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[kau] брит. / амер.

  1. сущ.

    1. корова

    2. самка некоторых крупных животных (слона, кита, тюленя, моржа и пр.)

    3. (cows) амер. крупный рогатый скот

    4. груб. "корова" (о женщине)

  2. сущ.; шотл.; уст.

    1. тонкая ветка

    2. вязанка хвороста; охапка прутьев, веток

    3. розги

    4. веник, метла

    1. сущ.; шотл.

      1. огородное чучело; пугало

      2. пугало, страшилище (о человеке)

    2. гл.

      пугать; запугивать, устрашать; внушать страх

  3. гл.; шотл.; уст.

    1. стричь волосы

    2. обрезать, подрезать (деревья, траву)

    3. превышать, превосходить

Biology (En-Ru)


  1. корова

  2. самка (напр. слона, кита, тюленя, моржа, носорога)

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тематические словари

Примеры из текстов

When the woman becomes the cow the God becomes the bull.
Когда женщина становится коровой, Бог становится быком.
Osho, Bhagvan Shree Rajneesh / Tao: The Pathless Path, Volume 2Ошо Бхагван Шри Раджниш / Дао: Путь без пути, Том 2
Дао: Путь без пути, Том 2
Ошо Бхагван Шри Раджниш
Tao: The Pathless Path, Volume 2
Osho, Bhagvan Shree Rajneesh
© 2002 by Osho International
Before the Nagual helped her she was worse off than myself. At least I was young; she was an old cow, fat and tired, begging for her death to come.
Прежде, чем Нагваль помог ей, она была хуже, чем я, по крайней мере, я была молодой, она была старой коровой, жирной и измученной и молила о приходе смерти.
Castaneda, Carlos / The second ring of powerКастанеда, Карлос / Второе кольцо силы
Второе кольцо силы
Кастанеда, Карлос
© 1977 by Carlos Castaneda
© "София", 2008
© ООО Издательство "София", 2008
The second ring of power
Castaneda, Carlos
© 1977 by Carlos Castaneda
The cow had to be milked and pastured near the swamp and someone had to watch her all day for fear the Yankees or Frank Kennedy’s men would return and take her.
Надо было доить корову и пасти ее возле болота, не спуская с нее глаз, так как в любую минуту могли вернуться янки или солдаты Франка Кеннеди и увести ее с собой.
Mitchell, Margaret / Gone with the windМитчелл, Маргарет / Унесенные ветром. Том 1
Унесенные ветром. Том 1
Митчелл, Маргарет
© Перевод. Т. А. Озерская, 1982
Gone with the wind
Mitchell, Margaret
© 1936 By Macmillan Publishing Company, a division of Macmillan. Inc.
© renewed 1964 by Stephens Mitchell
© renewed 1964 by Stephens Mitchell and Trust Compnay of Georgia as Executors of Margaret Mitchell Marsh
'Yes, only mind now, don't send some old cow.
- Да только смотрите, не корову какую-нибудь.
Turgenev, I.S. / First loveТургенев, И.С. / Первая любовь
Первая любовь
Тургенев, И.С.
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1978
First love
Turgenev, I.S.
© BiblioBazaar, LLC
"Just plain old cow-brand cheddar."
— Всего лишь обычный традиционный чеддер.
Zahn, Timothy / The Green And The GrayЗан, Тимоти / Зеленые и серые
Зеленые и серые
Зан, Тимоти
The Green And The Gray
Zahn, Timothy
© 2004 by Timothy Zahn
She's dumm as a cow.
Она глупа, как телка!
Lewis, Sinclair / Elmer GantryЛьюис, Синклер / Элмер Гентри
Элмер Гентри
Льюис, Синклер
© Издательство "Правда", 1965
Elmer Gantry
Lewis, Sinclair
© 2002 by Literary Classics of the United States, Inc., New York, N.Y.
© 1927 by Harcourt, Inc.
© renewed 1955 by Michael Lewis
And his foolish mirth and the French phrase, as incongruous in his mouth as a saddle on a cow, made me enjoy sleeping at that jocose youth's.
И глупая веселость его и французская фраза, которая шла к нему как к корове седло, сделали то, что я с чрезвычайным удовольствием выспался тогда у этого шута.
Достоевский, Фёдор / ПодростокDostoevsky, Fyodor / A Raw Youth
A Raw Youth
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
Достоевский, Фёдор
© Издательство "Советская Россия", 1979
"He drove me like a cow.
– Она гнала меня, как корову.
Simak, Clifford D. / The Fellowship of the TalismanСаймак, Клиффорд Д. / Братство Талисмана
Братство Талисмана
Саймак, Клиффорд Д.
© 1978 by Clifford D. Simak
© Перевод. К. Королев, 2005
The Fellowship of the Talisman
Simak, Clifford D.
© 1978 by Clifford D. Simak
As a separate matter, they said, newcomers are now also put on a waiting list for another cow, although the wait can be up to a year.
В качестве отдельной меры, по их словам, вновь прибывшие лица сейчас также ставятся в очередь на получение еще одной коровы, хотя это может занять до одного года.
© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год
© United Nations 2010
One by one, with my trenchant sentences, I lopped off the heads of the political hydra, while I listened, full of kindly peace, to the home-coming cow-bells and wondered what Mrs. Flanagan was going to have for supper.
Моими острыми фразами я срезал, одну за другой, головы политической гидры и в то же время, полный благожелательного мира,прислушивался к колокольчикам бредущих домой коров и старался угадать, что м-с Фланаган готовит на ужин.
O.Henry / The Door of UnrestГенри, О. / Дверь, не знающая отдыха
Дверь, не знающая отдыха
Генри, О.
The Door of Unrest
Yergunov lighted a match and saw the pig, and the cow, and the dogs, which rushed at him on all sides at seeing the light, but there was no trace of the horse.
Фельдшер зажег спичку и увидел и свинью, и корову, и собак, которые со всех сторон бросились к нему на огонь, но лошади и след простыл.
Чехов, А.П. / ВорыChekhov, A. / The horse-stealers
The horse-stealers
Chekhov, A.
© 1999 by Random House, Inc.
Чехов, А.П.
© Издательство "Наука", 1974
If you just take the milk, though, you can go on forever... always assuming you give the cow something to eat every now and then."
А вот молоко можно доить вечно... при условии, что ты время от времени будешь кормить корову.
King, Stephen / The Dark tower 7: The Dark TowerКинг, Стивен / Темная башня 7: Темная башня
Темная башня 7: Темная башня
Кинг, Стивен
© Stephen King, 2004
© Перевод. В.А.Вебер, 2005
© ООО "Издательство АСТ", 2005
The Dark tower 7: The Dark Tower
King, Stephen
© 2004 by Stephen King
Well, it would make a cow laugh to see the shines that old idiot cut.
Тут и корова не удержалась бы от смеха, глядя, какие штуки откалывает наш старый дурак.
Twain, Mark / Huckleberry FinnТвен, Марк / Приключения Гекльберри Финна
Приключения Гекльберри Финна
Твен, Марк
© «Государственное издательство художественной литературы», 1960
Huckleberry Finn
Twain, Mark
© 2004 BookSurge LLC
I gave him two purses of two hundreds SPRUGS each, and promised, when we arrived in England, to make him a present of a cow and a sheep big with young.
Я отдал капитану два кошелька с двумястами спрутов в каждом и обещал ему подарить, по прибытии в Англию, стельную корову и овцу.
Swift, Jonathan / Gulliver's travels into several remote nations of the worldСвифт, Джонатан / Путешествия Гулливера
Путешествия Гулливера
Свифт, Джонатан
© Издательство "Правда", 1987
Gulliver's travels into several remote nations of the world
Swift, Jonathan
At last he found the house in Lake Street. It was a decrepit little house, sunk on one side, with three windows looking into the street, and with a muddy yard, in the middle of which stood a solitary cow.
Наконец он разыскал в Озерной улице дом мещанки Калмыковой, ветхий домишко, перекосившийся, всего в три окна на улицу, с грязным двором, посреди которого уединенно стояла корова.
Dostoevsky, Fyodor / The brothers KaramazovДостоевский, Фёдор / Братья Карамазовы
Братья Карамазовы
Достоевский, Фёдор
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1988
The brothers Karamazov
Dostoevsky, Fyodor

Добавить в мой словарь


milk cow — молочная корова, дойная корова

Переводы пользователей


  1. 1.


    Перевод добавил Ekaterina Igrunova
  2. 2.

    рогатый скот

    Перевод добавил Алёна Терлецкая

Часть речи не указана

  1. 1.


    Перевод добавил НастюшкаS
  2. 2.


    Перевод добавил Роман Уланов
  3. 3.


    Перевод добавила Maria Bogomolova
  4. 4.


    Перевод добавил Julia McLoud


bell cow
"дойная корова"
blue cow wheat
blue cow wheat
марьянник дубравный
cash cow
"дойная корова"
cash cow
дойная корова
cash cow
надежный источник денег
cow college
провинциальный колледж или университет
cow college
сельскохозяйственный колледж
cow day
cow pie
коровья лепешка
cow town
город, являющийся местным центром торговли скота
cow town
небольшой город в животноводческом регионе
cow whale
самка кита

Формы слова


Common casecowcows
Possessive casecow'scows'


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)cowing
Past Participle (Participle II)cowed
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I cowwe cow
you cowyou cow
he/she/it cowsthey cow
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am cowingwe are cowing
you are cowingyou are cowing
he/she/it is cowingthey are cowing
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have cowedwe have cowed
you have cowedyou have cowed
he/she/it has cowedthey have cowed
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been cowingwe have been cowing
you have been cowingyou have been cowing
he/she/it has been cowingthey have been cowing
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I cowedwe cowed
you cowedyou cowed
he/she/it cowedthey cowed
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was cowingwe were cowing
you were cowingyou were cowing
he/she/it was cowingthey were cowing
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had cowedwe had cowed
you had cowedyou had cowed
he/she/it had cowedthey had cowed
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been cowingwe had been cowing
you had been cowingyou had been cowing
he/she/it had been cowingthey had been cowing
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will cowwe shall/will cow
you will cowyou will cow
he/she/it will cowthey will cow
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be cowingwe shall/will be cowing
you will be cowingyou will be cowing
he/she/it will be cowingthey will be cowing
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have cowedwe shall/will have cowed
you will have cowedyou will have cowed
he/she/it will have cowedthey will have cowed
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been cowingwe shall/will have been cowing
you will have been cowingyou will have been cowing
he/she/it will have been cowingthey will have been cowing
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would cowwe should/would cow
you would cowyou would cow
he/she/it would cowthey would cow
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be cowingwe should/would be cowing
you would be cowingyou would be cowing
he/she/it would be cowingthey would be cowing
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have cowedwe should/would have cowed
you would have cowedyou would have cowed
he/she/it would have cowedthey would have cowed
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been cowingwe should/would have been cowing
you would have been cowingyou would have been cowing
he/she/it would have been cowingthey would have been cowing
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am cowedwe are cowed
you are cowedyou are cowed
he/she/it is cowedthey are cowed
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being cowedwe are being cowed
you are being cowedyou are being cowed
he/she/it is being cowedthey are being cowed
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been cowedwe have been cowed
you have been cowedyou have been cowed
he/she/it has been cowedthey have been cowed
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was cowedwe were cowed
you were cowedyou were cowed
he/she/it was cowedthey were cowed
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being cowedwe were being cowed
you were being cowedyou were being cowed
he/she/it was being cowedthey were being cowed
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been cowedwe had been cowed
you had been cowedyou had been cowed
he/she/it had been cowedthey had been cowed
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be cowedwe shall/will be cowed
you will be cowedyou will be cowed
he/she/it will be cowedthey will be cowed
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been cowedwe shall/will have been cowed
you will have been cowedyou will have been cowed
he/she/it will have been cowedthey will have been cowed