Растрата денежных средств
How about "economic malfeaseance"?

Comentário do tradutor
It's not an English word. It derives from the Alaska native people's language, "Athabaskan", which means "far-away land".

Unfortunately during my longer period of staying home on vacation I have met a girl
Desgraciadamente, durante mi estancia más larga en casa durante las vacaciones conocí a una chica.
"Staying home was longer than the expected"
"Unfortunately, I have to go back to the drawing board of the whole thing"
Tradução do exemplo
«Quedarme en casa fue más largo de lo que yo esperaba»
«Desgraciadamente, tengo que volver a empezar todo»
Comentário do tradutor
Lack of context. Longer than what?
Unfortunately? Could it not be "fortunately"?
I have met a girl "for the better or for the worse"? Given the case, it changes the sentence's structure meaning.

Старый друг лучше новых двух
No friend is like an old friend

Слово – серебро, а молчанье золото
a shut mouth catches no flies

reap what you sow
что потопаешь-то полопаешь / Каково сошьешь, таково и износишь

Las llantas del coche estaban muy bajas cuando se calibraron estaban a 20.
The car tires were very low. The moment the tires were being calibrated, they were at 20 inches.

Hay un masaje especial para evitar los cólicos en recién nacidos.
There is a special massage in order to avoid baby colics.

prudemment, attentivement, soigneusement.

mi hermano no quiere venir a verme
My brother doesn't want to come and see me.