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Tradução adicionada por Виталий Цаль
It's not until the last stage, which is renewed self-confidence and determination, that you are in a frame ofmmd to convince someone to hire you. That, in the end, is what all the career books and counseling sessions really do: The build you back up, convince you that it wasn't anything personal.
Something must be wrong with me.» The third step, usually, is to turn it outward and say, «Aha! It wasn't me, it was that guy.» You externalize the blame and really get angry at the world, your boss or whomever.
A. For most people, it's psychological and emotional stress. There are four stages that people seem to go
through when they lose a job.
The first usually is panic: «What am I going to do financially, personally?)) Second is guilt: «l'm not worth anything. My coworkers are still there and I'm not
Especially in this recession, the whole concept of long-term job security - whether it be in government,
the auto industry or whatever - is changing. People seem more aware that if they are laid off the may not get called back.
Q. What is the most painful part of unemployment?
Q. Mr. May, is it possible for a person to emerge unscathed from a long period of being out of job?
A. I would say unscathed would be too optimistic. But it's certainty possible to plan ahead and to survive a period of unemployment without deep emotional and psychological scars.
Especially in this recession, the whole concept of long-term job security - whether it be in government,
the auto industry or whatever - is changing. People seem more aware that if they are laid off the may not get called back.
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Two thousand eight. The year two thousand eight.
Tradução adicionada por Elena BogomolovaOuro en-ru
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two thousand eight
Tradução adicionada por Ирина Щукина