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HTML also provides mechanisms for linking to other documents on the Web (or the Internet generally) by embedding URLs in the text.В языке HTML также предусмотрена возможность связывания Web-страниц с другими документами, расположенными в Internet (в частности, в Web). Такое связывание осуществляется посредством гипертекстовых ссылок.Smith, Roderick W. / Advanced Linux NetworkingСмит, Родерик В. / Сетевые средства LinuxСетевые средства LinuxСмит, Родерик В.© Издательский дом "Вильямс", 2003© 2002 by Pearson Education, Inc.Advanced Linux NetworkingSmith, Roderick W.© 2002 by Pearson Education, Inc.
The step of embedding is provided such that the fibers 11 and 12 should be parallel and in immediate vicinity from each other so that side surfaces thereof contact each other.Заделка производится так, чтобы световоды 1 1 и 12 были параллельны, помещались в непосредственной близости друг от друга и касались друг друга боковыми поверхностями.http://www.patentlens.net/ 18.10.2011http://www.patentlens.net/ 18.10.2011
Show that Q is equal to the Segre embedding of P1 x P1 in P3. for suitable choice of coordinates.Показать, что Q совпадает с образом вложения Сегре Р1 x Р1 в Р3 при подходящем выборе систем координат.Hartshorne, Robin / Algebraic GeometryХартсхорн, Р. / Алгебраическая ГеометрияАлгебраическая ГеометрияХартсхорн, Р.© Перевод на русский язык, «Мир», 1981Algebraic GeometryHartshorne, Robin© 1977 Springer-Verlag New York Inc.
Never fear—you can do this by constructing a more complex FROM clause, embedding JOIN clauses within JOIN clauses.Отбросьте страх — это можно сделать, построив более сложное условие FROM, вкладывая условия JOIN в условия JOIN.Viescas, John L.,Hernandez, Michael J. / SQL queries for mere mortals: a hands-on guide to data manipulation in SQLВьескас, Джон Л.,Хернандес, Майкл Дж. / SQL-запросы для простых смертных: Практическое руководство по манипулированию данными в SQLSQL-запросы для простых смертных: Практическое руководство по манипулированию данными в SQLВьескас, Джон Л.,Хернандес, Майкл Дж.© Издательство "Лори", 2003© 2000 by Michael J. Hernandez and John L. ViescasSQL queries for mere mortals: a hands-on guide to data manipulation in SQLViescas, John L.,Hernandez, Michael J.© 2008 Pearson Education, Inc.
For such programs, it is crucial that the representation of the information appear only in standard headers, and that programs include those files instead of embedding the declarations in themselves.Для таких программ существенно то, что представление информации сосредоточено исключительно в стандартных заголовочных файлах. Программы включают эти файлы, а не держат объявления в себе.Kernighan, Brian W.,Ritchie, Dennis M. / The C Programming LanguageКерниган, Б.,Ритчи, Д. / Язык программирования СиЯзык программирования СиКерниган, Б.,Ритчи, Д.© 1998,1978 by Bell Telephone Laboratories, Incorporated© "Невский Диалект", 2001The C Programming LanguageKernighan, Brian W.,Ritchie, Dennis M.© 1988, 1978 by Bell Telephone Laboratories, Incorporated
In using this picture, one must ignore everything that depends on the peculiarities of the embedding.Пользуясь этим представлением, необходимо отвлечься от всего, что зависит от особенностей погружения.Misner, Charles W.,Thorne, Kip S.,Wheeler, John Archibald / GravitationМизнер, Ч.,Торн, К.,Уилер, Дж. / ГравитацияГравитацияМизнер, Ч.,Торн, К.,Уилер, Дж.© 1973 by W. H. Freeman and Company© Перевод на русский язык «Мир», 1977GravitationMisner, Charles W.,Thorne, Kip S.,Wheeler, John Archibald© 1970 and 1971 by Charles W. Misner, Kip S. Thorne, and John Archibald Wheeler.© 1973 by W. H. Freeman and Company.
We use Riemann’s theorem, and Lefschetz' embedding theorem.Воспользуемся теоремой Римана и теоремой Лефшеца о вложении.Mumford, David / Tata Lectures on ThetaМамфорд, Д. / Лекции о тэта-функцияхЛекции о тэта-функцияхМамфорд, Д.© Birkhäuser Boston, 1983, 1984© перевод на русский язык, с добавлением, «Мир», 1988Tata Lectures on ThetaMumford, David©2007 Birkhauser Boston
We saw that in order to discover the geometry of Gauss, Bolyai, and Lobachevski it was necessary to give up the idea that a curved surface could only be described in terms of its embedding in ordinary three-dimensional spaces.Мы видели, что для открытия геометрии Гаусса, Бойяи, Лобачевского необходимо было оставить идею о том, что кривую поверхность можно изучить, только вложив ее в обычное трехмерное пространство.Weinberg, Steven / Gravitation and Cosmology: Principles and Applications Of The General Theory Of RelativityВейнберг, Стивен / Гравитация и космология: принципы и приложения общей теории относительностиГравитация и космология: принципы и приложения общей теории относительностиВейнберг, Стивен© Перевод на русский язык, «Мир», 1975Gravitation and Cosmology: Principles and Applications Of The General Theory Of RelativityWeinberg, Steven© 1972, by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
A detailed theory of operators of potential type is developed in S. Sobolev in connection with embedding theorems.Детальная теория операторов типа потенциала развита С. Л. Соболевым в связи с теоремами вложения.Красносельский, М.А.,Рутицкий, Я.Б. / ВЫПУКЛЫЕ ФУНКЦИИ и ПРОСТРАНСТВА ОРЛИЧАKrasnosel'skii, M.A.,Rutickii, Ya.B. / CONVEX FUNCTIONS AND ORLICZ SPACESCONVEX FUNCTIONS AND ORLICZ SPACESKrasnosel'skii, M.A.,Rutickii, Ya.B.© 1961 by P. Noordhoff, Ltd. GroningenВЫПУКЛЫЕ ФУНКЦИИ и ПРОСТРАНСТВА ОРЛИЧАКрасносельский, М.А.,Рутицкий, Я.Б.
Applying equation (12.4) to our detrended S&P 500 time series finally requires choosing the embedding dimension of the reconstructed phase space, an evolution time, and a maximum divergence of points before replacement.Применение уравнения (12.4) к нашему детрендированному временному ряду S&H 500 в итоге требует выбора размерности вложения восстановленного фазового пространства, времени эволюции и величины максимального разбегания точек перед заменой.Peters, Edgar E. / Chaos and Order in the Capital Markets: A New View of Cycles, Prices, and Market VolatilityПетерс, Эдгар Э. / Хаос и порядок на рынках капитала. Новый аналитический взгляд на циклы, цены и изменчивость рынкаХаос и порядок на рынках капитала. Новый аналитический взгляд на циклы, цены и изменчивость рынкаПетерс, Эдгар Э.© 1996 by Edgar E. Peters© перевод на русский язык, оформление, «Мир», 2000Chaos and Order in the Capital Markets: A New View of Cycles, Prices, and Market VolatilityPeters, Edgar E.© 1996 by Edgar E. Peters
The Riemann-Roch theorem for an embedding is proved in Atiyah-Hirzebruch for arbitrary compact complex manifolds.Теорема РР для вложений доказана у Атьи и Хирцебруха для произвольных компактных комплексных многообразий.Хирцебрух, Фридрих / Топологические методы в алгебраической геометрииHirzebruch, Friedrich / Topological Methods in Algebraic GeometryTopological Methods in Algebraic GeometryHirzebruch, Friedrich© by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1956,1962,1966 and 1978Топологические методы в алгебраической геометрииХирцебрух, Фридрих© Перевод на русский язык, «Мир», 1973
This makes SSIs less flexible than CGI scripts, but they're useful for performing tasks like embedding the current date in an otherwise static Web page.SSI не обеспечивают такой гибкости, как CGI, но их удобно использовать для внесения небольших изменений в состав статических Web-страниц, например, для включения информации о текущей дате.Smith, Roderick W. / Advanced Linux NetworkingСмит, Родерик В. / Сетевые средства LinuxСетевые средства LinuxСмит, Родерик В.© Издательский дом "Вильямс", 2003© 2002 by Pearson Education, Inc.Advanced Linux NetworkingSmith, Roderick W.© 2002 by Pearson Education, Inc.
But the degree and the Hilbert polynomial depend on the embedding in projective space, so they are not even invariants under isomorphism of varieties.Но степень и многочлен Гильберта зависят от вложения многообразия в проективное пространство, так что они даже не являются инвариантами относительно изоморфизмов многообразий.Hartshorne, Robin / Algebraic GeometryХартсхорн, Р. / Алгебраическая ГеометрияАлгебраическая ГеометрияХартсхорн, Р.© Перевод на русский язык, «Мир», 1981Algebraic GeometryHartshorne, Robin© 1977 Springer-Verlag New York Inc.
It does this for increasingly higher embedding dimensions as well.Эта процедура выполняется также для возрастающих размерностей вложения.Peters, Edgar E. / Chaos and Order in the Capital Markets: A New View of Cycles, Prices, and Market VolatilityПетерс, Эдгар Э. / Хаос и порядок на рынках капитала. Новый аналитический взгляд на циклы, цены и изменчивость рынкаХаос и порядок на рынках капитала. Новый аналитический взгляд на циклы, цены и изменчивость рынкаПетерс, Эдгар Э.© 1996 by Edgar E. Peters© перевод на русский язык, оформление, «Мир», 2000Chaos and Order in the Capital Markets: A New View of Cycles, Prices, and Market VolatilityPeters, Edgar E.© 1996 by Edgar E. Peters
Freyd's embedding theorem will not be found in this book; but the most important (and elementary) part of it, which shows that any topos can be embedded in a Boolean topos, is proved in §7.5.Теорему Фрейда о вложении вы не найдете в этой книге, но наиболее важная и элементарная ее часть, которая показывает, что любой топос можно вложить в булев топос, доказывается в § 7.5.Johnstone, P. T / Topos TheoryДжонстон, П. Т. / Теория топосовТеория топосовДжонстон, П. Т.© 1977 by ACADEMIC PRESS INC. (LONDON) LTD.© Перевод на русский язык, дополнение. Издательство "Наука". Главная редакция физико-математической литературы, 1986Topos TheoryJohnstone, P. T© 1977 by ACADEMIC PRESS INC. (LONDON) LTD.
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affine embedding
аффинное вложение
analytic embedding
аналитическое вложение
birational embedding
бирациональное вложение
canonical embedding
каноническое вложение
canonical embedding
каноническое погружение
cellular embedding
клеточное вложение
characteristic embedding
характеристическое вложение
class embedding
вложение классов
closed embedding
замкнутое вложение
combinatorial embedding
комбинаторное вложение
compact embedding
компактное вложение
complete embedding
полное вложение
complex embedding
комплексное вложение
concordant embedding
конкордантное вложение
congruent embedding
конгруэнтное вложение
Формы слова
Basic forms | |
Past | embedded |
Imperative | embed |
Present Participle (Participle I) | embedding |
Past Participle (Participle II) | embedded |
Present Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I embed | we embed |
you embed | you embed |
he/she/it embeds | they embed |
Present Continuous, Active Voice | |
I am embedding | we are embedding |
you are embedding | you are embedding |
he/she/it is embedding | they are embedding |
Present Perfect, Active Voice | |
I have embedded | we have embedded |
you have embedded | you have embedded |
he/she/it has embedded | they have embedded |
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I have been embedding | we have been embedding |
you have been embedding | you have been embedding |
he/she/it has been embedding | they have been embedding |
Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I embedded | we embedded |
you embedded | you embedded |
he/she/it embedded | they embedded |
Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I was embedding | we were embedding |
you were embedding | you were embedding |
he/she/it was embedding | they were embedding |
Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I had embedded | we had embedded |
you had embedded | you had embedded |
he/she/it had embedded | they had embedded |
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I had been embedding | we had been embedding |
you had been embedding | you had been embedding |
he/she/it had been embedding | they had been embedding |
Future Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I shall/will embed | we shall/will embed |
you will embed | you will embed |
he/she/it will embed | they will embed |
Future Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will be embedding | we shall/will be embedding |
you will be embedding | you will be embedding |
he/she/it will be embedding | they will be embedding |
Future Perfect, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have embedded | we shall/will have embedded |
you will have embedded | you will have embedded |
he/she/it will have embedded | they will have embedded |
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have been embedding | we shall/will have been embedding |
you will have been embedding | you will have been embedding |
he/she/it will have been embedding | they will have been embedding |
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I should/would embed | we should/would embed |
you would embed | you would embed |
he/she/it would embed | they would embed |
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would be embedding | we should/would be embedding |
you would be embedding | you would be embedding |
he/she/it would be embedding | they would be embedding |
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I should/would have embedded | we should/would have embedded |
you would have embedded | you would have embedded |
he/she/it would have embedded | they would have embedded |
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would have been embedding | we should/would have been embedding |
you would have been embedding | you would have been embedding |
he/she/it would have been embedding | they would have been embedding |
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I am embedded | we are embedded |
you are embedded | you are embedded |
he/she/it is embedded | they are embedded |
Present Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I am being embedded | we are being embedded |
you are being embedded | you are being embedded |
he/she/it is being embedded | they are being embedded |
Present Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I have been embedded | we have been embedded |
you have been embedded | you have been embedded |
he/she/it has been embedded | they have been embedded |
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I was embedded | we were embedded |
you were embedded | you were embedded |
he/she/it was embedded | they were embedded |
Past Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I was being embedded | we were being embedded |
you were being embedded | you were being embedded |
he/she/it was being embedded | they were being embedded |
Past Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I had been embedded | we had been embedded |
you had been embedded | you had been embedded |
he/she/it had been embedded | they had been embedded |
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will be embedded | we shall/will be embedded |
you will be embedded | you will be embedded |
he/she/it will be embedded | they will be embedded |
Future Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will have been embedded | we shall/will have been embedded |
you will have been embedded | you will have been embedded |
he/she/it will have been embedded | they will have been embedded |
Singular | Plural | |
Common case | embedding | *embeddings |
Possessive case | embedding's | *embeddings' |