Mira 97asked for translation 8 anos atrás
How to translate? (en-ru)
i'm footing
- 1.
я оплачиваю
translation added by Талгат МырзахановGold en-ru - 2.
я марширую
translation added by Melamed Valery - 3.
Я иду пешком, я мврширую, я танцую
translation added by Melamed Valery

Mira 97asked for translation 8 anos atrás
How to translate? (ru-en)
встреча и размещение гостей
- 1.
Meeting and accomodating guests
translation added by Elena BogomolovaGold ru-en

Mira 97asked for translation 8 anos atrás
How to translate? (en-ru)

Mira 97asked for translation 8 anos atrás
How to translate? (en-ru)
- 1.
мелкий или незначительный человек (особенно презираемый)
translation added by ` ALGold en-ru

Mira 97asked for translation 8 anos atrás
How to translate? (en-ru)
i love mixing wiht the stars
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Mira 97asked for translation 8 anos atrás
How to translate? (en-ru)
i'll make it worth it
- 1.
Ты не пожалеешь; это будет того стоить
translation added by Ksuha Gakalo

Mira 97asked for translation 8 anos atrás
How to translate? (ru-en)
это отнимает много сил
- 1.
it takes a lot of effort
translation added by Aleh LaGold ru-en - 2.
It's exhausting .
translation added by Анастасия КудринаBronze ru-en

Mira 97asked for translation 8 anos atrás
How to translate? (ru-en)
она угостила меня кофе
- 1.
She treated me to a coffee.
translation added by ⁌ ULY ⁍Gold ru-en - 2.
She treated me to coffee
translation added by Elena BogomolovaGold ru-en

Mira 97asked for translation 8 anos atrás
How to translate? (ru-en)
я уверена в себе
- 1.
I am self-confident.
translation added by Tatiana MelihovaGold ru-en - 2.
I'm confident in myself
translation added by Natalia CBronze ru-en

Mira 97asked for translation 8 anos atrás
How to translate? (ru-en)
я почти успела сделать все запланированные дела
- 1.
I nearly managed to do everything that I had planned.
translation added by Elena BogomolovaGold ru-en
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