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Примеры из текстов

This allows to supply a polarized light with a high extinction from the polarization modulator bypassing the microlens system of lenses, thereby allowing to improve radically the accuracy in determining the optical material constants.
Это позволяет подвести поляризованный свет с высокой экстинкцией от поляризационного модулятора, минуя систему линз микрообъектива. Что 15 позволяет радикально улучшить точность определения оптических материальных констант.
It depends on location of the grooves (passes) for working medium bypassing from restrained volumes.
Все зависит от размещения канавок (проходов) для перепуска рабочего тела из защемленных объемов.
In the division wall, there are peripheral bypass channels for inlet of clouds and solid inclusions into the upper mass-exchange chamber.
В перегородке выполнены перепускные каналы по периферии для пропуска сгустков и твердых включений в верхнюю камеру массообмена.
This address cannot be changed, bypassed, or overridden.
Этот адрес невозможно изменить, обойти или переопределить.
Boswell, William / Inside Windows Server 2003Бозуэлл, Уилльям / Внутренный мир Windows Server 2003, SP1 и R2
Внутренный мир Windows Server 2003, SP1 и R2
Бозуэлл, Уилльям
© Издательский дом "Вильямс", 2006
© Pearson Education, Inc., 2003
Inside Windows Server 2003
Boswell, William
© 2003 by Pearson Education, Inc.
The other extended parts of the pistons 8, moving along the ascending area 10 of the separator 9 (may be, except for its ends), is little subjected to (do not produce) pressure differential as they pass through the bypass zone.
Другие выступающие части поршней 8, проходящие восходящий участок 10 разделителя 9 (возможно за исключением его краев), практически не испытывают (не создают) перепада давления, т.к. проходят перепускную зону.
Additional sealing elements 20 are installed on the bearing sleeve 16 [see pdf for image] and under the bypass openings 18.
На опорной втулке 16 над и под перепускными отверстиями 18 установлены дополнительные уплотнительные элементы 20.
Conclusion: Intraoperative flowmetry allows the results of femorodistal in situ vein bypasses to be predicted.
Заключение. Интраоперационная флоуметрия позволяет прогнозировать результаты бедренно-дистальных аутовенозных шунтирований "in situ ".
© Copyright 1998-2010 Russian society of Angiogitst & Vascular surgeons
© Copyright 1998-2010 Russian society of Angiogitst & Vascular surgeons
In such case it is reasonable to make the high pressure chamber of the recoil imitator in the shape of a jacket placed around the barrel, with the valve that is activated by pressing on the bypass valve and installed in the front wall of the jacket.
В таком варианте полость высокого давления имитатора отката целесообразно расположить в виде кожуха вокруг ствола, с клапаном в переднем торце кожуха, который срабатывает при надавливании на перепускной клапан.
If medications control the pain, should the patient have coronary artery bypass surgery anyway?
Если удастся снять боль с помощью лекарств, то понадобится ли все же операция аортокоронарного шунтирования?
Fletcher, Robert,Fletcher, Suzanne,Wagner, Edward H. / Clinical epidemiologyФлетчер, Роберт,Флетчер, Сьюзан,Вагнер, Эдвард / Клиническая эпидемиология
Клиническая эпидемиология
Флетчер, Роберт,Флетчер, Сьюзан,Вагнер, Эдвард
© 1996 Williams & Wilkins
© Перевод на русский язык и оформление, "Медиа Сфера", 1997.
Clinical epidemiology
Fletcher, Robert,Fletcher, Suzanne,Wagner, Edward H.
© 1996 Williams & Wilkins
Native methods can bypass the access control mechanisms of the Java language.
Машинозависимые методы могут обходить механизмы контроля, предусмотренные в языке Java.
Horstmann, Cay S.,Cornell, Gary / Core Java™ 2, Volume I - FundamentalsХорстманн, Кей С.,Корнелл, Гари / Java 2. Том I. Основы.
Java 2. Том I. Основы.
Хорстманн, Кей С.,Корнелл, Гари
© Sun Microsystems, Inc., 2003
© Издательский дом "Вильямс", 2003
Core Java™ 2, Volume I - Fundamentals
Horstmann, Cay S.,Cornell, Gary
© 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
If you only implement one type of security measure, you run the risk of all your preparation being totally negated once an attacker figures out how to bypass it.
Если вы реализуете мероприятия защиты лишь одного типа, то в конце концов придете к тому, что вся ваша подготовка будет полностью низвергнута, как только атакующий поймет, как ее обойти.
Lockhart, Andrew / Network Security HacksЛокхарт, Эндрю / Антихакинг в сети. Трюки.
Антихакинг в сети. Трюки.
Локхарт, Эндрю
© 2004 O'Reilly Media, Inc.
© Издание на русском языке ЗАО Издательский дом «Питер», 2005
© Перевод на русский язык ЗАО Издательский дом «Питер», 2005
Network Security Hacks
Lockhart, Andrew
© 2004 O'Reilly Media, Inc.
On the dividing wall 8 there is made a coaxial orifice 4 towards the air-supply pipe 5 and bypass channels 6.
В перегородке 8 выполнено коаксиальное отверстие 4 относительно воздухоподающей трубы 5 и перепускные каналы 6.
By using this CHKNTFS option, you add a countdown to AUTOCHK so that you can bypass the check if you are reasonably certain that no file system corruption is present.
Этот параметр утилиты chkntfs позволяет пропустить проверку autochk, если есть обоснованная уверенность в отсутствии повреждения файловой системы.
Boswell, William / Inside Windows Server 2003Бозуэлл, Уилльям / Внутренный мир Windows Server 2003, SP1 и R2
Внутренный мир Windows Server 2003, SP1 и R2
Бозуэлл, Уилльям
© Издательский дом "Вильямс", 2006
© Pearson Education, Inc., 2003
Inside Windows Server 2003
Boswell, William
© 2003 by Pearson Education, Inc.
The thought flashed through Siaphas's mind. A warning! There is a trap lying in wait here, but also a great reward for the one who can safely bypass it and prove their worth to the Warmaster.
Зарафистон явно предупреждал Сиафа о том, что ему готовят западню, но того, кто сумеет ее избежать, ждет великая награда.
Rennie, Gordon / Shadow PointРенни, Гордон / Перекресток судеб
Перекресток судеб
Ренни, Гордон
© 2003 Games Workshop Ltd
© Д. Сухих, перевод, 2007
© Издательский дом "Азбука-классика", 2007
Shadow Point
Rennie, Gordon
© 2003 Games Workshop Ltd
The risk, however, is that another programmer on the same team might inadvertently bypass this approach, directly accessing the components if they are left in the published section.
Тем не мене существует риск, который заключается в том, что другой программист из этой же команды может по невнимательности не заметить этого подхода и напрямую обращаться к компонентам, если они остались в опубликованном разделе.
Cantu, Marco / Mastering Delphi 7Кэнту, М. / Delphi 7: для профессионалов
Delphi 7: для профессионалов
Кэнту, М.
© 2003 SYBEX Inc
© Перевод на русский язык, ЗАО Издательский дом «Питер», 2004
© Издание на русском языке, оформление, ЗАО Издательский дом «Питер», 2004
Mastering Delphi 7
Cantu, Marco
© 2003 SYBEX Inc

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bypassing duct
байпасирующий канал
bypassing of wholesaler
минуя оптовое звено
bypassing of wholesaler
покупка товаров
bypassing the retailer
минуя розницу
bypassing the retailer
отказ от услуг розничной сети
bypassing the retailer
прямое распространение
bypassing the retailer
прямые поставки
bypassing the wholesaler
минуя оптовика
bypassing the wholesaler
отказ от услуг оптовиков
bypassing the wholesaler
прямые закупки у производителя
bypassing the wholesaler
прямые поставки производителей
gas bypassing
проскальзывание газа
flexible bypassing plug
гибкая проходная цементировочная пробка
aortocoronary saphenous vein bypass
аортокоронарное шунтирование подкожной веной бедра
aortoiliac bypass
аортоподвздошное шунтирование

Формы слова


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)bypassing
Past Participle (Participle II)bypassed
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I bypasswe bypass
you bypassyou bypass
he/she/it bypassesthey bypass
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am bypassingwe are bypassing
you are bypassingyou are bypassing
he/she/it is bypassingthey are bypassing
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have bypassedwe have bypassed
you have bypassedyou have bypassed
he/she/it has bypassedthey have bypassed
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been bypassingwe have been bypassing
you have been bypassingyou have been bypassing
he/she/it has been bypassingthey have been bypassing
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I bypassedwe bypassed
you bypassedyou bypassed
he/she/it bypassedthey bypassed
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was bypassingwe were bypassing
you were bypassingyou were bypassing
he/she/it was bypassingthey were bypassing
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had bypassedwe had bypassed
you had bypassedyou had bypassed
he/she/it had bypassedthey had bypassed
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been bypassingwe had been bypassing
you had been bypassingyou had been bypassing
he/she/it had been bypassingthey had been bypassing
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will bypasswe shall/will bypass
you will bypassyou will bypass
he/she/it will bypassthey will bypass
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be bypassingwe shall/will be bypassing
you will be bypassingyou will be bypassing
he/she/it will be bypassingthey will be bypassing
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have bypassedwe shall/will have bypassed
you will have bypassedyou will have bypassed
he/she/it will have bypassedthey will have bypassed
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been bypassingwe shall/will have been bypassing
you will have been bypassingyou will have been bypassing
he/she/it will have been bypassingthey will have been bypassing
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would bypasswe should/would bypass
you would bypassyou would bypass
he/she/it would bypassthey would bypass
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be bypassingwe should/would be bypassing
you would be bypassingyou would be bypassing
he/she/it would be bypassingthey would be bypassing
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have bypassedwe should/would have bypassed
you would have bypassedyou would have bypassed
he/she/it would have bypassedthey would have bypassed
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been bypassingwe should/would have been bypassing
you would have been bypassingyou would have been bypassing
he/she/it would have been bypassingthey would have been bypassing
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am bypassedwe are bypassed
you are bypassedyou are bypassed
he/she/it is bypassedthey are bypassed
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being bypassedwe are being bypassed
you are being bypassedyou are being bypassed
he/she/it is being bypassedthey are being bypassed
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been bypassedwe have been bypassed
you have been bypassedyou have been bypassed
he/she/it has been bypassedthey have been bypassed
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was bypassedwe were bypassed
you were bypassedyou were bypassed
he/she/it was bypassedthey were bypassed
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being bypassedwe were being bypassed
you were being bypassedyou were being bypassed
he/she/it was being bypassedthey were being bypassed
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been bypassedwe had been bypassed
you had been bypassedyou had been bypassed
he/she/it had been bypassedthey had been bypassed
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be bypassedwe shall/will be bypassed
you will be bypassedyou will be bypassed
he/she/it will be bypassedthey will be bypassed
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been bypassedwe shall/will have been bypassed
you will have been bypassedyou will have been bypassed
he/she/it will have been bypassedthey will have been bypassed


Common casebypassing*bypassings
Possessive casebypassing's*bypassings'