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без примеровНайдено в 2 словарях

Общая лексика
  • Предназначен для электронного поиска и показа и совмещающим в себе функции переводного и толкового словаря. Большинство лексических значений снабжено толкованиями, комментариями об использовании, примерами употребления; многие включены в синонимические ряды и антонимические пары.


['diːtuə] брит. / амер.


окольный путь, обход; объезд

AmericanEnglish (En-Ru)


  1. авто объезд м

  2. обход м (on a sidewalk)

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Примеры из текстов

He asked if I would mind taking a short detour to look at it.
Он спросил, не возражаю ли я, если мы сделаем небольшой крюк и взглянем на ее могилку.
Vonnegut, Kurt / Cat's CradleВоннегут, Курт / Колыбель для кошки
Колыбель для кошки
Воннегут, Курт
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1978
Cat's Cradle
Vonnegut, Kurt
© 1969 Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr.
“We’ve a couple of calls to make… it’s not much of a detour.”
— Вызовов немного, а крюк небольшой.
Rankin, Ian / A Question of BloodРэнкин, Иэн / Вопрос крови
Вопрос крови
Рэнкин, Иэн
© 2003 by John Rebus Limited
© Е. Осенева, перевод на русский язык, 2008
© ООО "Издательская группа Аттикус", Издательство "Иностранка", 2008
A Question of Blood
Rankin, Ian
© 2003 by John Rebus Limited
And the driver asked me if I would mind another brief detour, this time to a tombstone salesroom across the street from the cemetery.
Но водитель спросил, не буду ли я возражать, если мы сделаем еще небольшой крюк, на этот раз он хотел заехать в лавку похоронных принадлежностей, через дорогу от кладбища.
Vonnegut, Kurt / Cat's CradleВоннегут, Курт / Колыбель для кошки
Колыбель для кошки
Воннегут, Курт
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1978
Cat's Cradle
Vonnegut, Kurt
© 1969 Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr.
He said, "We will make a little detour.
Он сказал: – Мы сделаем небольшой крюк.
Greene, Henry Graham / The Quiet AmericanГрин, Генри Грэм / Тихий американец
Тихий американец
Грин, Генри Грэм
© "Издательство иностранной литературы", 1959
The Quiet American
Greene, Henry Graham
© 1955 by Graham Greene
When the caravan was blocked by a boulder, it had to go around it; if there was a large rocky area, they had to make a major detour.
Если караван оказывался перед валуном, он его огибал, а если перед целой россыпью камней – шел в обход.
Coelho, Paulo / The AlchemistКоэльо, Пауло / Алхимик
Коэльо, Пауло
© Перевод, А. Богдановский, 2000
© ООО "Издательство "Астрель", издание на русском языке, 2008
© Paulo Coelho, 1988
The Alchemist
Coelho, Paulo
© 1988 by Paulo Coelho
In the cab, Rebus decided on a detour, telling the driver to head towards Gracemount, then directing him to Martin Fairstone’s house.
Уже в такси Ребус решил сделать крюк и велел водителю держать путь на Грейсмаунт, после чего стал направлять его к дому Мартина Ферстоуна.
Rankin, Ian / A Question of BloodРэнкин, Иэн / Вопрос крови
Вопрос крови
Рэнкин, Иэн
© 2003 by John Rebus Limited
© Е. Осенева, перевод на русский язык, 2008
© ООО "Издательская группа Аттикус", Издательство "Иностранка", 2008
A Question of Blood
Rankin, Ian
© 2003 by John Rebus Limited
When it hits a boulder it makes a detour around it.
Огибают попадающиеся на пути скалы.
Murakami, Haruki / Kafka on the shoreМураками, Харуки / Кафка на пляже
Кафка на пляже
Мураками, Харуки
© Haruki Murakami, 2002
© Перевод. С. Логачев, И. Логачев, 2005
© ООО «Издательство «Эксмо», 2005
Kafka on the shore
Murakami, Haruki
© 2005 by Haruki Murakami
I regretted the detour it would cost me, but not as thoroughly as I should have.
Правда, из-за него придется сделать лишний крюк, но сожаления о потерянном времени не слишком мучили меня.
Kostova, Elisabeth / The HistorianКостова, Элизабет / Историк
Костова, Элизабет
© Перевод. Г. Соловьева, 2005
© ООО "Издательство АСТ", 2005
© Elizabeth Kostova, 2005
The Historian
Kostova, Elisabeth
© 2005 by Elizabeth Kostova
Our detour had not lost us a great deal of time, and we were only a few minutes behind schedule when we came sweeping into the orbit of Relay Station Two - the one that sits above Latitude 30 East, over the middle of Africa.
Наше отклонение от курса заняло не слишком много времени, и мы лишь на несколько минут отставали от графика, когда вышли на орбиту Второй ретрансляционной станции – той, что висит над тридцатым градусом восточной долготы, в середине Африки.
Clarke, Arthur Charles / Islands in the SkyКларк, Артур Чарльз / Острова в небе
Острова в небе
Кларк, Артур Чарльз
Islands in the Sky
Clarke, Arthur Charles
“So why did he take the six-hundred-mile detour?”
– В таком случае зачем он решил прокатиться на шестьсот миль?
Child, Lee / The EnemyЧайлд, Ли / Враг
Чайлд, Ли
© 2004 by Lee Child
© Перевод. В. Гольдич, И. Оганесова, 2010
© Издание на русском языке. ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2010
The Enemy
Child, Lee
© 2004 by Lee Child
In either case, he used the pass-through at the end of the desk and crossed quickly to the door, detouring around the body.
В любом случае он вышел из-за стойки и быстрым шагом направился к двери, обходя тело по широкой дуге.
King, Stephen / CellКинг, Стивен / Мобильник
Кинг, Стивен
King, Stephen
© 2006 by Stephen King
"Miles," whispered Elena, detouring from a nocturnal trip to the bathroom from the bedroom she was sharing with Mrs. Naismith, "aren't you ever going to bed?
— Майлз, — прошептала Элен, завернув ночью к его комнате по дороге из ванной в спальню, которую она делила с госпожой Нейсмит. — Ты что, не собираешься ложиться?
Bujold, Lois McMaster / The Warrior's ApprenticeБуджолд, Лоис Макмастер / Ученик воина
Ученик воина
Буджолд, Лоис Макмастер
© Copyright Lois McMaster Bujold, 1986
© перевод С. Роя, С. Курдюкова, 1995
The Warrior's Apprentice
Bujold, Lois McMaster
© Copyright Lois McMaster Bujold, 1986
He was apt to cross streams, climb fences, make any number of unexpected detours.
Он мог отклоняться от намеченного курса самым неожиданным образом, совершая крюк за крюком и не останавливаясь ни перед заборами, ни перед горными потоками.
Tartt, Donna / The Secret HistoryТартт, Донна / Тайная история
Тайная история
Тартт, Донна
© 1992 by Donna Tartt
© Д. Бородкин, Н. Ленцман, перевод на русский язык, 2007
© ООО "Издательская группа "Аттикус", 2009
The Secret History
Tartt, Donna
© 1992 by Donna Tartt
My employers orchestrated the evacuation of the island, arranged to have Mr. Blunt's cruise ship detoured here.
Мои хозяева организовали эвакуацию жителей острова, устроили так, чтобы круизный лайнер мистера Бланта был направлен сюда.
Rollins, James / Judas StrainРоллинс, Джеймс / Печать Иуды
Печать Иуды
Роллинс, Джеймс
© 2007 by Jim Czajkowski
© С. Саксин, перевод, 2009
© ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", издание на русском языке, 2009
Judas Strain
Rollins, James
© 2007 by Jim Czajkowski
You could add another mile for detours to keep on the side streets that were not lighted bright enough to show like the buses would.
А так не мешает накинуть еще милю на всякие переулочки потемнее, потому что на большой освещенной улице он произведет тот же эффект, что в автобусе.
Jones, James / From Here to EternityДжонс, Джеймс / Отныне и вовек
Отныне и вовек
Джонс, Джеймс
© Издательство "Правда", 1989
From Here to Eternity
Jones, James
© 1951 by James Jones
© renewed 1991 by Gloria Jones, James Anthony Phillipe Jones, and Kaylie Anne Jones

Добавить в мой словарь

'diːtuəСуществительноеокольный путь; обход; объездПримеры

a detour around — объезд вокруг
to set up a detour — устраивать объезд
to follow / take a detour — объезжать
to make a detour — сделать крюк

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detour limit
разрешенное отклонение
detour matrix
матрица обхода
detour route
обходной маршрут
detour route
обходной путь
make a detour
detour road
объездной путь
detour ticket
транзитный билет

Формы слова


Common casedetourdetours
Possessive casedetour'sdetours'


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)detouring
Past Participle (Participle II)detoured
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I detourwe detour
you detouryou detour
he/she/it detoursthey detour
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am detouringwe are detouring
you are detouringyou are detouring
he/she/it is detouringthey are detouring
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have detouredwe have detoured
you have detouredyou have detoured
he/she/it has detouredthey have detoured
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been detouringwe have been detouring
you have been detouringyou have been detouring
he/she/it has been detouringthey have been detouring
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I detouredwe detoured
you detouredyou detoured
he/she/it detouredthey detoured
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was detouringwe were detouring
you were detouringyou were detouring
he/she/it was detouringthey were detouring
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had detouredwe had detoured
you had detouredyou had detoured
he/she/it had detouredthey had detoured
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been detouringwe had been detouring
you had been detouringyou had been detouring
he/she/it had been detouringthey had been detouring
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will detourwe shall/will detour
you will detouryou will detour
he/she/it will detourthey will detour
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be detouringwe shall/will be detouring
you will be detouringyou will be detouring
he/she/it will be detouringthey will be detouring
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have detouredwe shall/will have detoured
you will have detouredyou will have detoured
he/she/it will have detouredthey will have detoured
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been detouringwe shall/will have been detouring
you will have been detouringyou will have been detouring
he/she/it will have been detouringthey will have been detouring
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would detourwe should/would detour
you would detouryou would detour
he/she/it would detourthey would detour
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be detouringwe should/would be detouring
you would be detouringyou would be detouring
he/she/it would be detouringthey would be detouring
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have detouredwe should/would have detoured
you would have detouredyou would have detoured
he/she/it would have detouredthey would have detoured
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been detouringwe should/would have been detouring
you would have been detouringyou would have been detouring
he/she/it would have been detouringthey would have been detouring
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am detouredwe are detoured
you are detouredyou are detoured
he/she/it is detouredthey are detoured
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being detouredwe are being detoured
you are being detouredyou are being detoured
he/she/it is being detouredthey are being detoured
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been detouredwe have been detoured
you have been detouredyou have been detoured
he/she/it has been detouredthey have been detoured
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was detouredwe were detoured
you were detouredyou were detoured
he/she/it was detouredthey were detoured
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being detouredwe were being detoured
you were being detouredyou were being detoured
he/she/it was being detouredthey were being detoured
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been detouredwe had been detoured
you had been detouredyou had been detoured
he/she/it had been detouredthey had been detoured
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be detouredwe shall/will be detoured
you will be detouredyou will be detoured
he/she/it will be detouredthey will be detoured
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been detouredwe shall/will have been detoured
you will have been detouredyou will have been detoured
he/she/it will have been detouredthey will have been detoured