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Дадаш Дадашевsolicitou a tradução 9 лет назад
Como traduzir? (en-ru)

I blame the increase in violent crime on television.

Traduções dos usuários (3)

  1. 1.

    Я осуждаю рост числа телевизионных программ, в которых демонстрируются жестокие преступления

    Tradução adicionada por Андрей Простаков
  2. 2.

    Я виню телевидение в росте жестоких преступлений.

    Tradução adicionada por Elena Bogomolova
    Ouro en-ru
  3. 3.

    В росте количества жестоких преступлений я виню телевидение

    Comentário do tradutor

    Господи, откуда такой текст? Из 80-х?

    Tradução adicionada por mazaytsev@gmail.com

Discussão (19)

⁌ ULY ⁍adicionou o comentário 9 лет назад

Andrey's version is the correct interpretation of this sentence. There is an underlying situation that has been previously stated, to the effect of "Children are fighting more today than 20 years ago." This post is a response to that, which means "In my opinion, that is due to the an ever-increasing number of violent crimes being portrayed on television." So the correct parsing of this sentence is I [subject] blame [verb] the increase in violent crime on television [object]. AND NOT: I [subject] blame [verb] the increase in violent crime [object] on television [complement].

⁌ ULY ⁍adicionou o comentário 9 лет назад

(the thumbs-down aren't mine)

Elena Bogomolovaadicionou o comentário 9 лет назад

Uly, I don't agree. I found now this exercise, the sense is different from what you say :http://www.tolearnenglish.com/forum/lire.php?num=3&msg=67162&titre=Verbs+and+prepositions/help

Elena Bogomolovaadicionou o comentário 9 лет назад

To blame means "винить", а не осуждать. "Осуждать" - to condemn, disapprove

⁌ ULY ⁍adicionou o comentário 9 лет назад

If you look at the link you sent me, the English has THE television. That changes everything. So I stand by my comments. There's a difference between blaming [the increase in violent crimes on television] -and- blaming [the increase in violent crimes] on the television. Andrey doesn't deserve a thumbs down. In this sentence, blames expresses a disapproval, so his INTERPRETATION is correct. Translation is about rendering accurate MEANING, not WORDS.

⁌ ULY ⁍adicionou o comentário 9 лет назад

THE in his sentence marks the tv as the clear and definite object of the verb BLAME. Otherwise the sentence is ambiguous and open to another interpretation, such as Andrey's.

Elena Bogomolovaadicionou o comentário 9 лет назад

You say "THE in his sentence marks the tv as the clear and definite object of the verb BLAME" But there is no THE.

⁌ ULY ⁍adicionou o comentário 9 лет назад

I mean the sentence on the website you sent me

⁌ ULY ⁍adicionou o comentário 9 лет назад

In the sentence on this page above, there is no article, which is why I agree with Andrey's version.

Elena Bogomolovaadicionou o comentário 9 лет назад

I've just asked this question on www.usingenglish.com. I asked:
"Does it mean I think that:
- The increase in violent crime occurs because more violent acts are shown on TV?
- I disapprove of the increase of acts of violence shown on TV?"
Here is the reply:
"The first. "To blame x on y" means to state that y caused x."

Elena Bogomolovaadicionou o comentário 9 лет назад

That question was asked by Дадаш Дадашев, who had previously asked about the difference between "to blame on" and "to blame for"

⁌ ULY ⁍adicionou o comentário 9 лет назад

well if he was asking about TO BLAME ON, he should have written THE television.

⁌ ULY ⁍adicionou o comentário 9 лет назад

Olga, you're welcome to believe whatever they tell you on usingenglish, but Andrey's version is the one that I see as a native when I read this sentence without any context. He doesn't deserve a thumbs down.

Elena Bogomolovaadicionou o comentário 9 лет назад

Uly, it's not a matter of thumbs down, after all, I can remove it. It's a matter of what is correct. But I got so many thumbs down myself in vain including this post and here I don't agree at all.

⁌ ULY ⁍adicionou o comentário 9 лет назад

Again, that is your prerogative - I think your translation is one way of interpreting this (although not mine), which is why I didn't vote you down. But it's not the best interpretation in my opinion.

⁌ ULY ⁍adicionou o comentário 9 лет назад

Sorry, I called you Olga above - force of habit :)

⁌ ULY ⁍adicionou o comentário 9 лет назад

To what do you attribute the fact that kids are fighting more in school? I blame [THE INCREASE OF VIOLENT CRIMES ON TV].

⁌ ULY ⁍adicionou o comentário 9 лет назад

as opposed to:

⁌ ULY ⁍adicionou o comentário 9 лет назад


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