Elic Flowerasked for translation hace 8 años
How to translate? (ru-en)
Они должны делать это сами
- 1.
They have to do it themselves
translation added by Vladislav JeongGold ru-en
Elic Flowerasked for translation hace 8 años
How to translate? (ru-en)
сделать за кого-то
- 1.
to do something for somebody
translation added by ⁌ ULY ⁍Gold ru-en
Elic Flowerasked for translation hace 8 años
How to translate? (ru-en)
- 1.
translation added by Талгат МырзахановGold ru-en - 2.
to self-actualize
translation added by Наталья Горшкова
Elic Flowerasked for translation hace 8 años
How to translate? (en-ru)
what's an interesting way you've seen a message communicated?
- 1.
Какой интересный способ передать сообщение вы видели?
translation added by Alex HrypunBronze en-ru
Elic Flowerasked for translation hace 8 años
How to translate? (en-ru)
- 1.
смог Составлен из двух слов: smoke+fog=smog
translation added by Талгат МырзахановGold en-ru
Elic Flowerasked for translation hace 8 años
How to translate? (ru-en)
переехать в город
- 1.
move to the city
translation added by Alex HrypunBronze ru-en - 2.
To leave for ... - переехать в..
translation added by Ольга Шитова
Elic Flowerasked for translation hace 8 años
How to translate? (ru-en)
вы давно знаете ее?
- 1.
How long have you known her?
translation added by ⁌ ULY ⁍Gold ru-en
Elic Flowerasked for translation hace 8 años
How to translate? (ru-en)
рассчитывать только на свои силы
- 1.
To count only on yourself
To count on your strength only (если в прямом смысле (физически) рассчитывать на свои силы)
translation added by Holy MolyGold ru-en - 2.
to rely on yourself
translation added by Alexa Hola - 3.
to count on one's strength only
translation added by Mike UfaGold ru-en