/she/it is trippedthey are tripped
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being trippedwe are being tripped
you are being trippedyou are being tripped
he/she/it is being trippedthey are being tripped
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been trippedwe have been tripped
you have been trippedyou have been tripped
he/she/it has been trippedthey have been tripped
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was trippedwe were tripped
you were trippedyou were tripped
he/she/it was trippedthey were tripped
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being trippedwe were being tripped
you were being trippedyou were being tripped
he/she/it was being trippedthey were being tripped
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been trippedwe had been tripped
you had been trippedyou had been tripped
he/she/it had been trippedthey had been tripped
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be trippedwe shall/will be tripped
you will be trippedyou will be tripped
he/she/it will be trippedthey will be tripped
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been trippedwe shall/will have been tripped
you will have been trippedyou will have been tripped
he/she/it will have been trippedthey will have been tripped


Common casetriptrips
Possessive casetrip'strips'