Валерий, где вы здесь oil увидели?
Живопись - это не только масло. Акварель тоже живопись. И пастель...
живописные полотна и картины в технике пастели
Traduções dos usuários (3)
- 1.
scenic pastel canvasses and drawings
Tradução adicionada por ⁌ ULY ⁍Ouro ru-en3 - 2.
Scenic canvases and pictures drawn in pastels
Tradução adicionada por Elena BogomolovaOuro ru-en2 - 3.
oil-canvasses and pastel pictures
Tradução adicionada por Валерий КоротоношкоOuro ru-en0
Discussão (11)
"in pastel technique" isn't quite natural. I would say: DRAWN IN PASTELS.
Good to know, thanks, Uly))
Elena, very good, but a PAINTING by it’s very nature, can’t be DRAWN)))
Ngram gives many examples of paintings drawn...(?)
Scenic canvases and paintings in pastels (?)
Those are references to the initial stage of a painting, where the artist makes a drawing and then paints it out. The final result of something that is PAINTED can, by it’s very nature, not be DRAWN - what you see in the end is a PAINTING, and the initial DRAWING lies beneath.
Got it.Thanks. In Russian 'painting' is картина, but it's not просто картина, это картина, писаная красками ))
In English, a painting is the result of applying paint with a brush.