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без примеровНайдено в 1 словаре

Машиностроение и автоматизация производства
  • Словарь содержит термины по различным видам металлообработки, машиностроительным материалам, металловедению, деталям машин. В словарь включена также терминология по станкам с ЧПУ и по ГАП, по металлорежущим станкам, по технологии обработки на станках, резанию металлов и режущим инструментам, автоматизированному оборудованию, робототехнике и другим областям.
  • Словарь предназначен для научно-технических работников, аспирантов и преподавателей машиностроительных вузов, а также для переводчиков технической литературы.
  • 110 тыс. слов и словосочетаний.



Примеры из текстов

A long fast must be supervised by an expert because only they can best determine when a fast should be broken.
Длительное голодание должно проводиться под наблюдением специалиста, потому что он может лучше определить тот момент, когда лучше прервать голодание.
Bragg, Paul C.,Bragg, Patricia / The Miracle Of FastingБрэгг, Поль / Чудо голодания
Чудо голодания
Брэгг, Поль
© Издательство "Наука", 1990 г.
The Miracle Of Fasting
Bragg, Paul C.,Bragg, Patricia
© by Health Science
A little way off some servants, supervised by a monk, were working by a little lock gate in the stream, and I saw the water level in the pond had already fallen.
Немного поодаль несколько послушников под присмотром какого-то монаха трудились возле запруды на ручье, и я заметил, что уровень воды в пруду уже снизился.
Sansom, Christopher John / DissolutionСэнсом, Кристофер Джон / Горбун лорда Кромвеля
Горбун лорда Кромвеля
Сэнсом, Кристофер Джон
Sansom, Christopher John
© C.J. Sansom, 2003
It'll have to be supervised."
Под наблюдением, конечно.
Robb, J.D. / Immortal in DeathРобертс, Нора / Яд бессмертия
Яд бессмертия
Робертс, Нора
© 1996 by Nora Roberts
© Издание на русском языке ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2009
© Перевод. А. Кабалкин, 2001
Immortal in Death
Robb, J.D.
© 1996 by Nora Roberts
I've known her most of my life, and I can tell you she would have supervised everything, including the hanging of each and every picture in the gallery."
Я знаю её большую часть своей жизни и могу сказать, что она взяла бы под контроль всё, включая развешивание картин.
King, Stephen / Duma KeyКинг, Стивен / Дьюма-Ки
Кинг, Стивен
© Перевод В.А. Вебер, 2008
© ООО Издательство "АСТ МОСКВА", 2009
© Stephen King, 2008
Duma Key
King, Stephen
© 2008 by Stephen King
National banks would continue to be supervised by national FSAs, and consumer protection would also remain subject to national supervision.
Национальные банки останутся под контролем национальных органов финансового контроля, и защита потребителей также останется под национальным контролем.
© Project Syndicate 1995 – 2011
© Project Syndicate 1995 – 2011
The appropriate legislation is supervised by the Ministry of the Interior, the Police, the Frontier Guard and the Customs.
Контроль за соответствующим законодательством осуществляется министерством внутренних дел, органами полиции, пограничной охраной и таможенной службой.
© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год
© United Nations 2010
Back on the cabin porch Cordelia supervised hand and face washing over a dented metal basin.
Вернувшись на крыльцо, Корделия проследила, чтобы он вымыл руки и лицо над помятым металлическим тазиком.
Bujold, Lois McMaster / BarrayarБуджолд, Лоис Макмастер / Барраяр
Буджолд, Лоис Макмастер
© 1991 by Lois McMaster Bujold
© перевод Т.Л. Черезовой, 1996
Bujold, Lois McMaster
© 1991 by Lois McMaster Bujold
"I'm an outcast, remember?—a criminal who's going to be spending the next several years in confinement and supervised service programs.
– Я ведь изгой, вы не забыли? Я преступник, которому предстоит провести следующие несколько лет в исправительно‑карательных учреждениях.
Zahn, Timothy / A Coming Of AgeЗан, Тимоти / Планета по имени Тигрис
Планета по имени Тигрис
Зан, Тимоти
© 1985 by Timothy Zahn
© Перевод. И. Рассохин, В. Иванов, 2006
© Издание на русском языке ООО «Издательство «Эксмо», 2007
A Coming Of Age
Zahn, Timothy
© 1985 by Timothy Zahn
Member of the Philippine Center Management Board: supervised and managed administration and budget of Philippine Government properties and the Philippine Center in New York1994-2001
Член Совета управляющих Филиппинского центра: курировал и контролировал управление имуществом и исполнение бюджетов объектов, принадлежащих филиппинскому правительству, и Филиппинского центра в Нью-Йорке, 1994 - 2001 годы.
© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год
© United Nations 2010
Upon arrival, the inspectors supervised the destruction of three missiles and one launcher, as well as 12 warheads and six propellant tanks.
По прибытии на объект инспекторы осуществили наблюдение за уничтожением 3 ракет и 1 пусковой установки, а также 12 боеголовок и 6 емкостей с эрголем.
© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год
© United Nations 2010
A locally sourced workforce may also be supervised by the Tier 2 provider in larger oil spills.
При более крупных нефтяных разливах провайдеры 2-го уровня могут привлекать местную рабочую силу под своим контролем.
© Copyright 2012 IPIECA
© Copyright 2012 IPIECA
On-line access to relevant information on staff supervised.
Интерактивный доступ к соответствующей информации о подчиненных.
© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год
© United Nations 2010
For example, because applets under JDK 1.0 were so closely supervised, they couldn't do much good on a corporate intranet, even though relatively little risk attaches to executing an applet from your company's secure intranet.
В пакете JDK 1.0 аплеты очень строго контролируются, поэтому не могут широко использоваться в корпоративной сети, хотя могут вполне безопасно выполняться в защищенной корпоративной сети компании.
Horstmann, Cay S.,Cornell, Gary / Core Java™ 2. Volume II - Advanced FeaturesХорстманн, Кей С.,Корнелл, Гари / Java 2. Том II. Тонкости программирования
Java 2. Том II. Тонкости программирования
Хорстманн, Кей С.,Корнелл, Гари
© Издательский дом "Вильямc", 2002
© Prentice Hall, Inc., 2002
Core Java™ 2. Volume II - Advanced Features
Horstmann, Cay S.,Cornell, Gary
© 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
The Fleet Operations Unit would be supervised by a P-3 officer, and supported by a total of 70 staff (6 Field Service, 9 United Nations Volunteers, 55 national staff).
Группу эксплуатации автопарка будет возглавлять сотрудник С-3, которому будут помогать в общей сложности 70 сотрудников (6 сотрудников категории полевой службы, 9 добровольцев Организации Объединенных Наций, 55 национальных сотрудников).
© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год
© United Nations 2010
The internal control system of the NBKR is part of the process supervised by top management in the person of the Chairman and the Board of the NBKR, chiefs of departments and by anyone of the staff members.
Система внутреннего контроля НБКР является частью процесса, которая управляется высшим руководством в лице Председателя и Правления НБКР, начальниками структурных подразделений и осуществляется каждым, отдельно взятым, сотрудником.
© Национальный банк Кыргызской Республики, 2008 год

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supervised probation
надзираемая пробация
supervised training algorithm
управляемый алгоритм обучения
supervised release
освобождение под надзор
supervised articles
специально контролируемые товары
man-supervised robot
робот с супервизорным управлением
supervised area
наблюдаемая зона
supervised operation
работа в режиме супервизорного управления
construction supervising authority
строительный надзор/контроль
supervise unpacking
наблюдать за распаковкой
supervising authority
контрольный орган
supervising authority in metrology
орган метрологического надзора
supervising court
наблюдательный суд
supervising nurse
старшая медсестра
supervising officer
supervising officer
надзирающее должностное лицо

Формы слова


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)supervising
Past Participle (Participle II)supervised
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I supervisewe supervise
you superviseyou supervise
he/she/it supervisesthey supervise
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am supervisingwe are supervising
you are supervisingyou are supervising
he/she/it is supervisingthey are supervising
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have supervisedwe have supervised
you have supervisedyou have supervised
he/she/it has supervisedthey have supervised
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been supervisingwe have been supervising
you have been supervisingyou have been supervising
he/she/it has been supervisingthey have been supervising
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I supervisedwe supervised
you supervisedyou supervised
he/she/it supervisedthey supervised
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was supervisingwe were supervising
you were supervisingyou were supervising
he/she/it was supervisingthey were supervising
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had supervisedwe had supervised
you had supervisedyou had supervised
he/she/it had supervisedthey had supervised
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been supervisingwe had been supervising
you had been supervisingyou had been supervising
he/she/it had been supervisingthey had been supervising
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will supervisewe shall/will supervise
you will superviseyou will supervise
he/she/it will supervisethey will supervise
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be supervisingwe shall/will be supervising
you will be supervisingyou will be supervising
he/she/it will be supervisingthey will be supervising
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have supervisedwe shall/will have supervised
you will have supervisedyou will have supervised
he/she/it will have supervisedthey will have supervised
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been supervisingwe shall/will have been supervising
you will have been supervisingyou will have been supervising
he/she/it will have been supervisingthey will have been supervising
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would supervisewe should/would supervise
you would superviseyou would supervise
he/she/it would supervisethey would supervise
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be supervisingwe should/would be supervising
you would be supervisingyou would be supervising
he/she/it would be supervisingthey would be supervising
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have supervisedwe should/would have supervised
you would have supervisedyou would have supervised
he/she/it would have supervisedthey would have supervised
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been supervisingwe should/would have been supervising
you would have been supervisingyou would have been supervising
he/she/it would have been supervisingthey would have been supervising
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am supervisedwe are supervised
you are supervisedyou are supervised
he/she/it is supervisedthey are supervised
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being supervisedwe are being supervised
you are being supervisedyou are being supervised
he/she/it is being supervisedthey are being supervised
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been supervisedwe have been supervised
you have been supervisedyou have been supervised
he/she/it has been supervisedthey have been supervised
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was supervisedwe were supervised
you were supervisedyou were supervised
he/she/it was supervisedthey were supervised
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being supervisedwe were being supervised
you were being supervisedyou were being supervised
he/she/it was being supervisedthey were being supervised
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been supervisedwe had been supervised
you had been supervisedyou had been supervised
he/she/it had been supervisedthey had been supervised
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be supervisedwe shall/will be supervised
you will be supervisedyou will be supervised
he/she/it will be supervisedthey will be supervised
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been supervisedwe shall/will have been supervised
you will have been supervisedyou will have been supervised
he/she/it will have been supervisedthey will have been supervised