El diccionario universal inglés-ruso- It is intended for a full-text search and it significantly expands the possibilities of working with lexical items from the Russian glossary of LingvoUniversal. Contains usage examples, synonyms, and antonyms.
- It is intended for a full-text search and it significantly expands the possibilities of working with lexical items from the Russian glossary of LingvoUniversal. Contains usage examples, synonyms, and antonyms.
шелуха, тонкая плёнка
зубной камень
осадок; накипь, минеральные отложения; тех. окалина
(scales) щёчки, накладки (на рукоятке складного ножа)
тонкая металлическая пластинка или дощечка
уст.; амер.; разг. монеты, деньги
чистить (рыбу); соскабливать, снимать (чешую)
лущить (горох, арахис и т. п.)
соскабливать, сдирать, счищать, снимать (накипь, нарост, зубной камень и т. п.)
снимать окалину
= scale off шелушиться, отшелушиваться
образовывать окалину, накипь или осадок; откладываться в виде осадка
чаша весов прям. и перен. , чашка или платформа весов
(scales) = a pair of scales весы (измерительный прибор)
(the Scales) астр. Весы (созвездие)
(the Scales) астрол. Весы (знак зодиака)
взвешивать; определять вес
градация, шкала; иерархия
ступень (занимаемая в той или иной иерархии), уровень развития (по той или иной шкале)
масштаб (карты и т. п.); масштабное соотношение
градуировка (измерительного прибора и т. п.)
размер, протяжённость; охват
муз. гамма
иск. цветовая гамма
масштабная линейка
мат.; = scale of notation система счисления
определять масштаб, сводить к определённому масштабу
представлять в определённом масштабе; устанавливать пропорции, соотношения
регулировать, определять (количество, объём чего-л.)
градуировать, наносить деления; строить шкалу
быть или стать соизмеримыми, сопоставимыми (о нескольких различных объектах)
книжн. подниматься, взбираться
Law (En-Ru)
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The scope and level of agriculture development distinguish the region on a national scale, 15% of the population is employed in that sector.Для Краснодарского края характерно самое крупное и развитое в стране сельское хозяйство, на долю занятых в котором приходится 15%.© 2009-2011 ГК «Олимпстрой»www.sc-os.ru 15.06.2011© 2009-2011 SC «Olympstroy»www.sc-os.ru 15.06.2011
There was a lack of devotion to the law and the institutions, and there was subversion in the scale of values of our Nation.Не было преданности закону и институтам, и произошел подрыв шкалы ценностей нашей нации.© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 годhttp://www.un.org/ 19.03.2011© United Nations 2010http://www.un.org/ 19.03.2011
For this reason, the device cannot be used in clinical practice on a wide scale.Это не позволяет широко применять устройство в клинической практике.http://www.patentlens.net/ 11/10/2011http://www.patentlens.net/ 11/10/2011
As WLAN deployments expand within an organization, roaming domains might need to scale beyond a single Layer 2 VLAN.Если беспроводная LAN используется в масштабах организации, может возникнуть необходимость в доменах роуминга, распространяющихся за пределы одного уровня 2 виртуальной локальной сети.Roshan, Pejman,Leary, Jonathan / 802.11 Wireless LAN FundamentalsРошан, Педжман,Лиэри, Джонатан / Основы построения беспроводных локальных сетей стандарта 802.11Основы построения беспроводных локальных сетей стандарта 802.11Рошан, Педжман,Лиэри, Джонатан© Cisco Press, 2004© Издательский дом "Вильямc", 2004802.11 Wireless LAN FundamentalsRoshan, Pejman,Leary, Jonathan© 2004 Cisco Systems, Inc.
It's also foreseen that the cartridges 31, threaded bars 45, 46 and sliders 49 are supplied with a metric scale 58, a degree scale 59 on the butt of the external ring 4, and a landmark sign 60—on the surface of the ducted bolt 41.Предусматривается также, что гильзы 31 , резьбовые штанги 45, 46 и ползуны 49 снабжены метрической шкалой 58, на торец внешнего кольца 4 нанесена градусная шкала 59, а на поверхность канализированного болта 41 — ориентирная метка 60.http://www.patentlens.net/ 21.10.2011http://www.patentlens.net/ 21.10.2011
For minimization of such risks the Company creates reserves of coal and fuel oil at its power plants for use in the event when the budgeted funds are exhausted and for prevention of large- scale purchases of fuel.В целях минимизации указанных рисков на электростанциях Общества создаются запасы резервных видов топлива (угля и мазута) для обеспечения возможности их сверхплановых расходов и исключения одномоментных закупок топлива в больших объемах.© 2008-2010 OAO Mosenergohttp://www.mosenergo.ru 12/14/2011© 2008-2010 ОАО Мосэнергоhttp://www.mosenergo.ru 12/14/2011
The invention is related to production of humic acids that can be used in production of fertilizers and in industry as a component of drilling solutions, as wood dye, corrosion and scale inhibitor, etc.Изобретение относится к получению гуминовых кислот и может быть использовано при получении удобрений, а также в промышленности как компонент бурильных растворов, в качестве красителя древесины, ингибитора коррозии и накипи и т. д.http://www.patentlens.net/ 1/4/2012http://www.patentlens.net/ 1/4/2012
The absolute volume of water consumption shows the full scale of anthropogenic pressure on the regional natural waters, while the per capita volume of water consumption shows the specific (per capita) pressure and the cost of living on the territory.Абсолютный объем водопотребления показывает масштаб антропогенного прессинга на природные воды региона, а душевой — удельный прессинг и «цену» проживания на данной территории.© 2009-2011 ГК «Олимпстрой»www.sc-os.ru 15.06.2011© 2009-2011 SC «Olympstroy»www.sc-os.ru 15.06.2011
However, the UNDP Executive Board first revised40 the staffing formula in 1997 to achieve economies of scale, and later, in 1999,41 discontinued the application of this formula, owing to financial constraints.Однако Исполнительный совет ПРООН впервые пересмотрел формулу штатного расписания в 1997 году для достижения экономии масштаба, а затем в 1999 году прекратил применение этой формулы из-за финансовых трудностей.© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 годhttp://www.un.org/ 7/9/2010© United Nations 2010http://www.un.org/ 7/9/2010
In the last week of March 1999, these movements were to escalate into an emergency of unprecedented scale and gravity.В последнюю неделю марта 1999 года эти перемещения грозили перерасти в беспрецедентную по масштабам и серьезности чрезвычайную ситуацию.© Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 годhttp://www.un.org/ 21.02.2011© United Nations 2010http://www.un.org/ 21.02.2011
On the other hand, if the expansion time scale were somehow lengthened, the only effect would be that more neutrons would decay into protons before nucleosynthesis occurs, so that less helium would be produced.Наоборот, если бы временная шкала расширения каким-то образом удлинилась, единственным эффектом был бы распад большого числа нейтронов и соответственно образование меньшего количества гелия.Weinberg, Steven / Gravitation and Cosmology: Principles and Applications Of The General Theory Of RelativityВейнберг, Стивен / Гравитация и космология: принципы и приложения общей теории относительностиГравитация и космология: принципы и приложения общей теории относительностиВейнберг, Стивен© Перевод на русский язык, «Мир», 1975Gravitation and Cosmology: Principles and Applications Of The General Theory Of RelativityWeinberg, Steven© 1972, by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
All these patients had a slight improvement of cognitive functions (by 3-4 points on average as per MMSE scale) and reported some “feelings of joy”.У всех этих больных отмечалось незначительное улучшение когнитивных функций (на 3-4 балла в среднем по шкале MMSE) и появление «чyвcтвa paдocти».http://www.patentlens.net/ 11/6/2011http://www.patentlens.net/ 11/6/2011
As the scale parameter g is proportional to the time squared, we denote this scale space as the quadratic scale space.Поскольку масштабный параметр g пропорционален квадрату времени, обозначим это масштабное пространство как квадратичное масштабное пространство.Jähne, Bernd / Digital Image ProcessingЯне, Бернд / Цифровая обработка изображенийЦифровая обработка изображенийЯне, Бернд© 2005, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg© 2006, ЗАО «РИЦ «Техносфера» перевод на русский языкDigital Image ProcessingJähne, Bernd© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005
In descending the social scale in any modern industrial community, the primary fact-the conspicuous leisure of the master of the household-disappears at a relatively high point.При движении вниз по социальной шкале в любом современном промышленном обществе в относительно высокой ее точке отмечается исчезновение явления первостепенной важности — явления демонстративной праздности хозяина дома.Veblen, Thorstein / The Theory of the Leisure ClassВеблен, Торстейн / Теория праздного классаТеория праздного классаВеблен, Торстейн© Перевод на русский язык, издательство «Прогресс», 1984The Theory of the Leisure ClassVeblen, Thorstein
I am but a poor creature, a beggar, an atom in the scale of humanity.Ибо нищ и наг, и атом в коловращении людей.Достоевский, Фёдор / ИдиотDostoevsky, Fyodor / IdiotIdiotDostoevsky, Fyodor© 2004 by Fine Creative Media, Inc.ИдиотДостоевский, Фёдор© Издательство "Художественная литература", 1971
Traducciones de usuarios
Categoría gramatical no está fijada
- 1.
Traducción agregada por grumblerOro ru-en
Forma de la palabra
Basic forms | |
Past | scaled |
Imperative | scale |
Present Participle (Participle I) | scaling |
Past Participle (Participle II) | scaled |
Present Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I scale | we scale |
you scale | you scale |
he/she/it scales | they scale |
Present Continuous, Active Voice | |
I am scaling | we are scaling |
you are scaling | you are scaling |
he/she/it is scaling | they are scaling |
Present Perfect, Active Voice | |
I have scaled | we have scaled |
you have scaled | you have scaled |
he/she/it has scaled | they have scaled |
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I have been scaling | we have been scaling |
you have been scaling | you have been scaling |
he/she/it has been scaling | they have been scaling |
Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I scaled | we scaled |
you scaled | you scaled |
he/she/it scaled | they scaled |
Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I was scaling | we were scaling |
you were scaling | you were scaling |
he/she/it was scaling | they were scaling |
Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I had scaled | we had scaled |
you had scaled | you had scaled |
he/she/it had scaled | they had scaled |
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I had been scaling | we had been scaling |
you had been scaling | you had been scaling |
he/she/it had been scaling | they had been scaling |
Future Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I shall/will scale | we shall/will scale |
you will scale | you will scale |
he/she/it will scale | they will scale |
Future Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will be scaling | we shall/will be scaling |
you will be scaling | you will be scaling |
he/she/it will be scaling | they will be scaling |
Future Perfect, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have scaled | we shall/will have scaled |
you will have scaled | you will have scaled |
he/she/it will have scaled | they will have scaled |
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I shall/will have been scaling | we shall/will have been scaling |
you will have been scaling | you will have been scaling |
he/she/it will have been scaling | they will have been scaling |
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice | |
I should/would scale | we should/would scale |
you would scale | you would scale |
he/she/it would scale | they would scale |
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would be scaling | we should/would be scaling |
you would be scaling | you would be scaling |
he/she/it would be scaling | they would be scaling |
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice | |
I should/would have scaled | we should/would have scaled |
you would have scaled | you would have scaled |
he/she/it would have scaled | they would have scaled |
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice | |
I should/would have been scaling | we should/would have been scaling |
you would have been scaling | you would have been scaling |
he/she/it would have been scaling | they would have been scaling |
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I am scaled | we are scaled |
you are scaled | you are scaled |
he/she/it is scaled | they are scaled |
Present Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I am being scaled | we are being scaled |
you are being scaled | you are being scaled |
he/she/it is being scaled | they are being scaled |
Present Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I have been scaled | we have been scaled |
you have been scaled | you have been scaled |
he/she/it has been scaled | they have been scaled |
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I was scaled | we were scaled |
you were scaled | you were scaled |
he/she/it was scaled | they were scaled |
Past Continuous, Passive Voice | |
I was being scaled | we were being scaled |
you were being scaled | you were being scaled |
he/she/it was being scaled | they were being scaled |
Past Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I had been scaled | we had been scaled |
you had been scaled | you had been scaled |
he/she/it had been scaled | they had been scaled |
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will be scaled | we shall/will be scaled |
you will be scaled | you will be scaled |
he/she/it will be scaled | they will be scaled |
Future Perfect, Passive Voice | |
I shall/will have been scaled | we shall/will have been scaled |
you will have been scaled | you will have been scaled |
he/she/it will have been scaled | they will have been scaled |
Singular | Plural | |
Common case | scale | scales |
Possessive case | scale's | scales' |