Loyalty isn't all that special when it's spent alone
Комментарий автора
Не совсем понимаю, что такое it's spent alone. Когда остается лишь она одна?
В контексте:
“Yeah really! Hmph...” Gold Plate's nostrils flared. “I grew up with everypony around me telling me to do things that I didn't want to do. I didn't want them to boss me around. I don't care if the other stallions think I don't belong here with this caravan, I've got something to prove. After all, what matters in the end is that I'm loyal to myself. Even a crazy pegasus like you would agree with that.”
Rainbow Dash said nothing.
“Loyalty isn't all that special when it's spent alone.”
Gold Plate blinked. He looked up curiously at Rainbow Dash.
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верность только самому себе - не такое уж особое достоинство
Перевод добавил Alexander АkimovЗолото en-ru2