Go and fuck yourself!
Комментарий автора
"Go and fuck yourself!" is an excellent expression to all "translators" on this Lingvo site who like to nit-pick and argue until they are blue in their faces about non-existent nuances of the language. I have a feeling that all these mother-fuckers have nothing else to do in their miserable lives other than to argue with each other on this web site over nothing! So, mother-fuckers, go and fuck yourselves! All of you! Instead of helping each other -- you shit on each other's heads and then you eat that shit...and then you re-hash it and eat the same regurgitated shit again and again. This is insane how crazy and stupid these mother-fuckers are on this web site who like to attack each other instead of being courteous. No wonder there are 43 military conflicts happening concurrently at this time worldwide. It's fucking loco, man. If I had access to nuclear weapons, I would have shoved them up their asses and detonated them to watch Christmas fireworks! You want war? You'll get war, bitch!