the Sundayness
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Tradução adicionada por Sasyn Sargsyan
Soon sports shoes were worn by everyone from the brokers
The understaffed agency can't bring us into repute.
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Неукомплектованное персоналом учреждение не может создать нам хорошую репутацию.
Tradução adicionada por Tatiana OsipovaOuro en-ru
Mandy knew herself to be highly employable, but remained faithful to the agency.
With the exception of Emma Woodhouse all Jane Austen's heroines are penniless and have no dependable prospect other than comfortless spinsterhood.
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Для всех героинь Джейн Остин, за исключением Эммы Вудхаус, характерно отсутствие денежных средств и каких-либо перспектив, кроме печальной участи старой девы.
Tradução adicionada por Tatiana OsipovaOuro en-ru
While the politician believes the real wildfire problem is chiefly in roaded areas of the forests, he's not likely to find many allies in the timber industry.
Would the treaty do more harm than good? For now the question is unanswerable.
Once Sunday was regarded as one of the days in the week when you did not incessantly carry on business. But little by little the Sundayness has been draining out of Sunday, and it is turning into a day just like any other.
Two of the most camera-friendly gowns were worn by Elisabeth Hurley and Sophie Loren, both of whom chose see-through black shiffon to flatter their striking figures.
No place is like Paris, but I think it's more livable here.