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без примеровНайдено в 4 словарях

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[bɔm] брит. / амер.

  1. сущ.

    1. бомба

    2. мина (миномёта)

    3. ручная граната

    4. баллон (для сжатого воздуха, сжиженного газа)

    5. контейнер для радиоактивных материалов

    6. амер.; разг. фиаско, провал

    7. геол. вулканическая бомба

  2. гл.

    1. бомбить, сбрасывать бомбы

    2. амер.; разг. провалиться, потерпеть неудачу

Physics (En-Ru)



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Примеры из текстов

It was bad enough when I saw it then; it was bombed again, wasn't it, right at the end of the last blitz?'
Уже тогда зрелище было жуткое, а потом ее снова разбомбило; кажется, в самом конце прошлого «блица», да?
Waters, Sarah / The Night WatchУотерс, Сара / Ночной дозор
Ночной дозор
Уотерс, Сара
© 2006 by Sarah Waters
© А. Сафронов, перевод с английского, 2008
© Издание на русском языке, ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2008
The Night Watch
Waters, Sarah
© 2006 by Sarah Waters
“They bombed their own people in that café just to kill Haddad.”
– Они взорвали собственных соплеменников в том кафе лишь для того, чтобы прикончить Хаддада, – сказал Сейбр.
Berry, Steve / The Alexandria LinkБерри, Стив / Александрийское звено
Александрийское звено
Берри, Стив
© 2007 by Steve Berry
© А. Новиков, перевод с английского, 2009
© ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", издание на русском языке, 2009
The Alexandria Link
Berry, Steve
© 2007 by Steve Berry
For example, if I am asleep and Poona is bombed, I will go on sleeping - because I am only pretending to sleep, there's no problem in it.
Например, если я сплю, а Пуну бомбят, — я буду и дальше спать, ведь я только притворяюсь спящим, нет никаких проблем.
Osho, Bhagvan Shree Rajneesh / The Messiah, Volume 2Ошо Бхагван Шри Раджниш / Мессия. Том 2
Мессия. Том 2
Ошо Бхагван Шри Раджниш
The Messiah, Volume 2
Osho, Bhagvan Shree Rajneesh
The roads were being bombed.
А дороги уже бомбили.
Abramov, Aleksandr,Abramov, Sergei / Horsemen from NowhereАбрамов, Александр,Абрамов, Сергей / Всадники из ниоткуда
Всадники из ниоткуда
Абрамов, Александр,Абрамов, Сергей
© Издательство «Детская литература», 1968 г.
Horsemen from Nowhere
Abramov, Aleksandr,Abramov, Sergei
© Mir Publishers, 1969
Emergency, for the six pilots, meant only one thing: that the Control Room, four miles away at the east edge of the base, had been sabotaged or bombed out.
Так поступили бы шестеро пилотов лишь в одной ситуации: если бы стационарный центр управления в четырех милях отсюда, на восточной границе базы, был благодаря диверсии или бомбовому удару уничтожен.
Le Guin, Ursula / Rocannon's WorldЛе Гуин, Урсула / Планета Роканнона
Планета Роканнона
Ле Гуин, Урсула
© "Техника - молодежи", 1989 г.
Rocannon's World
Le Guin, Ursula
© 1994 by Ursula К. LeGuin
© 1966 by Ace Books, Inc.
In the course of these acts of aggression, on 19 April 2002 United States and British aircraft bombed civilian and military sites in Ninawa Governorate, damaging civilian and military installations.
В ходе совершения этих актов агрессии 19 апреля 2002 года авиация Соединенных Штатов и Великобритании подвергла бомбардировке гражданские и военные объекты в мухафазе Нинава, в результате чего был причинен ущерб ряду гражданских и военных объектов.
© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год
© United Nations 2010
One of the problems is the large-scale danger of mines, unexploded bombs and booby-traps.
Одна из проблем сводится к той огромной опасности, которую представляют собой мины, неразорвавшиеся бомбы и мины-ловушки.
© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год
© United Nations 2010
At eight o'clock, then again at nine, someone (presumably someone from the MSP) called Campus Security and reported the presence of a bomb in the first-floor lecture hall.
В восемь часов, а потом в девять кто-то (предположительно кто-то из ВСМ) звонил в службу безопасности университета и сообщал о бомбе в лекционном зале на первом этаже.
King, Stephen / Hearts in AtlantisКинг, Стивен / Сердца в Атлантиде
Сердца в Атлантиде
Кинг, Стивен
© Stephen King, 1999
© Перевод И.Гурова, 2000
© ООО "Издательство АСТ", 2001
Hearts in Atlantis
King, Stephen
© 1999 by Stephen King
What is more remarkable is that all three powers already possess, in the atomic bomb, a weapon far more powerful than any that their present researches are likely to discover.
Но самое удивительное: все три уже обладают атомной бомбой — оружием гораздо более мощным, чем то, что могли бы дать нынешние разработки.
Orwell, George / Nineteen Eighty-FourОруэлл, Джордж / 1984
Оруэлл, Джордж
© 1977, Sonia Brownell Orwell
© Издательство «Прогресс», 1989
© перевод, Голышев В. П.
Nineteen Eighty-Four
Orwell, George
© 1977, Sonia Brownell Orwell
© 2003, Thomas Pynchon
Outside, over London, bombs were still falling.
На Лондон по-прежнему сыпались бомбы.
Waters, Sarah / The Night WatchУотерс, Сара / Ночной дозор
Ночной дозор
Уотерс, Сара
© 2006 by Sarah Waters
© А. Сафронов, перевод с английского, 2008
© Издание на русском языке, ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", 2008
The Night Watch
Waters, Sarah
© 2006 by Sarah Waters
Of course, you've really tied me down, asking me to stick to the day of the bomb.
Разумеется, вы очень связали меня тем, что просили рассказать только о дне, когда бросили бомбу.
Vonnegut, Kurt / Cat's CradleВоннегут, Курт / Колыбель для кошки
Колыбель для кошки
Воннегут, Курт
© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1978
Cat's Cradle
Vonnegut, Kurt
© 1969 Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr.
With the bomb deactivated, the bastard had plenty of time to recall the remainder of the Delta team and dig himself free.
Обезвредив бомбу, этот подонок теперь может без спешки связаться с вертолетом и спокойно ожидать, когда его вызволят из ледяной ловушки.
Rollins, James / Ice HuntРоллинс, Джеймс / Айсберг
Роллинс, Джеймс
© 2003 by Jim Czajkowski
© В. Шуверов, перевод, 2009
© ООО "Издательство "Эксмо", издание на русском языке, 2009
Ice Hunt
Rollins, James
© 2003 by Jim Czajkowski
Uganda had been horrified by the bomb attack on the United Nations headquarters in Baghdad, and paid tribute to those who had died.
Уганда была потрясена взрывом бомбы возле штаб-квартиры Организации Объединенных Наций в Багдаде и воздала дань памяти погибшим.
© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год
© United Nations 2010
A German mortar bomb whistled through the flames to explode in the Volga.
Просвистела сквозь огонь немецкая мина и взорвалась далеко в Волге.
Grossman, Vasily / Life and FateГроссман, Василий / Жизнь и судьба
Жизнь и судьба
Гроссман, Василий
© Издательство "Книжная палата", 1988
Life and Fate
Grossman, Vasily
© 1980 by Editions L'Age D'Homme
© 1985 by Collins Harvill
There are stories of puffs of luminous, radio-active vapour drifting sometimes scores of miles from the bomb centre and killing and scorching all they overtook.
Существуют рассказы о светящихся радиоактивных парах, разлетавшихся на десятки миль от места взрыва бомбы и убивавших и сжигавших все, что попадалось им на пути.
Wells, Herbert George / The World Set Free: A Story of MankindУэллс, Герберт Джордж / Освобожденный мир
Освобожденный мир
Уэллс, Герберт Джордж
The World Set Free: A Story of Mankind
Wells, Herbert George

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  1. 1.

    wasted~ надрался, бухой

    Перевод добавил Василий Шапошников


get bombed
быть пьяным встельку
get bombed
быть встельку пьяным
aircraft bomb
anti-submarine bomb
противолодочная бомба
atomic bomb
атомная бомба
automatic bomb calorimeter
автоматическая калориметрическая бомба
blast bomb
безоболочная бомба
blast bomb
ручная неосколочная граната
bomb dropper
bomb method
метод испытания в бомбе
bomb out
оставить без жилья
bomb out
разбомбив его
bomb out
bomb shelter
bomb site
на котором бомбами разрушены все здания

Формы слова


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)bombing
Past Participle (Participle II)bombed
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I bombwe bomb
you bombyou bomb
he/she/it bombsthey bomb
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am bombingwe are bombing
you are bombingyou are bombing
he/she/it is bombingthey are bombing
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have bombedwe have bombed
you have bombedyou have bombed
he/she/it has bombedthey have bombed
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been bombingwe have been bombing
you have been bombingyou have been bombing
he/she/it has been bombingthey have been bombing
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I bombedwe bombed
you bombedyou bombed
he/she/it bombedthey bombed
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was bombingwe were bombing
you were bombingyou were bombing
he/she/it was bombingthey were bombing
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had bombedwe had bombed
you had bombedyou had bombed
he/she/it had bombedthey had bombed
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been bombingwe had been bombing
you had been bombingyou had been bombing
he/she/it had been bombingthey had been bombing
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will bombwe shall/will bomb
you will bombyou will bomb
he/she/it will bombthey will bomb
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be bombingwe shall/will be bombing
you will be bombingyou will be bombing
he/she/it will be bombingthey will be bombing
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have bombedwe shall/will have bombed
you will have bombedyou will have bombed
he/she/it will have bombedthey will have bombed
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been bombingwe shall/will have been bombing
you will have been bombingyou will have been bombing
he/she/it will have been bombingthey will have been bombing
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would bombwe should/would bomb
you would bombyou would bomb
he/she/it would bombthey would bomb
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be bombingwe should/would be bombing
you would be bombingyou would be bombing
he/she/it would be bombingthey would be bombing
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have bombedwe should/would have bombed
you would have bombedyou would have bombed
he/she/it would have bombedthey would have bombed
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been bombingwe should/would have been bombing
you would have been bombingyou would have been bombing
he/she/it would have been bombingthey would have been bombing
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am bombedwe are bombed
you are bombedyou are bombed
he/she/it is bombedthey are bombed
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being bombedwe are being bombed
you are being bombedyou are being bombed
he/she/it is being bombedthey are being bombed
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been bombedwe have been bombed
you have been bombedyou have been bombed
he/she/it has been bombedthey have been bombed
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was bombedwe were bombed
you were bombedyou were bombed
he/she/it was bombedthey were bombed
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being bombedwe were being bombed
you were being bombedyou were being bombed
he/she/it was being bombedthey were being bombed
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been bombedwe had been bombed
you had been bombedyou had been bombed
he/she/it had been bombedthey had been bombed
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be bombedwe shall/will be bombed
you will be bombedyou will be bombed
he/she/it will be bombedthey will be bombed
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been bombedwe shall/will have been bombed
you will have been bombedyou will have been bombed
he/she/it will have been bombedthey will have been bombed