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Engineering (En-Ru)
возвратно-поступательное движение, качательное движение, переменно-возвратное движение || с возвратно-поступательным движением, с качательным движением, с переменно-возвратным движением
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Примеры из текстов
Mobile working jaw 4 is connected with the body 1 with the possibility of reciprocating movement, relative to the body, parallel to the fixed clamping jaw 3.Подвижная рабочая губка 4 связана с корпусом 1 с возможностью возвратно поступательного перемещения относительно него параллельно прижимной поверхности неподвижной губки 3.http://www.patentlens.net/ 10/31/2011http://www.patentlens.net/ 10/31/2011
The reciprocating engines most used for co-generation fall into two clearly distinct categories:Для когенерации электроэнергии и тепла наиболее часто используются двигатели внутреннего сгорания двух© 2010 OECD/IEAhttp://www.iea.org 15.12.2010© 2010 OECD/IEAhttp://www.iea.org 15.12.2010
The reciprocating motion drive is a carriage, which also accommodates guides for lowering and lifting the press embodied in the form of at least one elastic clamping element secured to the arm.Привод возвратно-поступательного движения представляет собой каретку, на которой размещены также направляющие для опускания и подъема пресса, выполненного в форме по крайней мере одного эластичного прижимного элемента, укрепленного на рычаге.http://www.patentlens.net/ 18.10.2011http://www.patentlens.net/ 18.10.2011
The profiled key slot 7 of the reciprocating ram 6 coincides with the keyhole 2 (FIG. 2).Профилированный ключевой паз 7 ползуна 6 совмещён с замочной скважиной 2 (фиг.2).http://www.patentlens.net/ 11/11/2011http://www.patentlens.net/ 11/11/2011
Of particular interest are 'subtle cheats' who appear to be reciprocating, but who consistently pay back slightly less than they receive.Особенно интересны "искусные мошенники", которые, по-видимому, также в свою очередь оказываются жертвой обмана, но которые неизменно получают чуть больше, чем отдают сами.Dawkins, Richard / The Selfish GeneДокинз, Ричард / Эгоистичный генЭгоистичный генДокинз, РичардThe Selfish GeneDawkins, Richard© Richard Dawkins 1989
Said device may as well include two containers located on the opposite sides of the working zone, the second container being connected to the same drive and capable of reciprocating vertical motion.Указанное устройство может включать два контейнера, размещенных по сторонам рабочей зоны, причем второй контейнер соединен с тем же гибким приводом и способен совершать возвратно-поступательные движения вверх-вниз.http://www.patentlens.net/ 17.10.2011http://www.patentlens.net/ 17.10.2011
If the cammed unit 35 is turned further, the overhang 8 of the ram 6 slides along the cylindrical surface of the unit 3 without influence upon the reciprocating ram.При дальнейшем повороте кулачкового блока 35 выступ 8 ползуна 6 скользит по цилиндрической поверхности блока 35, не воздействуя на ползун.http://www.patentlens.net/ 11/11/2011http://www.patentlens.net/ 11/11/2011
The fastener is connected to the reciprocating motion drive in a direction perpendicular to the working area.Крепление соединено с приводом возвратно-поступательного движения в направлении, перпендикулярном рабочей зоне.http://www.patentlens.net/ 18.10.2011http://www.patentlens.net/ 18.10.2011
The cam 38 is activated at the end. It recovers the start position of the reciprocating ram 6 in which the keyhole 2 gets open and fits together with the slot 7 of the ram 6.Последним срабатывает кулачок 38, возвращая ползун 6 в исходное положение в котором открывается замочная скважина 2, совмещаясь с пазом 7 ползуна 6.http://www.patentlens.net/ 11/11/2011http://www.patentlens.net/ 11/11/2011
Every full revolution of a cage 1 of wave generator will cause each ball 2 to successive move by one wave of reciprocating moving.При повороте обоймы 1 волнового генератора на один оборот, каждый шарик 2 последовательно совершит одну волну возвратно-поступательного перемещения.http://www.patentlens.net/ 1/4/2012http://www.patentlens.net/ 1/4/2012
That is why in the course of mixing the powders together one has to set the container in reciprocating motion with a definite amplitude inside the horizontal tube.Поэтому в процессе перемешивания порошков приходится осуществлять возвратно-поступательные перемещения контейнера в горизонтальной трубе с определенной амплитудой.http://www.patentlens.net/ 12.11.2011http://www.patentlens.net/ 12.11.2011
Having exhausted the inertial energy after 3-4 reciprocating vibrations (about 1-1.5 sec.) the target stalls in the initial position on bumping against the front shock absorber.Исчерпав за 3- 4 возвратно-поступательного колебания (порядка 1-1,5 сек) инерционную энергию, мишень успокаивается в исходном положении, упираясь в передний амортизатор.http://www.patentlens.net/ 11/1/2011http://www.patentlens.net/ 11/1/2011
Meanwhile, a length of the slot 35 corresponds to a travel value of the reciprocating movement of the rod-shaped electrode 5.Причем длина прорези 35 соответствует величине возвратно-поступательного перемещения стержневого электрода 5.http://www.patentlens.net/ 11/25/2011http://www.patentlens.net/ 11/25/2011
Pusher 6 is connected to drive 7, which enables it of reciprocating motion.Горизонтальной толкатель 6 соединен с приводом 7, придающим ему возвратно-поступательное движение.http://www.patentlens.net/ 17.10.2011http://www.patentlens.net/ 17.10.2011
However the reciprocating mechanism of the device provides ball's motion along a straight line while the hand moves arc-wise.Однако возвратно-поступательный механизм устройства обеспечивает движение мяча по прямой линии, в то время как кисть руки движется по дуге.http://www.patentlens.net/ 11/1/2011http://www.patentlens.net/ 11/1/2011
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air-operated reciprocating boning knife
пневматический нож с возвратно-поступательным движением лезвия для обвалки
reciprocating air conditioner
кондиционер с поршневым компрессором
reciprocating air conditioning
кондиционирование воздуха с использованием поршневого компрессора
reciprocating air-conditioning equipment
оборудование с поршневым насосом для кондиционирования воздуха
reciprocating blower
поршневая воздуходувка
reciprocating boarder
машина с реверсивным движением для термоотделки чулок на формах
reciprocating compression equipment
поршневое компрессионное оборудование
reciprocating compressor
поршневой компрессор
reciprocating cooler
охладитель с поршневым компрессором
reciprocating engine
поршневой двигатель
reciprocating expander
поршневой детандер
reciprocating feeder
качающийся фидер
reciprocating flight conveyor
скребковый конвейер с возвратно-поступательным движением цепи
reciprocating grid
подвижной растр
reciprocating impact wear tester
установка для определения износа при возвратно-поступательном ударном воздействии
Формы слова
Basic forms | |
Past | reciprocated |
Imperative | reciprocate |
Present Participle (Participle I) | reciprocating |
Past Participle (Participle II) | reciprocated |
Present Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I reciprocate | we reciprocate |
you reciprocate | you reciprocate |
he/she/it reciprocates | they reciprocate |
Present Continuous, Active Voice | |
I am reciprocating | we are reciprocating |
you are reciprocating | you are reciprocating |
he/she/it is reciprocating | they are reciprocating |
Present Perfect, Active Voice | |
I have reciprocated | we have reciprocated |
you have reciprocated | you have reciprocated |
he/she/it has reciprocated | they have reciprocated |
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I have been reciprocating | we have been reciprocating |
you have been reciprocating | you have been reciprocating |
he/she/it has been reciprocating | they have been reciprocating |
Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I reciprocated | we reciprocated |
you reciprocated | you reciprocated |
he/she/it reciprocated | they reciprocated |
Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I was reciprocating | we were reciprocating |
you were reciprocating | you were reciprocating |
he/she/it was reciprocating | they were reciprocating |
Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I had reciprocated | we had reciprocated |
you had reciprocated | you had reciprocated |
he/she/it had reciprocated | they had reciprocated |
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I had been reciprocating | we had been reciprocating |
you had been reciprocating | you had been reciprocating |
he/she/it had been reciprocating | they had been reciprocating |
Future Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I shall/will reciprocate | we shall/will reciprocate |
you will reciprocate | you will reciprocate |
he/she/it will reciprocate | they will reciprocate |
Future Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will be reciprocating | we shall/will be reciprocating |
you will be reciprocating | you will be reciprocating |
he/she/it will be reciprocating | they will be reciprocating |
Future Perfect, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have reciprocated | we shall/will have reciprocated |
you will have reciprocated | you will have reciprocated |
he/she/it will have reciprocated | they will have reciprocated |
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have been reciprocating | we shall/will have been reciprocating |
you will have been reciprocating | you will have been reciprocating |
he/she/it will have been reciprocating | they will have been reciprocating |
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I should/would reciprocate | we should/would reciprocate |
you would reciprocate | you would reciprocate |
he/she/it would reciprocate | they would reciprocate |
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would be reciprocating | we should/would be reciprocating |
you would be reciprocating | you would be reciprocating |
he/she/it would be reciprocating | they would be reciprocating |
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I should/would have reciprocated | we should/would have reciprocated |
you would have reciprocated | you would have reciprocated |
he/she/it would have reciprocated | they would have reciprocated |
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would have been reciprocating | we should/would have been reciprocating |
you would have been reciprocating | you would have been reciprocating |
he/she/it would have been reciprocating | they would have been reciprocating |
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I am reciprocated | we are reciprocated |
you are reciprocated | you are reciprocated |
he/she/it is reciprocated | they are reciprocated |
Present Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I am being reciprocated | we are being reciprocated |
you are being reciprocated | you are being reciprocated |
he/she/it is being reciprocated | they are being reciprocated |
Present Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I have been reciprocated | we have been reciprocated |
you have been reciprocated | you have been reciprocated |
he/she/it has been reciprocated | they have been reciprocated |
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I was reciprocated | we were reciprocated |
you were reciprocated | you were reciprocated |
he/she/it was reciprocated | they were reciprocated |
Past Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I was being reciprocated | we were being reciprocated |
you were being reciprocated | you were being reciprocated |
he/she/it was being reciprocated | they were being reciprocated |
Past Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I had been reciprocated | we had been reciprocated |
you had been reciprocated | you had been reciprocated |
he/she/it had been reciprocated | they had been reciprocated |
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will be reciprocated | we shall/will be reciprocated |
you will be reciprocated | you will be reciprocated |
he/she/it will be reciprocated | they will be reciprocated |
Future Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will have been reciprocated | we shall/will have been reciprocated |
you will have been reciprocated | you will have been reciprocated |
he/she/it will have been reciprocated | they will have been reciprocated |