О какой службе идет речь?
Сотрудники не прошедшие медицинский осмотр до службы не допускаются.
Traduções dos usuários (2)
- 1.
Employees who haven't undergone a medical examination will not be admitted to service.
Tradução adicionada por Elena BogomolovaOuro ru-en2 - 2.
Any employee not having undergone a medical examination will not be permitted back into service.
Tradução adicionada por ⁌ ULY ⁍Ouro ru-en2
Discussão (15)
WILL not be admitted
Thanks! I wrote "will" first and then corrected
Uly, "prior to service" means "before service starts", right? But до службы doesn't mean that, it's the part of the phrase "не допускаются до службы/к службе" - won't be permitted to continue their service there.
Thank you, I corrected it.
You're always welcome! Could be «a physical» used here? (i saw it in one of your translations)
Absolutely. Actually I should’ve used it. Companies and schools are the ones who usually require physicals.
Elena, your translation means that out of a certain number of employees, there was a group that didn’t undergo the physical and those specific employees will not be integrated into service. Is that what this means?
Uly, I think it is said about any employee who hasn't undergone the physical. I used "the" meaning that it concerns all the employees of this service. Is it not correct?
No, the definite article designates a specific group. In this case it would only refer to the specific employees who haven’t taken the physical. If you want to refer to everyone in general, you have three options: (1) ANY EMPLOYEE (2) THOSE EMPLOYEES (3) EMPLOYEES. Option 1 can also be expanded to ANY AND ALL EMPLOYEES...
Thank you for the exanation !