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  • Предназначен для электронного поиска и показа и совмещающим в себе функции переводного и толкового словаря. Большинство лексических значений снабжено толкованиями, комментариями об использовании, примерами употребления; многие включены в синонимические ряды и антонимические пары.




  1. скрепление, стяжение

  2. скоба, скрепа, застёжка

  3. изгиб, прогиб

  4. тех. продольный изгиб; перекашивание; потеря устойчивости

  5. кино выпучивание (плёнки в окне киноаппарата)

  6. коробление (металла)

Physics (En-Ru)


выпучивание (пластинок, оболочек), изгибное смещение, продольный изгиб, коробление (при потере устойчивости), лапласиан, параметр кривизны, потеря устойчивости (конструкции)

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Примеры из текстов

Big pipe (5-7/8" or 6-5/8") is recommended for more pulling power, more torque, less buckling & better hole cleaning.
Для обеспечения более высокой грузоподъемности, более высокого крутящего момента, меньшей деформации труб и более эффективной промывки ствола скважины рекомендуется использовать трубы большого диаметра (5-7/8 дюйма или 6-5/8 дюйма).
© 2009/2011
Saw the sky explode as the fuel ignited, rotor blades slowing, buckling.
Он увидел, как вспыхнуло небо, когда загорелось топливо, как замедлили вращение изогнувшиеся лопасти.
Rankin, Ian / A Question of BloodРэнкин, Иэн / Вопрос крови
Вопрос крови
Рэнкин, Иэн
© 2003 by John Rebus Limited
© Е. Осенева, перевод на русский язык, 2008
© ООО "Издательская группа Аттикус", Издательство "Иностранка", 2008
A Question of Blood
Rankin, Ian
© 2003 by John Rebus Limited
"And my commander is on the bastion — of course, I shall have to go," said Praskukhin, buckling on his sword. But no one answered him: he must know for himself whether he had to go or not.
- И мой принципал на бастионе, стало быть, и мне надо идти, - сказал Праскухин, надевая саблю, но никто не отвечал ему: он сам должен был знать, идти ли ему или нет.
Толстой, Л.Н. / Севастопольские рассказыTolstoy, Leo / Sevastopol
Tolstoy, Leo
© 1888, by Thomas Y. Crowell & Co.
Севастопольские рассказы
Толстой, Л.Н.
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1976
He had the back out of the chair and he was buckling the harness on the reel.
Он откинул напрочь спинку его кресла и застегивал пряжки на ремнях.
Hemingway, Ernest / Islands In The StreamХемингуэй, Эрнест / Острова в океане
Острова в океане
Хемингуэй, Эрнест
© Издательство "Маяк", 1977
Islands In The Stream
Hemingway, Ernest
© 1970 by Charles Scribner's Sons
© 1970 by Маrу Hemingway
The delighted soldiers started running down hill, buckling on their helmets as they went.
Счастливые солдаты кинулись бежать с холма, надевая шлемы.
Bulgakov, Michail / The Master and MargaritaБулгаков, Михаил / Мастер и Маргарита
Мастер и Маргарита
Булгаков, Михаил
© "Мурманское книжное издательство", 1990
The Master and Margarita
Bulgakov, Michail
© Translated from the russian by Michael Glenny
© 1967 Collins and Harvill Press, London
© 1967 in the English translation
The house—its walls were folding in, the roof buckling in the middle.
Стены дома складывались внутрь, крыша выпячивалась посередине.
Wilson, Paul Francis / ConspiraciesВилсон, Пол Фрэнсис / Бездна
Вилсон, Пол Фрэнсис
Wilson, Paul Francis
© 2000 by F. Paul Wilson
Samuel slipped the bit in Doxology’s reluctant mouth, set the brow band, and buckled the throatlatch.
Самюэл взнуздал Акафиста, воротившего морду прочь, поправил оголовье, застегнул подшеек.
Steinbeck, John / East Of EdenСтейнбек, Джон / На восток от Эдема
На восток от Эдема
Стейнбек, Джон
© Издательство "Правда", 1989
East Of Eden
Steinbeck, John
© John Steinbeck, 1952
© renewed Elaine Steinbeck, Thom Steinbeck, and John Steinbeck IV, 1980
It hesitated, but there was no buckle in that baby.
Его движение замедлилось, но непреодолимых препятствий на пути не возникло.
King, Stephen / CellКинг, Стивен / Мобильник
Кинг, Стивен
King, Stephen
© 2006 by Stephen King
He must be forging the buckle-screw, sir, now.
Скобу кует, надо полагать, сэр.
Melville, Herman / Moby Dick Or The WhaleМелвилл, Герман / Моби Дик, или Белый Кит
Моби Дик, или Белый Кит
Мелвилл, Герман
© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1981
Moby Dick Or The Whale
Melville, Herman
© Northwestern University Press and The Newberry Library, 1988
His bones turned soft and his legs buckled under him.
Ноги лишились костей и согнулись.
Bulgakov, Michail / The Heart of a DogБулгаков, Михаил / Собачье сердце
Собачье сердце
Булгаков, Михаил
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1988
The Heart of a Dog
Bulgakov, Michail
© English translation Raduga Publishers 1990
Provoke him, and he will buckle to a shark.
Если его разозлить, он и акулы не побоится.
Melville, Herman / Moby Dick Or The WhaleМелвилл, Герман / Моби Дик, или Белый Кит
Моби Дик, или Белый Кит
Мелвилл, Герман
© Издательство «Художественная литература», 1981
Moby Dick Or The Whale
Melville, Herman
© Northwestern University Press and The Newberry Library, 1988
In these countries an ordinary buckle replaced the slitted flap, and the free end of the belt was carried round to fall on the left side of the sword hilt.
В этих странах ремешок с разрезами заменяла простая пряжка, а свободный конец пояса ниспадал с левой стороны рукояти.
Oakeshott, R. Ewart / The Archaeology of Weapons: Arms and Armour from Prehistory to the Age of ChivalryОкшотт, Эварт / Археология оружия. От бронзового века до эпохи Ренессанса
Археология оружия. От бронзового века до эпохи Ренессанса
Окшотт, Эварт
© Перевод, ЗАО «Центрполиграф», 2004
The Archaeology of Weapons: Arms and Armour from Prehistory to the Age of Chivalry
Oakeshott, R. Ewart
© 1960 R. Ewart Oakeshott
I have already told the reader that there were two strong staples fixed upon that side of my box which had no window, and into which the servant, who used to carry me on horseback, would put a leathern belt, and buckle it about his waist.
Я уже говорил читателю, что к глухой стороне моего ящика были прикреплены две прочные скобы, в которые слуга, возивший меня на лошади, продевал кожаный ремень и пристегивал его к своему поясу.
Swift, Jonathan / Gulliver's travels into several remote nations of the worldСвифт, Джонатан / Путешествия Гулливера
Путешествия Гулливера
Свифт, Джонатан
© Издательство "Правда", 1987
Gulliver's travels into several remote nations of the world
Swift, Jonathan
So I just buckled her in and started driving.
Так что я просто усадил ее в машину и повез.
Meyer, Stephenie / The HostМайер, Стефани / Гостья
Майер, Стефани
© Н. Балашова, 2010
© Издание на русском языке AST Publishers
© Stephenie Meyer, 2008
The Host
Meyer, Stephenie
© 2008 by Stephenie Meyer
Before he could finish, Sheemie's knees buckled and he collapsed at the mouth of the cave, his eyes rolling up to whites and a thin froth of spit oozing out between his cracked lips.
Но прежде чем он успел закончить фразу, колени Шими подогнулись, и он упал у самого входа в пещеру. Глаза закатились, между потрескавшихся губ пошла пена.
King, Stephen / The Dark tower 7: The Dark TowerКинг, Стивен / Темная башня 7: Темная башня
Темная башня 7: Темная башня
Кинг, Стивен
© Stephen King, 2004
© Перевод. В.А.Вебер, 2005
© ООО "Издательство АСТ", 2005
The Dark tower 7: The Dark Tower
King, Stephen
© 2004 by Stephen King

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'bʌklɪŋСуществительноескрепление; стяжение

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buckling failure
потеря устойчивости
buckling force
критическое усилие при продольном изгибе
buckling length
длина зоны продольного изгиба
buckling load
критическая нагрузка
buckling load
критическая продольная нагрузка
buckling load
критическая сила
buckling load
нагрузка, вызывающая продольный изгиб
buckling mode
форма потери устойчивости
buckling operation
операция вдавления склеры
buckling strain
деформация при потере устойчивости
buckling strain
деформация продольного изгиба
buckling stress
напряжение, вызывающее продольный изгиб
buckling test
испытание на продольный изгиб
buckling vector
вектор кривизны
core buckling
лапласиан активной зоны

Формы слова


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)buckling
Past Participle (Participle II)buckled
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I bucklewe buckle
you buckleyou buckle
he/she/it bucklesthey buckle
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am bucklingwe are buckling
you are bucklingyou are buckling
he/she/it is bucklingthey are buckling
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have buckledwe have buckled
you have buckledyou have buckled
he/she/it has buckledthey have buckled
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been bucklingwe have been buckling
you have been bucklingyou have been buckling
he/she/it has been bucklingthey have been buckling
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I buckledwe buckled
you buckledyou buckled
he/she/it buckledthey buckled
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was bucklingwe were buckling
you were bucklingyou were buckling
he/she/it was bucklingthey were buckling
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had buckledwe had buckled
you had buckledyou had buckled
he/she/it had buckledthey had buckled
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been bucklingwe had been buckling
you had been bucklingyou had been buckling
he/she/it had been bucklingthey had been buckling
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will bucklewe shall/will buckle
you will buckleyou will buckle
he/she/it will bucklethey will buckle
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be bucklingwe shall/will be buckling
you will be bucklingyou will be buckling
he/she/it will be bucklingthey will be buckling
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have buckledwe shall/will have buckled
you will have buckledyou will have buckled
he/she/it will have buckledthey will have buckled
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been bucklingwe shall/will have been buckling
you will have been bucklingyou will have been buckling
he/she/it will have been bucklingthey will have been buckling
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would bucklewe should/would buckle
you would buckleyou would buckle
he/she/it would bucklethey would buckle
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be bucklingwe should/would be buckling
you would be bucklingyou would be buckling
he/she/it would be bucklingthey would be buckling
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have buckledwe should/would have buckled
you would have buckledyou would have buckled
he/she/it would have buckledthey would have buckled
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been bucklingwe should/would have been buckling
you would have been bucklingyou would have been buckling
he/she/it would have been bucklingthey would have been buckling
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am buckledwe are buckled
you are buckledyou are buckled
he/she/it is buckledthey are buckled
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being buckledwe are being buckled
you are being buckledyou are being buckled
he/she/it is being buckledthey are being buckled
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been buckledwe have been buckled
you have been buckledyou have been buckled
he/she/it has been buckledthey have been buckled
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was buckledwe were buckled
you were buckledyou were buckled
he/she/it was buckledthey were buckled
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being buckledwe were being buckled
you were being buckledyou were being buckled
he/she/it was being buckledthey were being buckled
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been buckledwe had been buckled
you had been buckledyou had been buckled
he/she/it had been buckledthey had been buckled
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be buckledwe shall/will be buckled
you will be buckledyou will be buckled
he/she/it will be buckledthey will be buckled
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been buckledwe shall/will have been buckled
you will have been buckledyou will have been buckled
he/she/it will have been buckledthey will have been buckled


Common casebucklingbucklings
Possessive casebuckling'sbucklings'