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- 1.
I just got one hell of a crazy idea. Here it is... you go home and pack up your things.
Tradução adicionada por ⁌ ULY ⁍Ouro ru-en - 2.
I have got one hell of an idea. Let me tell you. You are going home right now. And packing up your stuff.
Tradução adicionada por Alexandra SizovaBronze ru-en - 3.
I have got one hell of an idea. Let me tell you. You go home right now. And you pack up your things.
Tradução adicionada por Alexandra SizovaBronze ru-en - 4.
A totally crazy idea just came into my mind. I'm going to tell you all about it. You go home right away and start packing your stuff.
Tradução adicionada por Holy MolyOuro ru-en