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Примеры из текстов

The option to uninstall the application if the user object is moved from the container linked to the GPO.
Возможность удаления приложения, если объект пользователя перемещается за пределы контейнера, связанного с объектом групповой политики.
Boswell, William / Inside Windows Server 2003Бозуэлл, Уилльям / Внутренный мир Windows Server 2003, SP1 и R2
Внутренный мир Windows Server 2003, SP1 и R2
Бозуэлл, Уилльям
© Издательский дом "Вильямс", 2006
© Pearson Education, Inc., 2003
Inside Windows Server 2003
Boswell, William
© 2003 by Pearson Education, Inc.
The Confirm File Deletion dialog appears and asks you to confirm that you want to uninstall the program.
Отобразится диалоговое окно Confirm File Deletion с просьбой подтвердить необходимость удаления программы.
Groff, James R.,Weinberg, Paul N. / SQL: The Complete ReferenceГрофф, Джеймс Р.,Вайнберг, Пол Н. / SQL: Полное руководство
SQL: Полное руководство
Грофф, Джеймс Р.,Вайнберг, Пол Н.
© Издательская группа BHV, Киев, 2001
© McGraw-Hill Companies, 1999
© Издательство "Ирина", Киев, 2001
SQL: The Complete Reference
Groff, James R.,Weinberg, Paul N.
© 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies
If you need to uninstall or remove all of the created files, do so from the build directory run.
При необходимости установки или удаления всех созданных файлов это делается из каталога, в котором производилась сборка
Allen, David,Scott, Andrew,Lewis, Herb,Stile, John,Tuck, Tim / Windows to Linux Migration ToolkitАллен, Дэвид,Скотт, Эндрю,Льюис, Герберт,Стайл, Джон,Такк, Тимоти / Переход с Windows на Linux
Переход с Windows на Linux
Аллен, Дэвид,Скотт, Эндрю,Льюис, Герберт,Стайл, Джон,Такк, Тимоти
© 2004 by Syncress Publishing, Inc.
© Перевод на русский язык, «БХВ-Петербург» 2005
Windows to Linux Migration Toolkit
Allen, David,Scott, Andrew,Lewis, Herb,Stile, John,Tuck, Tim
© 2004 by Syngress Publishing, Inc.
UninstallDir= Root of Boot Drive (C ) Specifies the location of the W95undo.dat and W95undo.ini files. These files are necessary to uninstall Windows 95.
UninstallDir= Root of Boot Drive (C ) —местонахождение файлов W95undo.dat и W95undo.ini, необходимых для удаления Windows 95.
Aspinwall, Jim / PC Hacks: 100 Industrial-Strength Tips & ToolsЭспинуолл, Джим / Железо ПК. Трюки. 100 советов и рекомендаций профессионала
Железо ПК. Трюки. 100 советов и рекомендаций профессионала
Эспинуолл, Джим
© 2005 O'Reilly Media, Inc.
© Перевод на русский язык, ЗАО Издательский дом «Питер», 2005
© Издание на русском языке, ЗАО Издательский дом «Питер», 2005
PC Hacks: 100 Industrial-Strength Tips & Tools
Aspinwall, Jim
© 2005 O'Reilly Media, Inc.
The DB2.LOG file stores general information and error messages resulting from installation and uninstall activities.
В этом файле хранятся общие сведения и сообщения об ошибках, произошедших в ходе установки и удаления СУБД DB2.
Groff, James R.,Weinberg, Paul N. / SQL: The Complete ReferenceГрофф, Джеймс Р.,Вайнберг, Пол Н. / SQL: Полное руководство
SQL: Полное руководство
Грофф, Джеймс Р.,Вайнберг, Пол Н.
© Издательская группа BHV, Киев, 2001
© McGraw-Hill Companies, 1999
© Издательство "Ирина", Киев, 2001
SQL: The Complete Reference
Groff, James R.,Weinberg, Paul N.
© 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies
Things like leftover mapped drives or local printers or application install points that only exist in the imaging lab remain in the Registry and cause confusion when an application needs to be updated or uninstalled.
Такие мелочи, как оставшиеся сетевые диски, локальные принтеры или точки установки приложений, существующие только в той лаборатории, где был создан образ, остаются в реестре и вызывают путаницу при обновлении или удалении приложений.
Morimoto, Rand H.,Abbate, Andrew,Kovach, Eric,Roberts, Ed / Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003 Insider SolutionsМаримото, Рэнд,Аббат, Эндрю,Ковач, Эрик,Робертс, Эд / Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003: решения экспертов
Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003: решения экспертов
Маримото, Рэнд,Аббат, Эндрю,Ковач, Эрик,Робертс, Эд
© 2004 SAMS Publishing
© Перевод «ИД КУДИЦ-ОБРАЗ», 2005
© Русское издание опубликовано издательством КУДИЦ-ОБРАЗ, 2005.
Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003 Insider Solutions
Morimoto, Rand H.,Abbate, Andrew,Kovach, Eric,Roberts, Ed
© 2004 by Sams Publishing
This alternative requires the least amount of time to configure as the Internet Explorer Enhanced Security can be uninstalled quickly using Add or Remove Windows Components.
Использование этого варианта требует меньше всего времени, так как конфигурацию усиленной безопасности Internet Explorer можно быстро удалить через инструмент Add or Remove Windows Components (Установка компонентов Windows).
Morimoto, Rand H.,Abbate, Andrew,Kovach, Eric,Roberts, Ed / Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003 Insider SolutionsМаримото, Рэнд,Аббат, Эндрю,Ковач, Эрик,Робертс, Эд / Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003: решения экспертов
Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003: решения экспертов
Маримото, Рэнд,Аббат, Эндрю,Ковач, Эрик,Робертс, Эд
© 2004 SAMS Publishing
© Перевод «ИД КУДИЦ-ОБРАЗ», 2005
© Русское издание опубликовано издательством КУДИЦ-ОБРАЗ, 2005.
Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003 Insider Solutions
Morimoto, Rand H.,Abbate, Andrew,Kovach, Eric,Roberts, Ed
© 2004 by Sams Publishing
Do not try to disable a device by removing its driver. This uninstalls the device from your computer.
Не пытайтесь запретить работу устройства посредством удаления его драйвера, что приведет к удалению устройства из системы.
Simmons, Kurt / Windows XP Headaches - How to Fix Common (and Not So Common) Problems in a HurryСиммонс, Курт / Головная боль Windows XP. Быстрое решение стандартных (и не только) проблем
Головная боль Windows XP. Быстрое решение стандартных (и не только) проблем
Симмонс, Курт
© Издание на русском языке Издательство Бином, 2004
Windows XP Headaches - How to Fix Common (and Not So Common) Problems in a Hurry
Simmons, Kurt
© 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies

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Формы слова


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)uninstalling
Past Participle (Participle II)uninstalled
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I uninstallwe uninstall
you uninstallyou uninstall
he/she/it uninstallsthey uninstall
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am uninstallingwe are uninstalling
you are uninstallingyou are uninstalling
he/she/it is uninstallingthey are uninstalling
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have uninstalledwe have uninstalled
you have uninstalledyou have uninstalled
he/she/it has uninstalledthey have uninstalled
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been uninstallingwe have been uninstalling
you have been uninstallingyou have been uninstalling
he/she/it has been uninstallingthey have been uninstalling
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I uninstalledwe uninstalled
you uninstalledyou uninstalled
he/she/it uninstalledthey uninstalled
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was uninstallingwe were uninstalling
you were uninstallingyou were uninstalling
he/she/it was uninstallingthey were uninstalling
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had uninstalledwe had uninstalled
you had uninstalledyou had uninstalled
he/she/it had uninstalledthey had uninstalled
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been uninstallingwe had been uninstalling
you had been uninstallingyou had been uninstalling
he/she/it had been uninstallingthey had been uninstalling
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will uninstallwe shall/will uninstall
you will uninstallyou will uninstall
he/she/it will uninstallthey will uninstall
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be uninstallingwe shall/will be uninstalling
you will be uninstallingyou will be uninstalling
he/she/it will be uninstallingthey will be uninstalling
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have uninstalledwe shall/will have uninstalled
you will have uninstalledyou will have uninstalled
he/she/it will have uninstalledthey will have uninstalled
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been uninstallingwe shall/will have been uninstalling
you will have been uninstallingyou will have been uninstalling
he/she/it will have been uninstallingthey will have been uninstalling
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would uninstallwe should/would uninstall
you would uninstallyou would uninstall
he/she/it would uninstallthey would uninstall
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be uninstallingwe should/would be uninstalling
you would be uninstallingyou would be uninstalling
he/she/it would be uninstallingthey would be uninstalling
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have uninstalledwe should/would have uninstalled
you would have uninstalledyou would have uninstalled
he/she/it would have uninstalledthey would have uninstalled
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been uninstallingwe should/would have been uninstalling
you would have been uninstallingyou would have been uninstalling
he/she/it would have been uninstallingthey would have been uninstalling
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am uninstalledwe are uninstalled
you are uninstalledyou are uninstalled
he/she/it is uninstalledthey are uninstalled
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being uninstalledwe are being uninstalled
you are being uninstalledyou are being uninstalled
he/she/it is being uninstalledthey are being uninstalled
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been uninstalledwe have been uninstalled
you have been uninstalledyou have been uninstalled
he/she/it has been uninstalledthey have been uninstalled
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was uninstalledwe were uninstalled
you were uninstalledyou were uninstalled
he/she/it was uninstalledthey were uninstalled
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being uninstalledwe were being uninstalled
you were being uninstalledyou were being uninstalled
he/she/it was being uninstalledthey were being uninstalled
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been uninstalledwe had been uninstalled
you had been uninstalledyou had been uninstalled
he/she/it had been uninstalledthey had been uninstalled
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be uninstalledwe shall/will be uninstalled
you will be uninstalledyou will be uninstalled
he/she/it will be uninstalledthey will be uninstalled
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been uninstalledwe shall/will have been uninstalled
you will have been uninstalledyou will have been uninstalled
he/she/it will have been uninstalledthey will have been uninstalled