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новаторский, первопроходческий, пионерский

Примеры из текстов

Like every other worker in topos theory, I owe Bill Lawvere an overwhelming debt in general terms, for his pioneering insights; but I have also benefited at a more personal level from his ideas and conversation.
Как каждый, работающий в теории топосов, я чрезвычайно обязан Биллу Ловеру в общем плане за его проницательность первопроходца, но я также пользовался его идеями и беседами на более личном уровне.
Johnstone, P. T / Topos TheoryДжонстон, П. Т. / Теория топосов
Теория топосов
Джонстон, П. Т.
© Перевод на русский язык, дополнение. Издательство "Наука". Главная редакция физико-математической литературы, 1986
Topos Theory
Johnstone, P. T
Actually, Freud's great pioneering work increasingly converged on this concept—though his genetic approach did not allow him to arrive at its explicit formulation.
Фактически во всех отношениях выдающаяся пионерская работа Фрейда чрезвычайно близка к формулировке понятия структуры характера невротика, хотя его генетический подход не позволил ему точно его сформулировать.
Horney, Karen / Our Inner Conflicts: A Constructive Theory of NeurosisХорни, Карен / Наши внутренние конфликты. Конструктивная теория невроза
Наши внутренние конфликты. Конструктивная теория невроза
Хорни, Карен
Our Inner Conflicts: A Constructive Theory of Neurosis
Horney, Karen
© renewed 1972 by Renate Mintz, Marianne von Eckardt andHorney Swarzenski Brigitte
© 1945 by W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.
R. Daneel paused, then spoke on. “The thing called Medievalism shows a craving for pioneering.
Р. Дэниел умолк, а затем заговорил снова: – То движение, которое вы называете медиевизмом, есть ничто иное, как стремление к новому.
Asimov, Isaac / The Caves of SteelАзимов, Айзек / Стальные пещеры
Стальные пещеры
Азимов, Айзек
© Издательство «Детская литература», 1967
The Caves of Steel
Asimov, Isaac
© 1953,1954 by Isaac Asimov
James Fielding, MD, pioneering medical researcher, had been reduced to a statistic.
Джеймс Филдинг, доктор медицинских наук, выдающийся исследователь, стал всего лишь статистической единицей.
Wilson, Paul Francis / HostsВилсон, Пол Фрэнсис / Пожиратели сознания
Пожиратели сознания
Вилсон, Пол Фрэнсис
Wilson, Paul Francis
© 2001 by F. Paul Wilson
In earlier work through the Africa Project Development Facility, IFC also assisted a pioneering private airline in Tanzania, Precision Air.
Ранее, работая через APDF, МФК оказывала в Танзании помощь еще одной инновационной частной авиакомпании — Precision Air.
© 2010 IFC
© 2010 IFC
It builds on our pioneering work at the project level.
Он строится на нашей новаторской работе на уровне проектов.
© 2010 IFC
© 2010 IFC
The excitement of rapid growth and pioneering are replaced by the need to control costs, compete on price, market aggressively, and so on.
На смену энтузиазму быстрого роста и новаторства приходит необходимость контроля издержек, ценовой конкуренции, агрессивного маркетинга и т.п.
Porter, Michael E. / Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analysing Industries and CompetitorsПортер, Майкл Е. / Конкурентная стратегия: Методика анализа отраслей и конкурентов
Конкурентная стратегия: Методика анализа отраслей и конкурентов
Портер, Майкл Е.
© The Free Press, 1998
© Альпина Бизнес Букс, перевод, оформление, 2005.
Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analysing Industries and Competitors
Porter, Michael E.
© The Free Press, 1998
An IFC Social Sectors group seeks opportunities to work with pioneering companies in this area, especially in health and education.
Группа социального сектора МФК (IFC Social Sectors group) разрабатывает направления работы с инновационными компаниями этой сферы, особенно в области здравоохранения и образования.
© 2010 IFC
© 2010 IFC
This concisely written paper, one of the great pioneering achievements of modern mathematics, was so completely unorthodox in its approach to the subject that many people would have liked to ignore it.
Эта сжато написанная работа, представляющая собой один из величайших подвигов математической мысли в новейшую эпоху, была до такой степени неортодоксальной в трактовке вопроса, что многие предпочли попросту ее игнорировать.
Courant, Richard,Robbins, Herbert / What Is Mathematics? An Elementary Approach to Ideas and MethodsКурант, Р.,Роббинс, Г. / Что такое математика? Элементарный очерк идей и методов
Что такое математика? Элементарный очерк идей и методов
Курант, Р.,Роббинс, Г.
© МЦНМО, 2001
What Is Mathematics? An Elementary Approach to Ideas and Methods
Courant, Richard,Robbins, Herbert
© 1941 (renewed 1969) by Richard Courant
© 1996 by Oxford University Press, Inc.
Further, I may be justified in mentioning the efforts made by the 1997 Panel and 1999 Group of Governmental Experts on Small Arms, which carried out what may be called the pioneering work.
Кроме того, стоит, наверное, отметить усилия, предпринятые в 1997 и в 1999 годах Группой правительственных экспертов по стрелковому оружию, которая проделала, можно сказать, работу первопроходцев.
© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год
© United Nations 2010
Other pioneering discrete graphics chips for laptops, ATI's Mobility Radeon and Trident Microsystems' CyberBLADE XP, were introduced in early 2001.
Следующими дискретными решениями для портативных компьютеров стали адаптеры ATI Mobility Radeon и Trident Microsystems CyberBLADE XP, представленные в 2001 году.
Mueller, Scott / Upgrading and Repairing LaptopsМюллер, Скотт / Модернизация и ремонт ноутбуков
Модернизация и ремонт ноутбуков
Мюллер, Скотт
© Que Corporation, 2004
© Издательский дом "Вильямс", 2006
Upgrading and Repairing Laptops
Mueller, Scott
© 2006 by Que Corporation
Salym Petroleum Development - Pioneering Smart wells in western Siberia
Компания Салым Петролеум Девелопмент запускает в работу первые "интеллектуальные" скважины в Западной.
© 2009/2011
But creative imitators do not succeed by taking away customers from the pioneers who have first introduced a new product or service; they serve markets the pioneers have created but do not adequately service.
Творческие имитаторы добиваются успеха не за счет переманивания потребителей от "первопроходцев", которые первыми предложили новый продукт или услугу, — они обслуживают рынки, которые "первопроходцы" создали, но не смогли адекватно обслуживать.
Drucker, Peter F. / The Essential DruckerДрукер, Питер Ф. / Энциклопедия менеджмента
Энциклопедия менеджмента
Друкер, Питер Ф.
© Издательский дом "Вильямс", 2004
© Peter F. Drucker, 2001
The Essential Drucker
Drucker, Peter F.
© 2001 by Peter F. Drucker
The pioneers of management a century ago were right.
Пионеры менеджмента, работавшие сто лет назад, не ошибались в главном.
Drucker, Peter F. / The Essential DruckerДрукер, Питер Ф. / Энциклопедия менеджмента
Энциклопедия менеджмента
Друкер, Питер Ф.
© Издательский дом "Вильямс", 2004
© Peter F. Drucker, 2001
The Essential Drucker
Drucker, Peter F.
© 2001 by Peter F. Drucker
Maassen also pioneered the learning history effort by producing a very detailed account of his team-building efforts from 1995 to 2000 and outlining the twenty-some important lessons they learned along the way.
Массен первым стал писать историю своей работы — очень подробный отчет об этапах построения команд с 1995 по 2000 год, где выделил двадцать с лишним важных уроков, которые они усвоили в процессе.
Mirvis, Philip,Ayas, Karen,Roth, George / To the Desert and Back. The Story of One of the Most Dramatic Business Transformations on RecordМирвис, Филип,Аяс, Карен,Рот, Джордж / В пустыню и обратно. История самого грандиозного корпоративного тренинга
В пустыню и обратно. История самого грандиозного корпоративного тренинга
Мирвис, Филип,Аяс, Карен,Рот, Джордж
© 2003, by Philip Mirvis, Karen Ayas and George Roth
© Издание на русском языке, перевод, оформление ООО "Альпина Бизнес Букс", 2006
© перевод с английского И.Окуньковой
To the Desert and Back. The Story of One of the Most Dramatic Business Transformations on Record
Mirvis, Philip,Ayas, Karen,Roth, George
© 2003, by Philip Mirvis, Karen Ayas and George Roth

Добавить в мой словарь

ˌpaɪə'nɪə(r)ɪŋПрилагательноеноваторский; первопроходческий; пионерскийПримеры

He was known throughout the world for his pioneering work as a heart surgeon. — Он был известен по всему миру благодаря своим открытиям в области кардиохирургии.

Переводы пользователей

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Будьте первым, кто переведёт его!


pioneering days
эпоха национального становления
pioneering stage
начальный этап
pioneering work
новаторская работа
pioneering work
pioneering contribution to the theory
творческий вклад в теорию
pioneering project
новаторский проект
pioneering project
пионерный проект
pioneer bore
головная часть туннеля
pioneer heading
направляющая штольня
pioneer product
новый продукт
pioneer settlements
первые поселения
pioneer settlers
первые поселенцы
printing pioneer
pioneer tools
шанцевый инструмент
pioneer investor
первоначальный вкладчик

Формы слова


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)pioneering
Past Participle (Participle II)pioneered
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I pioneerwe pioneer
you pioneeryou pioneer
he/she/it pioneersthey pioneer
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am pioneeringwe are pioneering
you are pioneeringyou are pioneering
he/she/it is pioneeringthey are pioneering
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have pioneeredwe have pioneered
you have pioneeredyou have pioneered
he/she/it has pioneeredthey have pioneered
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been pioneeringwe have been pioneering
you have been pioneeringyou have been pioneering
he/she/it has been pioneeringthey have been pioneering
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I pioneeredwe pioneered
you pioneeredyou pioneered
he/she/it pioneeredthey pioneered
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was pioneeringwe were pioneering
you were pioneeringyou were pioneering
he/she/it was pioneeringthey were pioneering
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had pioneeredwe had pioneered
you had pioneeredyou had pioneered
he/she/it had pioneeredthey had pioneered
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been pioneeringwe had been pioneering
you had been pioneeringyou had been pioneering
he/she/it had been pioneeringthey had been pioneering
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will pioneerwe shall/will pioneer
you will pioneeryou will pioneer
he/she/it will pioneerthey will pioneer
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be pioneeringwe shall/will be pioneering
you will be pioneeringyou will be pioneering
he/she/it will be pioneeringthey will be pioneering
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have pioneeredwe shall/will have pioneered
you will have pioneeredyou will have pioneered
he/she/it will have pioneeredthey will have pioneered
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been pioneeringwe shall/will have been pioneering
you will have been pioneeringyou will have been pioneering
he/she/it will have been pioneeringthey will have been pioneering
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would pioneerwe should/would pioneer
you would pioneeryou would pioneer
he/she/it would pioneerthey would pioneer
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be pioneeringwe should/would be pioneering
you would be pioneeringyou would be pioneering
he/she/it would be pioneeringthey would be pioneering
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have pioneeredwe should/would have pioneered
you would have pioneeredyou would have pioneered
he/she/it would have pioneeredthey would have pioneered
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been pioneeringwe should/would have been pioneering
you would have been pioneeringyou would have been pioneering
he/she/it would have been pioneeringthey would have been pioneering
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am pioneeredwe are pioneered
you are pioneeredyou are pioneered
he/she/it is pioneeredthey are pioneered
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being pioneeredwe are being pioneered
you are being pioneeredyou are being pioneered
he/she/it is being pioneeredthey are being pioneered
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been pioneeredwe have been pioneered
you have been pioneeredyou have been pioneered
he/she/it has been pioneeredthey have been pioneered
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was pioneeredwe were pioneered
you were pioneeredyou were pioneered
he/she/it was pioneeredthey were pioneered
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being pioneeredwe were being pioneered
you were being pioneeredyou were being pioneered
he/she/it was being pioneeredthey were being pioneered
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been pioneeredwe had been pioneered
you had been pioneeredyou had been pioneered
he/she/it had been pioneeredthey had been pioneered
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be pioneeredwe shall/will be pioneered
you will be pioneeredyou will be pioneered
he/she/it will be pioneeredthey will be pioneered
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been pioneeredwe shall/will have been pioneered
you will have been pioneeredyou will have been pioneered
he/she/it will have been pioneeredthey will have been pioneered


Common casepioneeringpioneerings
Possessive casepioneering'spioneerings'