Сергей М. (谢尔盖)adiocionou a nota 9 лет назад
appear - disappear
natural - artificial
rapidly - slowly
increase - decrease
soft - hard
completely - incompletely
worst - best
include - exclude
existent - non-existent
stable - unstable
like - unlike
positive - negative
charge - discharge
to gain - to lose
clear - unclear
internal - external
direct - indirect
purity - impurity
dark - light
evolve - involve
long - short
modern - old
expensive - cheap
heavy - light
regular - irregular
thin - thick
together - separately
order - disorder
conductor - insulator
transparent - opaque
active - inactive
liquid - solid
to liquefy - to solidify
warm - cool
the same - different
suitable - unsuitable
significant - insignificant
pure - impure
definite - indefinite
easy - difficult
ease - difficulty
long-lived - short-lived
inside - outside
dependent - independent
discovered - undiscovered
large - small
organic - inorganic
pleasant - unpleasant
often - seldom
useful - harmful
tasteful - tasteless
bright - dull
strong - weak
fast - slow