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без примеровНайдено в 3 словарях

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[tæks] брит. / амер.

  1. сущ.

      1. налог; пошлина, сбор

      2. амер. членские взносы (в профсоюзе, каком-л. обществе)

    1. бремя, гнёт, груз, тяжесть

    2. плата по счёту, цена прям. и перен.

    3. уст. неодобрение, порицание; обвинение

  2. гл.

    1. облагать налогом; подвергать налоговому обложению

    2. юр. таксировать, определять размер убытков, штрафа, судебных издержек

    3. амер.; разг. назначать цену; брать плату (за что-л.)

    4. чрезмерно напрягать, утомлять, истощать; подвергать испытанию

    5. (tax with)

      1. порицать, упрекать (кого-л.)

      2. обвинять (кого-л. в чём-л.), осуждать (кого-л. за что-л.)

    6. уст. предписывать, велеть кому-л. сделать что-л.

Law (En-Ru)


  1. налог | облагать налогом

  2. таксировать, определять размер (о судебных издержках)

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тематические словари

Примеры из текстов

Provision for deferred tax liabilities
Подоходный налог прошлых лет
© 2001-2010 Банк Развития Казахстана
© 2001-2010 Development Bank of Kazakhstan
Adjustment of deferred tax liabilities
Изменение отложенных налоговых обязательств
© 2004-2011, ОАО «МРСК Центра»
© 2004-2010, IDGC of Centre
The model framework does not suggest the existence of non-tax revenues or other ways of financing expenditures, such as, for instance, borrowings.
В рамках модели не предполагается наличие неналоговых доходов или иных способов финансирования расходов, таких как, например, заимствования.
Синельников-Мурылев, С. Г.,Кадочников, П. А.,Трунин, И.В.,Четвериков, С.Н.Sinelnikov-Murylev, S.,Kadochnikov, P.
nelnikov-Murylev, S.,Kadochnikov, P.
Sinelnikov-Murylev, S.,Kadochnikov, P
© 2008 Institute for the Economy in Transition
www.iet.ru 11/2/2009
нельников-Мурылев, С. Г.,Кадочников, П. А.,Трунин, И.В.,Четвериков, С.Н.
Синельников-Мурылев, С. Г.,Кадочников, П. А.,Трунин, И.В.,Четвериков, С.Н
© 2007 Институт Экономики Переходного Периода
www.iet.ru 11/2/2009
If the company pays tax at a rate of 35 percent and the opportunity cost of capital is 15 percent, would you support the plant manager’s proposal?
Если компания платит налог по ставке 35%, а альтернативные издержки привлечения капитала равны 15%, поддержите ли вы предложение управляющего производством?
Brealey, Richard,Myers, Stewart / Principles of Corporate FinanceБрейли, Ричард,Майерс, Стюарт / Принципы корпоративных финансов
Принципы корпоративных финансов
Брейли, Ричард,Майерс, Стюарт
© 2003, 2000, 1996, 1991, 1988, 1984, 1981 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
© ЗАО «Олимп-Бизнес», перевод на рус. яз., оформление, 2004
Principles of Corporate Finance
Brealey, Richard,Myers, Stewart
© The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2003
A new tax code was adopted, with lower and fewer taxes, notably a flat income tax of 13%.
Был принят новый налоговый кодекс с более низкими налогами и их меньшим количеством, особенно плоский подоходный налог 13%.
© Project Syndicate 1995 – 2011
© Project Syndicate 1995 – 2011
2007 profit after tax of the Bank amounts to LVL 7,760 thousand, which is a 25.9% increase over 2006.
Прибыль, полученная Банком в 2007 году, после уплаты налогов составляет 7,760 тысяч латов, что на 25.9% превышает финансовый результат 2006 года.
© AS LTB Bank
© AS LTB Bank
The trade-off theory balances the tax advantages of borrowing against the costs of financial distress.
Равновесная теория ставит на одну чашу весов налоговые преимущества долга, а на другую — издержки финансовых трудностей.
Brealey, Richard,Myers, Stewart / Principles of Corporate FinanceБрейли, Ричард,Майерс, Стюарт / Принципы корпоративных финансов
Принципы корпоративных финансов
Брейли, Ричард,Майерс, Стюарт
© 2003, 2000, 1996, 1991, 1988, 1984, 1981 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
© ЗАО «Олимп-Бизнес», перевод на рус. яз., оформление, 2004
Principles of Corporate Finance
Brealey, Richard,Myers, Stewart
© The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2003
Prepayment on taxes and levies, other than income tax
Предоплаты по налогам и сборам (за исключением налога на прибыль)
© 2004-2011 Русславбанк
© 2004-2010 Russlavbank
The tax payments are distributed among the quarters in the following way: in Ql- 10% of the annual tax payment, in Q2 - 10%, in Q3 - 50%, and in Q4 - 30%.
Платежи по налогу распределяются на протяжении года по следующей схеме: 1 кв. - 10% годовой суммы, 2 кв. - 10%, 3 кв. - 50% и 4 кв. - 30%.
© 2000-2007
© 2000-2007
The tax due diligence comprises an analysis of:
В сферу налогового анализа входят:
© 2008-2011 PwC
© 2011 PwC
© 2008-2011 PwC
© 2011 PwC
A project’s depreciation tax shields depend on the actual future rate of inflation.
Величина амортизационной налоговой защиты, создаваемой проектом, зависит от фактической инфляции в будущем.
Brealey, Richard,Myers, Stewart / Principles of Corporate FinanceБрейли, Ричард,Майерс, Стюарт / Принципы корпоративных финансов
Принципы корпоративных финансов
Брейли, Ричард,Майерс, Стюарт
© 2003, 2000, 1996, 1991, 1988, 1984, 1981 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
© ЗАО «Олимп-Бизнес», перевод на рус. яз., оформление, 2004
Principles of Corporate Finance
Brealey, Richard,Myers, Stewart
© The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2003
Gazprom is one of the most highly taxed companies in Russia, accounting for about 25% of federal tax receipts.
ОАО «Газпром» является одним из самых высоко налогооблагаемых предприятий России: выплачиваемые «Газпромом» налоги составляют четверть государственных доходов от налогообложения.
© 2010 OECD/IEA
© 2010 OECD/IEA
In examining the effects of taxation, it is customary to compare the amounts entered for consumption just before and just after the imposition of the tax.
При исследовании последствий налогообложения принято сравнивать количество товаров, поступивших в потребление непосредственно до и после введения налога.
Marshall, Alfred / Principles of EconomicsМаршалл, Альфред / Принципы экономической науки
Принципы экономической науки
Маршалл, Альфред
© "Прогресс", 1993
Principles of Economics
Marshall, Alfred
© 2006 Cosimo, Inc.
Deferred tax assets are reviewed at each reporting date and are reduced to the extent when it is no longer probable that the related tax benefit will be realized.
Величина отложенных налоговых активов анализируется по состоянию на каждую отчетную дату и снижается в той части, в которой реализация соответствующих налоговых выгод более не является вероятной.
© 2004-2011, ОАО «МРСК Центра»
© 2004-2010, IDGC of Centre
The Working Group on Simplifying the Tax System (WG STS), which was created by the Belarus Council of Ministers under the guidance of Deputy Prime Minister A. Kobyakov, supported our proposal to eliminate the sales tax.
Рабочая группа по упрощению налоговой системы, созданная в Совете Министров Республики Беларусь под руководством вице-премьера А. В. Кобякова, поддержала наше предложение по отмене налогов с продаж.
© Исследовательский Центр ИПМ 2012
© Исследовательский Центр ИПМ 2012

Добавить в мой словарь

tæksСуществительноеналог; пошлина; сборПримеры

income / profits tax — подоходный налог / налог на прибыль
national / local taxes — государственные / местные налоги, сборы
individual income tax — личный подоходный налог
purchase tax — торговая пошлина
direct taxes — прямые налоги
indirect taxes — косвенные налоги
heavy tax — высокий налог
tax evasion — уклонение от уплаты налогов
tax assessment — налогообложение
tax cuts — сокращение налогов
tax revenue — налоговые поступления в казну
tax exile — эмиграция из-за налогов, бегство от налогов
tax rates on smth. — величина налога на что-л.
tax collector — сборщик налогов
the taxes — сборщик налогов
free of tax, tax-free — не облагаемый налоговым сбором
to lower / reduce tax rates — уменьшить налоги
to impose / levy a tax on smb. / smth. — облагать кого-л. / что-л. налогом
to collect taxes — взимать налоги; собирать пошлину
to pay taxes — платить налоги
A big sum was to be paid in taxes. — Немалая сумма должна была уйти на уплату налогов.

Переводы пользователей

Часть речи не указана

  1. 1.


    Перевод добавил foreforever1 foreforever1
    Бронза en-ru


abate a tax
снижать налог
abatement of tax
налоговая скидка
abatement of tax assessment
освобождение от обложения налогом
abolish a tax
отменить пошлину
abusive tax shelter
незаконное средство уменьшения налогов
accelerated tax amortisation
налоговые льготы при ускоренной амортизации
accrued and unpaid tax
начисленный, но не уплаченный налог
accumulated-earnings tax
налог на нераспределенную прибыль
ad valorem tax
налог на стоимость
ad valorem tax
налог со стоимости
ad valorem tax
пошлина "ад валорем"
additional tax
дополнительный налог
admissions tax
налог на зрелищные предприятия
admissions tax
налог с продажи входных билетов
advance corporation income tax
повышение налога с дохода корпорации

Формы слова


Common casetaxtaxes
Possessive casetax', tax'staxes'


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)taxing
Past Participle (Participle II)taxed
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I taxwe tax
you taxyou tax
he/she/it taxesthey tax
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am taxingwe are taxing
you are taxingyou are taxing
he/she/it is taxingthey are taxing
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have taxedwe have taxed
you have taxedyou have taxed
he/she/it has taxedthey have taxed
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been taxingwe have been taxing
you have been taxingyou have been taxing
he/she/it has been taxingthey have been taxing
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I taxedwe taxed
you taxedyou taxed
he/she/it taxedthey taxed
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was taxingwe were taxing
you were taxingyou were taxing
he/she/it was taxingthey were taxing
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had taxedwe had taxed
you had taxedyou had taxed
he/she/it had taxedthey had taxed
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been taxingwe had been taxing
you had been taxingyou had been taxing
he/she/it had been taxingthey had been taxing
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will taxwe shall/will tax
you will taxyou will tax
he/she/it will taxthey will tax
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be taxingwe shall/will be taxing
you will be taxingyou will be taxing
he/she/it will be taxingthey will be taxing
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have taxedwe shall/will have taxed
you will have taxedyou will have taxed
he/she/it will have taxedthey will have taxed
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been taxingwe shall/will have been taxing
you will have been taxingyou will have been taxing
he/she/it will have been taxingthey will have been taxing
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would taxwe should/would tax
you would taxyou would tax
he/she/it would taxthey would tax
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be taxingwe should/would be taxing
you would be taxingyou would be taxing
he/she/it would be taxingthey would be taxing
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have taxedwe should/would have taxed
you would have taxedyou would have taxed
he/she/it would have taxedthey would have taxed
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been taxingwe should/would have been taxing
you would have been taxingyou would have been taxing
he/she/it would have been taxingthey would have been taxing
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am taxedwe are taxed
you are taxedyou are taxed
he/she/it is taxedthey are taxed
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being taxedwe are being taxed
you are being taxedyou are being taxed
he/she/it is being taxedthey are being taxed
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been taxedwe have been taxed
you have been taxedyou have been taxed
he/she/it has been taxedthey have been taxed
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was taxedwe were taxed
you were taxedyou were taxed
he/she/it was taxedthey were taxed
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being taxedwe were being taxed
you were being taxedyou were being taxed
he/she/it was being taxedthey were being taxed
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been taxedwe had been taxed
you had been taxedyou had been taxed
he/she/it had been taxedthey had been taxed
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be taxedwe shall/will be taxed
you will be taxedyou will be taxed
he/she/it will be taxedthey will be taxed
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been taxedwe shall/will have been taxed
you will have been taxedyou will have been taxed
he/she/it will have been taxedthey will have been taxed