Примеры из текстов
This is for life, like I told you.”Esto, como te dije, es de por vida.Ward, J.R. / Lover EnshrinedWard, J.R. / Amante ConsagradoAmante ConsagradoWard, J.R.© Traducción: 2009, Patricia Torres Londoño© 2010, Santillana Ediciones Generales, S.L.© 2007, Jessica BirdLover EnshrinedWard, J.R.© Jessica Bird, 2008
'This is my fucking life. They want to take it and this is the best card I've got.Es mi puta vida; quieren quitármela, ¿sabe?, y ésta es mi mejor carta.Katzenbach, John / Just CauseKatzenbach, John / Juicio FinalJuicio FinalKatzenbach, John© 1992 by John Katzenbach© Ediciones B, S. A., 2006Just CauseKatzenbach, John© 1992 by John Katzenbach
Losing normal levels of energy and the ability to enjoy life: This is a clear sign of depression. In its most extreme form, depression can cause a slowing of the way children move and think.Pérdida de niveles normales de energía y de la capacidad para disfrutar de la vida: Este es un claro signo de depresión, en su caso extremo, esto puede significar lentitud en la forma de actuar y pensar.© New South Wales Health Department for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Waleshttp://www.health.nsw.gov.au 12/27/2011© New South Wales Health Department for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Waleshttp://www.health.nsw.gov.au 12/27/2011
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así es la vida
Перевод добавил Gerardo Ederlis Silveira