For the employer, cost of training employees is particularly important when employee turnover is high, often an indirect result itself of poor human engineering due to a third cost.

Menu selection systems may alleviate such wasted time by self-documenting the system

it requires tapping а sources of technology around the world

distributed research and development activities and globally dispersed innovation processes

systems perspective
- 1.
системные перспективы
translation added by Наталия Ярошенко - 2.
Перспективные системы
translation added by ДМИТРИЙ ТАРЦАЕВ

feedback links
- 1.
обратная связь
translation added by Талгат МырзахановGold en-ru

a new way of describing a firm’s proactiveness as a dynamic pattern

the two concepts form a continuous rather than dichotomous construct
- 1.
эти два понятия образуют непрерывную, а не дихотомичную конструкцию
translation added by Variozo

high knowledge intensity and systemic features

technology-based firm
- 1.
Это - компания, которая постоянно применяет в своей деятельности научные и технологические знания с целью производства новых товаров или услуг с высокой добавочной стоимостью.
translation added by Mike UfaGold en-ru