мне стоило узнать их получше чем купить для них кошку
I should have known better than to have bought them a cat.
Traduções dos usuários (2)
- 1.
Ну/И зачем (только) я купил им кошку?
Tradução adicionada por Tatiana GerasimenkoOuro en-ru4 - 2.
Не надо было мне покупать им кошку!
Tradução adicionada por Tatiana GerasimenkoOuro en-ru4
Discussão (17)
НЕ НАДО БЫЛО МНЕ покупать им кошку!
Ну зачем (только) я купил им кошку?
++++++++++++Tatiana!!!!! This expresses regret after the fact.
I didn't post my translation because I wasn't sure if "to have bought" is correct. It was the first time I saw the perfect infinitive in a sentence like that.
Татьяна 👍
Спасибо, Анна😉🙏
Спасибо за ссылки, Nick! 😉👍
Actually, stylistically, this sentence should be “I should’ve known better than to BUY them a cat” because two consecutive present perfects sound clumsy and the first one is enough. But to give you a good example of the perfect infinitive: It was stupid of me to have bought them a cat.
How very interesting! So, I wasn't so incorrect?
If it sounded repetitious to you, you were right!
But let me stress that it's NOT incorrect. Now how 'bout a translation 😉
And this also means SHAME ON ME for buying them a cat - I knew it was a bad idea.