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без примеровНайдено в 6 словарях

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[rɪ'piːt] брит. / амер.

  1. гл.

    1. повторять

    2. (repeat oneself)

      1. повторяться, случаться вновь

      2. повторяться, говорить то же самое вновь

    3. повторять вслух по памяти, рассказывать наизусть

    4. амер.

      незаконно голосовать на выборах несколько раз

    5. вызывать отрыжку (о пище)

  2. сущ.

    1. повторение; то, что повторяется

      1. исполнение на бис

      2. повторение радиопрограммы, телепередачи

    2. муз.

      1. реприза (повторное исполнение какого-л. отрывка музыкального произведения)

      2. знак репризы

    3. амер.; студ. студент-второгодник

Law (En-Ru)



незаконно голосовать несколько раз

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тематические словари

Примеры из текстов

These states have greater problems with franchisee free riding, making them less popular in industries with fewer repeat customers.
Штаты, на территории которых действует подобное законодательство, менее популярны в отраслях с меньшим количеством постоянных покупателей.
Shane, Scott A. / From Ice Cream to the Internet: Using Franchising to Drive the Growth and Profits of Your CompanyШейн, Скотт А. / От мороженого к Интернету. Франчайзинг как инструмент развития и повышения прибыльности вашей компании
От мороженого к Интернету. Франчайзинг как инструмент развития и повышения прибыльности вашей компании
Шейн, Скотт А.
© Баланс Бизнес Букс, 2006
© перевод О. Теплых
© 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc.
From Ice Cream to the Internet: Using Franchising to Drive the Growth and Profits of Your Company
Shane, Scott A.
© 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc.
“No one who hears will repeat them.”
Тот, кто их услыхал, никогда их не разбалтывает.
Card, Orson Scott / XenocideКард, Орсон Скот / Ксеноцид
Кард, Орсон Скот
© copyright 1991 by Orson Scott Card
© Copyright перевод с английского Владимир Марченко
© ООО "Издательство АСТ", 2000
Card, Orson Scott
© copyright 1991 by Orson Scott Card
But, I repeat, of late I had detected in him something like a resentful sneer.
Но, повторяю, в последние дни в нем явилось что-то злобно оскаливающееся.
Dostoevsky, Fyodor / A Raw YouthДостоевский, Фёдор / Подросток
Достоевский, Фёдор
© Издательство "Советская Россия", 1979
A Raw Youth
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
He had to have her repeat the name, even to spell it, before he understood.
Он заставил ее несколько раз повторить по буквам, прежде чем его усвоил.
Mann, Thomas / The Magic MountainМанн, Томас / Волшебная гора
Волшебная гора
Манн, Томас
© 1924, S.Fischer Verlag AG, Berlin
© Перевод. В. Станевич, наследники, 2009
© Перевод. В. Курелла, наследники, 2009
© ООО Издательство "АСТ МОСКВА", 2009
The Magic Mountain
Mann, Thomas
© 1995 by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
Both were details that Billy had used in his previous two books. That had surprised the Gaffer some, for Billy hadn't been one to repeat himself, but the story itself had been a new one, and a good one.
И то и другое уже встречалось в предыдущих работах Данторна, что казалось довольно странным, поскольку Билли ненавидел повторения.
De Lint, Charles / The Little CountryДе Линт, Чарльз / Маленькая страна
Маленькая страна
Де Линт, Чарльз
The Little Country
De Lint, Charles
© 1991 by Charles de Lint
"I repeat," he said, "the only reason I haven't killed you is that I need you for to-morrow, remember that, don't forget it!"
-- Повторяю тебе, если не убил тебя, то единственно потому что ты мне на завтра нужен, помни это, не забывай!
Dostoevsky, Fyodor / The brothers KaramazovДостоевский, Фёдор / Братья Карамазовы
Братья Карамазовы
Достоевский, Фёдор
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1988
The brothers Karamazov
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
But still you have interrupted me; one way or another, I repeat again: there would never have been any unpleasantness except for what happened in the garden.
Но все-таки вы меня перебили; так или этак, подтверждаю опять: никаких неприятностей не было бы, если бы не случай в саду.
Dostoevsky, Fyodor / Crime and PunishmentДостоевский, Фёдор / Преступление и наказание
Преступление и наказание
Достоевский, Фёдор
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1970
Crime and Punishment
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
© 2009 Rhodes Media
For the last time I repeat, it wasn't I killed him! I was erring, but I loved what is good.
В последний раз повторяю: "Не я убил! Беспутен был, но добро любил.
Dostoevsky, Fyodor / The brothers KaramazovДостоевский, Фёдор / Братья Карамазовы
Братья Карамазовы
Достоевский, Фёдор
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1988
The brothers Karamazov
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
I didn't think it was my business to repeat what my neighbour at dinner had told me of the shanty Irishman and the Swedish waitress who were Gray's grandfather and grandmother.
Я не счел нужным повторять то, что услышал за обедом от своей соседки про бедняка-ирландца и шведку-официантку – деда и бабку Грэя.
Maugham, William Somerset / The Razor's EdgeМоэм, Уильям Сомерсет / Острие бритвы
Острие бритвы
Моэм, Уильям Сомерсет
© Перевод. М. Лорие 2010
© ООО Издательство "АСТ МОСКВА", 2010
The Razor's Edge
Maugham, William Somerset
© 1943, 1944 by McCallllCorporation
© 1944 by W. Somerset Maugham
© renewed 1971, 1972 by Elizabeth Mary Lady Glendevon
I'll simply repeat what I have said above. He entered upon this path only because, at that time, it alone struck his imagination and presented itself to him as offering an ideal means of escape for his soul from darkness to light.
Просто повторю, что сказал уже выше: вступил он на эту дорогу потому только, что в то время она одна поразила его и представила ему разом весь идеал исхода рвавшейся из мрака к свету души его.
Dostoevsky, Fyodor / The brothers KaramazovДостоевский, Фёдор / Братья Карамазовы
Братья Карамазовы
Достоевский, Фёдор
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1988
The brothers Karamazov
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
If ECX is initialized to zero before beginning a loop, how many times will the LOOP instruction repeat? (Assume that ECX is not modified by any other instructions inside the loop.)
Предположим, что перед началом выполнения цикла вы обнулили регистр ЕСХ. Сколько раз при этом будет выполняться команда LOOP, если значение регистра ЕСХ не меняется внутри цикла?
Irvine, Kip R. / Assembly Language for Intel-Based ComputersИрвин, Кип Р. / Язык ассемблера для процессоров Intel
Язык ассемблера для процессоров Intel
Ирвин, Кип Р.
© Издательский дом "Вильямс", 2005
© Pearson Education, Inc., 2003, 1999
Assembly Language for Intel-Based Computers
Irvine, Kip R.
© Pearson Education, Inc., 2003, 1999
Don't be angry, dear, but, I repeat, one can't tell things about a woman to a third person; no confidant will understand.
Не сердитесь, голубчик, но об женщине, я повторяю это, - об женщине нельзя сообщать третьему лицу; конфидент не поймет.
Dostoevsky, Fyodor / A Raw YouthДостоевский, Фёдор / Подросток
Достоевский, Фёдор
© Издательство "Советская Россия", 1979
A Raw Youth
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
It was all inconsistent and confused; I felt that I had done something, though not in the right way, and I was satisfied: I repeat, I was awfully pleased anyway.
Всё это было беспорядочно; я чувствовал, что что-то сделал, да не так, и - и был доволен; повторяю, все-таки был чему-то рад.
Достоевский, Фёдор / ПодростокDostoevsky, Fyodor / A Raw Youth
A Raw Youth
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
Достоевский, Фёдор
© Издательство "Советская Россия", 1979
I will repeat, though, what I said to you earlier.
Я повторю то, что я вам уже ранее говорил.
DeChancie, John / Paradox AlleyДе Ченси, Джон / Дорогой парадокса
Дорогой парадокса
Де Ченси, Джон
Paradox Alley
DeChancie, John
© 1987 by John DeChancie
Now will Arkham please repeat description?"
А теперь вы, на “Аркхеме”, повторите дословно описание найденных особей”.
Lovecraft, Howard / At the Mountains of MadnessЛавкрафт, Говард / Хребты безумия
Хребты безумия
Лавкрафт, Говард
© Е. Бернацкая, перевод, 2010
© ООО "Издательская группа "Азбука-Аттикус", 2010
At the Mountains of Madness
Lovecraft, Howard
© 1964 by August Derleth, renewed 1992
© 1936 Arkham House Publishers, Inc.

Добавить в мой словарь


Don't repeat this to anyone. — Никому этого не рассказывай.
The curtains repeat the wallpaper pattern. — Узор на занавесках повторяет узор на обоях.
They will repeat the program tomorrow. — Завтра будет повторный показ этой передачи.
He had to repeat third grade. — Ему пришлось остаться в третьем классе на второй год.

Переводы пользователей

Часть речи не указана

  1. 1.


    Перевод добавил Tatiana Melihova
    Золото en-ru
  2. 2.


    Перевод добавила Власта Московко
  3. 3.


    Перевод добавил Grigory Fichtengoltz
  4. 4.


    Перевод добавил Uriy5158@mail.ru


and repeat
и обратно
antenna repeat dial
лимб антенны
automatic-repeat request
автоматический запрос на повторение
cycle-repeat timer
время-импульсный датчик
cycle-repeat timer
датчик периодических импульсов
inverted repeat
инвертированный повтор
load repeat counter instruction
команда загрузки счетчика повторений
preemptive-repeat discipline
дисциплина с продолжением прерванного обслуживания
progressive and repeat impact tester
машина для испытаний при возрастающей и повторной ударной нагрузке
repeat advertisement
повторяющееся рекламное объявление
repeat advertising
многократная реклама
repeat advertising
повторяющаяся реклама
repeat audience
повторная аудитория

Формы слова


Common caserepeatrepeats
Possessive caserepeat'srepeats'


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)repeating
Past Participle (Participle II)repeated
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I repeatwe repeat
you repeatyou repeat
he/she/it repeatsthey repeat
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am repeatingwe are repeating
you are repeatingyou are repeating
he/she/it is repeatingthey are repeating
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have repeatedwe have repeated
you have repeatedyou have repeated
he/she/it has repeatedthey have repeated
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been repeatingwe have been repeating
you have been repeatingyou have been repeating
he/she/it has been repeatingthey have been repeating
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I repeatedwe repeated
you repeatedyou repeated
he/she/it repeatedthey repeated
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was repeatingwe were repeating
you were repeatingyou were repeating
he/she/it was repeatingthey were repeating
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had repeatedwe had repeated
you had repeatedyou had repeated
he/she/it had repeatedthey had repeated
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been repeatingwe had been repeating
you had been repeatingyou had been repeating
he/she/it had been repeatingthey had been repeating
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will repeatwe shall/will repeat
you will repeatyou will repeat
he/she/it will repeatthey will repeat
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be repeatingwe shall/will be repeating
you will be repeatingyou will be repeating
he/she/it will be repeatingthey will be repeating
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have repeatedwe shall/will have repeated
you will have repeatedyou will have repeated
he/she/it will have repeatedthey will have repeated
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been repeatingwe shall/will have been repeating
you will have been repeatingyou will have been repeating
he/she/it will have been repeatingthey will have been repeating
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would repeatwe should/would repeat
you would repeatyou would repeat
he/she/it would repeatthey would repeat
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be repeatingwe should/would be repeating
you would be repeatingyou would be repeating
he/she/it would be repeatingthey would be repeating
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have repeatedwe should/would have repeated
you would have repeatedyou would have repeated
he/she/it would have repeatedthey would have repeated
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been repeatingwe should/would have been repeating
you would have been repeatingyou would have been repeating
he/she/it would have been repeatingthey would have been repeating
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am repeatedwe are repeated
you are repeatedyou are repeated
he/she/it is repeatedthey are repeated
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being repeatedwe are being repeated
you are being repeatedyou are being repeated
he/she/it is being repeatedthey are being repeated
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been repeatedwe have been repeated
you have been repeatedyou have been repeated
he/she/it has been repeatedthey have been repeated
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was repeatedwe were repeated
you were repeatedyou were repeated
he/she/it was repeatedthey were repeated
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being repeatedwe were being repeated
you were being repeatedyou were being repeated
he/she/it was being repeatedthey were being repeated
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been repeatedwe had been repeated
you had been repeatedyou had been repeated
he/she/it had been repeatedthey had been repeated
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be repeatedwe shall/will be repeated
you will be repeatedyou will be repeated
he/she/it will be repeatedthey will be repeated
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been repeatedwe shall/will have been repeated
you will have been repeatedyou will have been repeated
he/she/it will have been repeatedthey will have been repeated