we can make up some time
Traduções dos usuários (1)
- 1.
наверстать немного времени (на дороге)
I'm going to have to floor it to make up some time after that traffic jam. Check if there're any highway patrols around.
Tradução do exemplo
Мне нужно будет дать по газам, чтобы наверстать немного времени после этой пробки. Проверь, нет ли дорожного патруля рядом.
Comentário do tradutor
We use this expression primarily when we're on long car trips and we lose time in a traffic jam, or because we stopped for a meal, etc. It basically means to drive extra fast in order to get back on schedule. Not to be confused with the express MAKE UP FOR LOST TIME which translates to наверстать упущенное время with someone that you haven't seen for a long time. Interesting enough, there's also the express MAKE GOOD TIME, which means to be on schedule when driving, or to be ahead of time: "Traffic is so light on the interstate today. We're making good time." Or if you arrive earlier than expected: "Wow, we made good time."
Tradução adicionada por ⁌ ULY ⁍Ouro en-ru2