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без примеровНайдено в 3 словарях

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[kleɪ] брит. / амер.

  1. сущ.

    1. глина

    2. земля; ил, тина; грязь

    3. библ. земной прах (из которого Бог сотворил человека)

    4. поэт. человеческая плоть; тело

    5. спорт.; = clay court теннисный корт с грунтовым покрытием

    6. амер.; = modelling clay

  2. гл.

    обмазывать глиной

Biology (En-Ru)



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Примеры из текстов

One hundred pounds of clay reward for Pip; five feet high-looks cowardly– quickest known by that!
Сто фунтов праха в награду тому, кто отыщет Пипа, рост пять футов, вид трусоватый — сразу можно узнать!
Melville, Herman / Moby Dick Or The WhaleМелвилл, Герман / Моби Дик, или Белый Кит
Моби Дик, или Белый Кит
Мелвилл, Герман
© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1981
Moby Dick Or The Whale
Melville, Herman
© Northwestern University Press and The Newberry Library, 1988
A very thick body of clay may create conditions in which the inner layers have not been baked yet while the outer layers have started cracking and melting under the effect of high temperature.
При большой толщине глины могут создаться такие условия, когда внутренние слои еще не обожглись, а наружные начинают трескаться и плавиться от высокой температуры.
The weather is far from cheering. Churned-up clay squelches underfoot. We are not walking but slithering, looking down at the ground in order to maintain our footing.
Погода, впрочем, тоже невеселая, размытая глина под нашими ногами – не идем, а плывем, смотря себе под ноги, чтобы не упасть.
Политковская, Анна / Путинская РоссияPolitkovskaya, Anna / Putin's Russia
Putin's Russia
Politkovskaya, Anna
© Anna Politkovskaya 2004
© Arch Tait 2004
Путинская Россия
Политковская, Анна
© Анна Политковская 2004
Soil forming elements are clay and sand alluvial deposits.
Почвообразующие элементы представлены глинистыми и песчаными аллювиальными отложениями.
© «Сахалин Энерджи» 2006
© Sakhalin Energy 2006
The ceiling may rest on supports 3 such as refractory metal girders, although the best supports are clay items (such as large-sized bricks, columns, and the like) that are, upon completion of the firing, removed outside, to the second floor.
Опорами 3 для потолка могут быть металлические балки (тугоплавкие), но лучше использовать глиняные изделия (крупноразмерные кирпичи, колонны и т.п.), которые после обжига выносятся наружу (на второй этаж).
The boy quickly learned to draw the letters and had already begun creating words that made sense; Elijah charged him with writing on clay tablets the history of the rebuilding of the city.
Мальчик быстро научился писать буквы и мог уже соединять их в отдельные слова. Илия поручил ему записать на глиняных табличках историю восстановления города.
Coelho, Paulo / The fifth mountainКоэльо, Пауло / Пятая гора
Пятая гора
Коэльо, Пауло
© Paulo Coelho, 1996
© Перевод, Эмин А.В., 2003
© "София", 2006
© ООО ИД "София", 2006
The fifth mountain
Coelho, Paulo
© 1998 by Paulo Coelho
When water-based mud is used to drill through shale, it will form a gumbo, a hydrated shale with the consistency of heavily saturated clay.
Когда буровой раствор на водяной основе используется для бурения в глинистой породе, он образует гумбо - гидратную глину с консистенцией водонасыщенной глины.
© «Сахалин Энерджи» 2006
© Sakhalin Energy 2006
‘No,’ he said at last, ‘no-one’s got that much clay.’
– Нет, – сказал он наконец, – столько глины не может вместиться в одном человеке.
Pratchett, Terry / Reaper ManПратчетт,Терри / Мрачный Жнец
Мрачный Жнец
© Перевод Н. Берденников 2008
© Издание на русском языке, оформление ООО «Издательство «Эксмо», 2009
© 1991 by Terry and Lyn Pratchett
Reaper Man
Pratchett, Terry
© Terry and Lyn Pratchett, 1991
Samples 2-8—furrow samples of marking clay.
Пробы 2-8 - бороздовые пробы маркирующей глины.
The horse made me a sign to go in first; it was a large room with a smooth clay floor, and a rack and manger, extending the whole length on one side.
Конь знаком пригласил меня войти первым, и я очутился в просторной комнате с гладким глиняным полом; по одной ее стене во всю длину тянулись ясли с решетками для сена.
Swift, Jonathan / Gulliver's travels into several remote nations of the worldСвифт, Джонатан / Путешествия Гулливера
Путешествия Гулливера
Свифт, Джонатан
© Издательство "Правда", 1987
Gulliver's travels into several remote nations of the world
Swift, Jonathan
The clay of him had been so moulded in the making.
Таким уж человек появился на свет божий.
London, Jack / White FangЛондон, Джек / Белый Клык
Белый Клык
Лондон, Джек
© Издательство «ОЛМА-ПРЕСС», 2002
White Fang
London, Jack
© Wordsworth Editions Limited 1992
If one imagined some spirit flying by the earthly globe in space in a million years he would see nothing but clay and bare rocks.
Если вообразить, что через миллион лет мимо земного шара пролетит в пространстве какой-нибудь дух, то он увидит только глину и голые утесы.
Чехов, А.П. / Палата No. 6Chekhov, A. / Ward No. 6
Ward No. 6
Chekhov, A.
© 2009 Rowland Classics
Палата No. 6
Чехов, А.П.
© Издательство "Наука", 1974
The invention relates to analytical chemistry and technology for processing clay-salt waste (slurries) of potassium-processing factories.
Реферат: Изобретение относится к аналитической химии и технологии переработки глинисто-солевых отходов (шламов) калийных предприятий.
The river was only a few hundred paces wide here, bordered with dried black mud and bare yellow clay.
Река, окаймленная полосами высохшего черного ила и голой желтоватой глины, была всего в несколько сотен шагов шириной.
Jordan, Robert / The Fires of HeavenДжордан, Роберт / Огни небес
Огни небес
Джордан, Роберт
The Fires of Heaven
Jordan, Robert
© 1993 by The Bandersnatch Group, Inc.
It started to freeze. The surface of the clay, stirred up by many feet, began to ice over, and a fine snow was blowing.
Подмерзать стало, поверх разбитой ногами глины прихватило морозцем, и крупку наметает.
Tolstaya, Tatyana / The SlynxТолстая, Татьяна / Кысь
Толстая, Татьяна
The Slynx
Tolstaya, Tatyana
© 2003 by Tatyana Tolstaya
© 2003 by Jamey Gambrell

Добавить в мой словарь


clay pot — глиняный горшок
clay pipe — глиняная трубка
clay soil — глинистая почва
a lump of clay — кусок глины
to be made of clay — быть сделанным из глины
to model in clay — лепить из глины

Переводы пользователей

Часть речи не указана

  1. 1.


    Перевод добавил Yefim Yasnogorsky
    Золото ru-en


addition of clay
activated clay
активированная глина
attapulgous clay
ball clay
комовая глина
ball clay
пластичная глина
ball clay
сырье для тонкой керамики
basement clay
коренная глина
bentonitic clay
бентонитовая глина
bond clay
цементирующая глина
bottling clay
леточная глина
bottling clay
леточная масса
boulder clay
валунная глина
brick clay
кирпичная глина
calcareous clay
известковая глина
carbonaceous taphole clay
углеродистая леточная масса

Формы слова


Common caseclayclays
Possessive caseclay'sclays'


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)claying
Past Participle (Participle II)clayed
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I claywe clay
you clayyou clay
he/she/it claysthey clay
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am clayingwe are claying
you are clayingyou are claying
he/she/it is clayingthey are claying
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have clayedwe have clayed
you have clayedyou have clayed
he/she/it has clayedthey have clayed
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been clayingwe have been claying
you have been clayingyou have been claying
he/she/it has been clayingthey have been claying
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I clayedwe clayed
you clayedyou clayed
he/she/it clayedthey clayed
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was clayingwe were claying
you were clayingyou were claying
he/she/it was clayingthey were claying
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had clayedwe had clayed
you had clayedyou had clayed
he/she/it had clayedthey had clayed
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been clayingwe had been claying
you had been clayingyou had been claying
he/she/it had been clayingthey had been claying
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will claywe shall/will clay
you will clayyou will clay
he/she/it will claythey will clay
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be clayingwe shall/will be claying
you will be clayingyou will be claying
he/she/it will be clayingthey will be claying
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have clayedwe shall/will have clayed
you will have clayedyou will have clayed
he/she/it will have clayedthey will have clayed
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been clayingwe shall/will have been claying
you will have been clayingyou will have been claying
he/she/it will have been clayingthey will have been claying
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would claywe should/would clay
you would clayyou would clay
he/she/it would claythey would clay
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be clayingwe should/would be claying
you would be clayingyou would be claying
he/she/it would be clayingthey would be claying
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have clayedwe should/would have clayed
you would have clayedyou would have clayed
he/she/it would have clayedthey would have clayed
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been clayingwe should/would have been claying
you would have been clayingyou would have been claying
he/she/it would have been clayingthey would have been claying
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am clayedwe are clayed
you are clayedyou are clayed
he/she/it is clayedthey are clayed
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being clayedwe are being clayed
you are being clayedyou are being clayed
he/she/it is being clayedthey are being clayed
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been clayedwe have been clayed
you have been clayedyou have been clayed
he/she/it has been clayedthey have been clayed
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was clayedwe were clayed
you were clayedyou were clayed
he/she/it was clayedthey were clayed
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being clayedwe were being clayed
you were being clayedyou were being clayed
he/she/it was being clayedthey were being clayed
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been clayedwe had been clayed
you had been clayedyou had been clayed
he/she/it had been clayedthey had been clayed
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be clayedwe shall/will be clayed
you will be clayedyou will be clayed
he/she/it will be clayedthey will be clayed
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been clayedwe shall/will have been clayed
you will have been clayedyou will have been clayed
he/she/it will have been clayedthey will have been clayed