"moody" ..Guys l cant find its russian equivalences
adjective: угрюмый / унылый / в дурном настроении - someone got a bad mood.

очаровательный...Guys could l use it for ladies? could you please give me some examples? and what does it mean exactly?
If you are going to use this adjective making compliment to a lady you should change the end of the would ( очаровательная - feminine gender ), not ( очаровательный - masculine gender).
Translator's comment
Вы очаровательная женщина. = You are a beautiful woman.
Also this adjective could be used for an indeterminate gender, but the and of the word should be changed, too ( очаровательны) and you should not use any nouns after the adjective.
Вы очаровательны = You are a beautiful.
Remember about formal and informal language using personal pronouns:
Вы очаровательная женщина. = You are a beautiful woman.
Ты очаровательная женщина. = You are a beautiful woman.
Вы очаровательны. = You are a beautiful.
Ты очаровательна. = You are a beautiful.
Don't use this adjective to make a compliment to a male, because he will think that you are a gay.

Свидетельство Иисуса Христа.
Example translation
The testimony of Jesus Christ

тебе понравилось на этом концерте
How did you like this concert?

corn bin / hopper

press a claim/case
предъявлять притензию

transactional leadership
административное руководство

everyone to visit and enjoy
все желающие посетить и наслаждиться

простое прошедшее время и причастие прошедшего времени от ( sweep )

are in the most remote part of
находятся в самой далёкой части (чего-либо)