country-страна!! Не вводите в заблуждения народ!!!!
Как будет правильно по английски - "Я за городом" или "я поехал за город".
Зависит от того, что вы хотите сказать.
Я за городом: I'm in the country.
Я поехал (еду) за город: I'm going to the country.
Или: I'm on my way to the country (тоже я еду за город).
country-страна!! Не вводите в заблуждения народ!!!!
Oh really? 😄 Go learn the bloody language and don't embarrass yourself 😄
Явно в вашем предложение оно не прилагательное😂😂😂😂
Частичку к country +side добавьте и будет ок!😬
Countryside? 😄 Look lady I don't know what kind of expert in English you are telling me here what the word "country" means. I'm not going to argue with you cause to me it's clear that you don't know much about the language. It's understandable though. So here you are, read and learn (oh, and welcome 😊):
country noun (NATURAL LAND)
land that is not in towns, cities, or industrial areas and is either used for farming or left in its natural condition:
He lives out in the country somewhere.
Would you prefer to live in the country instead of a town?
Country life isn't always as peaceful as city-dwellers think.
It's often quicker to travel across country and avoid the major roads altogether.
And here is some more for you, my English Guru:
country (often the country) Districts and small settlements outside large urban areas or the capital:
the airfield is right out in the country
Before saying something offensive to people (like they don't know what they're talking about) it's better to google for some more information.
Oh and about countryside (welcome again):
And to get even more sure please go and google "English country" or "American country" or "Russian country" or whatever. And after you're done with your research come back and be brave to say "thank you".
There is a difference between "the country" and "the countryside". You say "country" when you mean the area which is out of the city. You say "countryside" when you mean the landscape of that area. You can say: I'm going to the country to get some rest from the city life and to enjoy the countryside.
I do hope that your skills in English allow you to read and, which is more important, to understand what I just wrote above.