Grizzly Nestrelyaliдобавил комментарий 10 years ago
sorry, it was a terribly bad pun, taken with the previous question about destiny.
У каждого своя плотность
no translation for now, but I had to ask a question.
what did you mean by "у каждого своя плотность"? "плотность" is "density", as in mass divided by volume. it may also mean "density of population" ("плотность населения") - but it doesn't seem to fit. where did you get this phrase?
sorry, it was a terribly bad pun, taken with the previous question about destiny.
OK. thank you, my curiosity is now satisfied.
you know what, I actually thought so. I mean destiny-density came to my mind. so it wasn't that terrible after all. it's just completely lost, when you translate it. =)