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  1. обработка, переработка

  2. обработка (данных, информации)

Physics (En-Ru)



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Примеры из текстов

The output signal of photomultiplier 3 comprising information on the size of chlorophyll fluorescence through signal processor 4 is fed to data recording and processing device 6, in this particular case—a personal computer.
Выходной сигнал фотоумножителя 3, содержащий информацию о величине флуоресценции хлорофилла, через блок обработки сигнала 4 подают на устройство регистрации и обработки данных 6, в данном случае - персональный компьютер.
Oracle will spend more time processing the data in this structure, both while maintaining the index during modifications as well as when you search the index during a query.
Сервер Oracle будет тратить больше времени на обработку данных в этой структуре как при поддержке индекса в ходе изменения, так и при поиске в ходе выполнения запроса.
Kyte, Tom / Expert One-on-One OracleКайт, Том / Oracle для профессионалов
Oracle для профессионалов
Кайт, Том
© Перевод на русский язык. ООО «ДиаСофтЮП», 2003
© Wrox Press Ltd, 2002
Expert One-on-One Oracle
Kyte, Tom
© Wrox Press Ltd, 2002
The shortcomings of this method are, first,—the necessity of inactivation of tumor cells, second,—the fact that antigens on the tumor cell surface are hardly suitable for the phagocytosis and processing by antigen-presenting cells.
Недостатками указанного способа являются, во-первых, необходимость инактивации опухолевых клеток, во-вторых, антигены на поверхности опухолевых клеток плохо пригодны для фагоцитирования и процессинга антиген- представляющими клетками.
This technology has no world analogues, algorithms and the software of seismic data processing provides forecasting of cavernous fractured reservoir in pre-Jurassic geological formations.
Разработка не имеет мировых аналогов, алгоритмы и программное обеспечение сейсмической обработки информации обеспечивают прогнозирование трещинно-кавернозных коллекторов в доюрских геологических породах.
© eer.ru 2004 - 2008
The firm is in two businesses - food processing and auto repair.
Фирма функционирует в двух сферах бизнеса (пищевая промышленность и ремонт автомобилей).
Damodaran, Aswath / Investment Valuation: Tools and Techniques for Determining the Value of Any AssetДамодаран, Асват / Инвестиционная оценка. Инструменты и техника оценки любых активов
Инвестиционная оценка. Инструменты и техника оценки любых активов
Дамодаран, Асват
© Альпина Бизнес Букс, 2004, перевод, оформление
© 2002 by Aswath Damodaran
Investment Valuation: Tools and Techniques for Determining the Value of Any Asset
Damodaran, Aswath
© 2002 by Aswath Damodaran
The deployment view summarizes the system topology, communications, and mapping of executable elements to processing nodes—it is similar to the term system architecture.
Представление развертывания (deployment view) описывает топологию системы, типы взаимодействия компонентов и распределение выполняемых элементов системы между узлами. Это понятие аналогично термину "системная архитектура".
Larman, Craig / Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and the Unified ProcessЛарман, Крэг / Применение UML и шаблонов проектирования
Применение UML и шаблонов проектирования
Ларман, Крэг
© Издательский дом "Вильямс", 2002
© Craig Larman, 2002
Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and the Unified Process
Larman, Craig
© 2002 by Craig Larman
We are using JavaScript to limit the results on the client rather than requiring the processing to be done on the server like most of the type-ahead applications available online.
В отличие от большинства интерактивных приложений опережающего ввода мы не требуем обработки на сервере, а с помощью JavaScript ограничиваем результаты на стороне клиента.
Crane, Dave,Pascarello, Eric / Ajax in ActionКрейн, Дейв,Паскарелло, Эрик / Ajax в действии
Ajax в действии
Крейн, Дейв,Паскарелло, Эрик
© 2006 by Manning Publications Co.
© Издательский дом "Вильямс", 2006
Ajax in Action
Crane, Dave,Pascarello, Eric
© 2006 by Manning Publications Co.
For now, if you don't have a trusted system set up already, just put a note on a piece of paper—"W/F: reply from Bob"—and put that into a "Pending" stack of notes in a separate pile or tray that may result from your processing.
Если вы еще не создали надежную систему, поместите записку на листе бумаги — "Жду: ответа от Боба" — и положите его в стопку "Подвешенных" проблем, возникшую в ходе обработки информации и лежащую на отдельном подносе или лотке.
Allen, David / Getting Things DoneАллен, Дэвид,Далхаймер, Маттиас Калле / Как привести дела в порядок
Как привести дела в порядок
Аллен, Дэвид,Далхаймер, Маттиас Калле
© David Allen. 2001, 2003
© Издательский дом "Вильямс". 2007
Getting Things Done
Allen, David
© David Allen, 2001
The modulated component of the signal is decoded by decoder 11 and transmitted to charge-discharge controller 13 which in this case fulfils not only the aforementioned functions, but also the functions of processing and transmission of data commands.
Модулированная составляющая сигнала декодируется декодером 11 и передается контроллеру заряда-разряда 13, который в данном случае выполняет не только указанные выше функции, но и функции обработки и передачи информационных команд.
Another sequence of M+n time samples in each of the I and Q channels of the transmitting side is delayed by the first and second delay units 24,25, respectively, for the processing time in the respective Hilbert transform unit 22, 23.
Другая последовательность из M+n временных отсчётов в каждом из каналов I и Q передающей стороны задерживается, соответственно, первым или вторым блоком 24, 25 задержки на время обработки в соответствующем блоке 22, 23 преобразования Гильберта.
data on the statistical information processing incoming from the system elements and from the voting network elements in the course of voting preparation and implementation;
данных статистической обработки информации, поступающей от элементов системы и от элементов сети голосования в процессе подготовки и проведения голосования;
The mechanism for doing lower-priority processing is called a software interrupt.
Механизм для осуществления обработки с более низким приоритетом называется программным прерыванием.
McKusick, Marshall Kirk,Neville-Neil, George V. / The design and implementation of the FreeBSD operating systemМакКузик, Маршалл Кирк,Невилл-Нил, Джордж В. / FreeBSD: архитектура и реализация
FreeBSD: архитектура и реализация
МакКузик, Маршалл Кирк,Невилл-Нил, Джордж В.
© 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc.
© Перевод «ИД КУДИЦ-ОБРАЗ», 2006
The design and implementation of the FreeBSD operating system
McKusick, Marshall Kirk,Neville-Neil, George V.
© 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc.
subsequent recording and storing said information objects with a possibility of data processing by the cumulative total method;
последующую запись и накопление указанных объектов информации с возможностью обработки данных нарастающим итогом;
The signal processing block 9 contains amplifiers and detectors selecting signals at the modulation frequency and at direct current.
Блок обработки сигналов 9 содержит усилители и детекторы, выделяющие сигналы на частоте модуляции и на постоянном токе.
Specific operations and the way they are related to the caret position can vary and depend on the type of data being displayed and rules of processing of this data.
Конкретные операции и их связь с отображаемым положением каретки в общем случае могут быть различными и зависеть от типа отображаемых данных и принятых правил обработки команд.

Добавить в мой словарь

'prəusesɪŋСуществительноеобработка; переработкаПримеры

America sent cotton to England for processing. — Америка посылала хлопок в Англию для обработки.

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acid processing
кислотная обработка
adaptive processing
адаптивная обработка
administrative processing
обработка административных данных
administrative processing
обработка данных для административного управления
air-processing equipment
оборудование для обработки воздуха
array processing
векторная обработка
array processing
матричная обработка
array processing
обработка векторных данных
array processing
обработка данных по группам
array processing
обработка массивов
associative processing
ассоциативная обработка
attached processing
многомашинная обработка данных
attention-directed processing
обработка с фокусированием внимания
audio processing
обработка сигналов в полосе звуковых частот
audio processing unit
блок обработки звукового сигнала

Формы слова


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)processing
Past Participle (Participle II)processed
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I processwe process
you processyou process
he/she/it processesthey process
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am processingwe are processing
you are processingyou are processing
he/she/it is processingthey are processing
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have processedwe have processed
you have processedyou have processed
he/she/it has processedthey have processed
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been processingwe have been processing
you have been processingyou have been processing
he/she/it has been processingthey have been processing
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I processedwe processed
you processedyou processed
he/she/it processedthey processed
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was processingwe were processing
you were processingyou were processing
he/she/it was processingthey were processing
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had processedwe had processed
you had processedyou had processed
he/she/it had processedthey had processed
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been processingwe had been processing
you had been processingyou had been processing
he/she/it had been processingthey had been processing
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will processwe shall/will process
you will processyou will process
he/she/it will processthey will process
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be processingwe shall/will be processing
you will be processingyou will be processing
he/she/it will be processingthey will be processing
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have processedwe shall/will have processed
you will have processedyou will have processed
he/she/it will have processedthey will have processed
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been processingwe shall/will have been processing
you will have been processingyou will have been processing
he/she/it will have been processingthey will have been processing
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would processwe should/would process
you would processyou would process
he/she/it would processthey would process
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be processingwe should/would be processing
you would be processingyou would be processing
he/she/it would be processingthey would be processing
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have processedwe should/would have processed
you would have processedyou would have processed
he/she/it would have processedthey would have processed
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been processingwe should/would have been processing
you would have been processingyou would have been processing
he/she/it would have been processingthey would have been processing
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am processedwe are processed
you are processedyou are processed
he/she/it is processedthey are processed
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being processedwe are being processed
you are being processedyou are being processed
he/she/it is being processedthey are being processed
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been processedwe have been processed
you have been processedyou have been processed
he/she/it has been processedthey have been processed
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was processedwe were processed
you were processedyou were processed
he/she/it was processedthey were processed
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being processedwe were being processed
you were being processedyou were being processed
he/she/it was being processedthey were being processed
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been processedwe had been processed
you had been processedyou had been processed
he/she/it had been processedthey had been processed
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be processedwe shall/will be processed
you will be processedyou will be processed
he/she/it will be processedthey will be processed
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been processedwe shall/will have been processed
you will have been processedyou will have been processed
he/she/it will have been processedthey will have been processed


Common caseprocessing*processings
Possessive caseprocessing's*processings'