почему-то я прочитал "по долинам"
Елена, я думаю, coast - это только у моря/океана -
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Aydana Kapyshevasolicitou a tradução 6 years ago
Como traduzir? (ru-en)
По равнинам Монголии протекала река широкая, светлая, прозрачная. На западном ее берегу тихо и мирно жила с матерью девушка необыкновенной красоты.
Traduções dos usuários (2)
- 1.
A broad river with crystal clear waters flowed through the Mongolian flatlands. On its western bank, there quietly and peacefully lived an amazingly beautiful girl with her mother.
Tradução adicionada por Elena BogomolovaOuro ru-en2 - 2.
There was a wide, pristine and clear river that ran/flowed through the plains of Mongolia. A woman and her daughter of extraordinary beauty lived peacefully on its west(ern) bank.
Tradução adicionada por grumblerOuro ru-en1
Discussão (2)
grumbleradicionou o comentário 6 years ago
Elena Bogomolovaadicionou o comentário 6 years ago
точно, я уже поняла, спасибо.