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  1. отмеченный кружком

  2. в форме кольца; кольцевидный

    1. с кольцом, в кольцах

    2. обручённый (с кем-л.); женатый; замужняя

Biology (En-Ru)


  1. кольчатый; кольцевидный

  2. окольцованный

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Примеры из текстов

The car slowed up at the entrance to a great estate, ringed around by a huge hedge and a tall iron fence.
Автомобиль замедлил ход у въезда в обширное владение, обсаженное густой изгородью и обнесенное высокой железной оградой.
Fitzgerald, Francis Scott Key / This Side of ParadiseФицджеральд, Фрэнсис Скотт Кей / По эту сторону рая
По эту сторону рая
Фицджеральд, Фрэнсис Скотт Кей
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1977
This Side of Paradise
Fitzgerald, Francis Scott Key
© 2000 by Literary Classics of the United States, Inc., New York, N.Y.
The red-clad man glanced at the woman, then drummed the ringed fingers of one hand on the desk.
Человек в красном глянул на женщину, затем забарабанил унизанными перстнями пальцами по столу.
Watt-Evans, Lawrence / With a Single SpellУотт-Эванс, Лоуренс / С единственным заклинанием
С единственным заклинанием
Уотт-Эванс, Лоуренс
With a Single Spell
Watt-Evans, Lawrence
© 1987 by Lawrence Watt Evans
For that we need a suitable category of spaces with sheaves of rings on them. The appropriate notion is the category of locally ringed spaces.
Для этого понадобится подходящая категория пространств с пучками колец на них, а именно категория локально окольцованных пространств.
Hartshorne, Robin / Algebraic GeometryХартсхорн, Р. / Алгебраическая Геометрия
Алгебраическая Геометрия
Хартсхорн, Р.
© Перевод на русский язык, «Мир», 1981
Algebraic Geometry
Hartshorne, Robin
© 1977 Springer-Verlag New York Inc.
Stretched upward along the broader paths from where the main encampment ringed the battlements of the fortress, the Gnomes gave little attention to the smaller trails and ledges that crisscrossed the cliff face.
Те следили лишь за широкими спусками к лагерю и почти не обращали внимания на узкие тропы, оплетающие поверхность скалы.
Brooks, Terry / The Wishsong of ShannaraБрукс, Терри / Песнь Шаннары
Песнь Шаннары
Брукс, Терри
The Wishsong of Shannara
Brooks, Terry
© 1985 by Terrence D. Brooks
"It isn't your turn to deal," said the adjutant sternly, and with his white ringed hand he began to deal himself, as though he wished to get rid of the cards as quickly as possible.
- Не тебе мешать, - строго сказал адъютант и стал своей белой, с перстнем, рукой сдавать карты, так, как будто он только хотел поскорее избавиться от них.
Tolstoy, Leo / Hadji MuradТолстой, Л.Н. / Хаджи-Мурат
Толстой, Л.Н.
Hadji Murad
Tolstoy, Leo
His eyes were red-ringed from cold, the horror he had been through, vodka and fury.
Глаза его в красных кольцах – стужа, пережитый страх, водка, злоба.
Bulgakov, Michail / The White GuardБулгаков, Михаил / Белая гвардия
Белая гвардия
Булгаков, Михаил
© Мурманское книжное издательство, 1990
The White Guard
Bulgakov, Michail
© 1971 by McGraw-Hill Book Company
He looks down and sees Oy looking up at him with his anxious, intelligent, gold-ringed eyes.
Он опускает голову и видит Ыша, который смотрит на него обеспокоенными, умными, с золотыми ободками глазками.
King, Stephen / Wizard and GlassКинг, Стивен / Колдун и Кристалл
Колдун и Кристалл
Кинг, Стивен
© Stephen King, 1997
© Перевод, В.А. Вебер, 1998
© ООО "Издательство АСТ", 2003
Wizard and Glass
King, Stephen
© Stephen King, 1997, 2003
Stars and comets, ringed planets and crescent moons.
Звезды и кометы, планеты с кольцами и неполные луны.
King, Stephen / The Dark tower 7: The Dark TowerКинг, Стивен / Темная башня 7: Темная башня
Темная башня 7: Темная башня
Кинг, Стивен
© Stephen King, 2004
© Перевод. В.А.Вебер, 2005
© ООО "Издательство АСТ", 2005
The Dark tower 7: The Dark Tower
King, Stephen
© 2004 by Stephen King
Disturbance and short-range avoidance movements in common dolphins, killer whales and largha, ringed, bearded and Northern fur seal
Возникновение беспокойства и перемещение на небольшое расстояние дня уклонения обыкновенных дельфинов, касаток и ларги, кольчатой нерпы, лахтака и котиков
© «Сахалин Энерджи» 2006
© Sakhalin Energy 2006
They had ringed the clearing, hundreds-perhaps thousands-of them, bodies scrunched together within the shadows cast by the trees, eyes bright with expectation as they gleamed catlike in the darkness.
Они окружали поляну сотнями — может быть, даже тысячами — ползая в тени деревьев, сверкая глазами в ожидании, словно кошки в темноте.
Brooks, Terry / Running with the demonБрукс, Терри / Бегущая с демоном
Бегущая с демоном
Брукс, Терри
Running with the demon
Brooks, Terry
© 1997 by Terry Brooks
Statement of the proposition would be false, if in the definition of a morphism of locally ringed spaces, we did not insist that the induced maps on the stalks be local homomorphisms of local rings
Утверждение не было бы верным если бы в определении морфизма локально окольцованных пространств мы не потребовали, чтобы индуцированные отображения слоев были локальными гомоморфизмами локальных колец
Hartshorne, Robin / Algebraic GeometryХартсхорн, Р. / Алгебраическая Геометрия
Алгебраическая Геометрия
Хартсхорн, Р.
© Перевод на русский язык, «Мир», 1981
Algebraic Geometry
Hartshorne, Robin
© 1977 Springer-Verlag New York Inc.
But when, as in the case of Nicholas the Czar, the ringed crown of geographical empire encircles an imperial brain; then, the plebeian herds crouch abased before the tremendous centralization.
Когда же, как это было с царем Николаем, круглая корона мировой империи заключает в себе императорский мозг, тогда плебейская толпа никнет, подавленная грандиозным единовластием.
Melville, Herman / Moby Dick Or The WhaleМелвилл, Герман / Моби Дик, или Белый Кит
Моби Дик, или Белый Кит
Мелвилл, Герман
© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1981
Moby Dick Or The Whale
Melville, Herman
© Northwestern University Press and The Newberry Library, 1988
In the center stood a longbarrow, ringed with stones to form the outline of a ship.
Посреди равнины возвышался курган, выложенный по кромке камнями, которые составляли изображение корабля.
Boyer, Elizabeth / Elves And The OtterskinБойер, Элизабет / Ученик ведьмы
Ученик ведьмы
Бойер, Элизабет
Elves And The Otterskin
Boyer, Elizabeth
All four angels, plus Vincent, ringed the room.
И увидела всех четверых ангелов и Винсента, стоявших вокруг кольцом.
Mead, Richelle / Succubus DreamsМид, Райчел / Сны суккуба
Сны суккуба
Мид, Райчел
© И. Шаргородская, перевод на русский язык, 2010
© Издание на русском языке, ООО "Издательство"Эксмо", 2010
© 2008 by Richelle Mead
Succubus Dreams
Mead, Richelle
© 2008 by Richelle Mead
Light still struck through tall windows set above a gallery that ringed the great dome, high up above the floor.
Свет пробивался сквозь высокие окна над галереей, окружавшей высокий купол.
Brackett, Leigh / The Secret of SinharatБрэкетт, Ли / Тайна Синхарата
Тайна Синхарата
Брэкетт, Ли
The Secret of Sinharat
Brackett, Leigh

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rɪŋdПрилагательноеотмеченный кружком

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locally ringed space
локально окольцованное пространство
ringed arm
крыло с кругом
ringed cone
кольцевой конус
ringed network
кольцевая электросеть
ringed space
окольцованное пространство
ringed structure
кольцевая структура
ringed temple
кольцевая шпарутка
ringed bull's-eye target
мишень с кругами
ringed plover
coarse-ringed timber
широкослойная древесина
abdominal ring
паховое кольцо
abortus Bang ring test
реакция агглютинации с молоком коров на бруцеллез

Формы слова


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)ringing
Past Participle (Participle II)ringed
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I ringwe ring
you ringyou ring
he/she/it ringsthey ring
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am ringingwe are ringing
you are ringingyou are ringing
he/she/it is ringingthey are ringing
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have ringedwe have ringed
you have ringedyou have ringed
he/she/it has ringedthey have ringed
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been ringingwe have been ringing
you have been ringingyou have been ringing
he/she/it has been ringingthey have been ringing
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I ringedwe ringed
you ringedyou ringed
he/she/it ringedthey ringed
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was ringingwe were ringing
you were ringingyou were ringing
he/she/it was ringingthey were ringing
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had ringedwe had ringed
you had ringedyou had ringed
he/she/it had ringedthey had ringed
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been ringingwe had been ringing
you had been ringingyou had been ringing
he/she/it had been ringingthey had been ringing
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will ringwe shall/will ring
you will ringyou will ring
he/she/it will ringthey will ring
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be ringingwe shall/will be ringing
you will be ringingyou will be ringing
he/she/it will be ringingthey will be ringing
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have ringedwe shall/will have ringed
you will have ringedyou will have ringed
he/she/it will have ringedthey will have ringed
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been ringingwe shall/will have been ringing
you will have been ringingyou will have been ringing
he/she/it will have been ringingthey will have been ringing
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would ringwe should/would ring
you would ringyou would ring
he/she/it would ringthey would ring
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be ringingwe should/would be ringing
you would be ringingyou would be ringing
he/she/it would be ringingthey would be ringing
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have ringedwe should/would have ringed
you would have ringedyou would have ringed
he/she/it would have ringedthey would have ringed
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been ringingwe should/would have been ringing
you would have been ringingyou would have been ringing
he/she/it would have been ringingthey would have been ringing
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am ringedwe are ringed
you are ringedyou are ringed
he/she/it is ringedthey are ringed
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being ringedwe are being ringed
you are being ringedyou are being ringed
he/she/it is being ringedthey are being ringed
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been ringedwe have been ringed
you have been ringedyou have been ringed
he/she/it has been ringedthey have been ringed
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was ringedwe were ringed
you were ringedyou were ringed
he/she/it was ringedthey were ringed
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being ringedwe were being ringed
you were being ringedyou were being ringed
he/she/it was being ringedthey were being ringed
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been ringedwe had been ringed
you had been ringedyou had been ringed
he/she/it had been ringedthey had been ringed
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be ringedwe shall/will be ringed
you will be ringedyou will be ringed
he/she/it will be ringedthey will be ringed
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been ringedwe shall/will have been ringed
you will have been ringedyou will have been ringed
he/she/it will have been ringedthey will have been ringed