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El diccionario universal inglés-ruso
  • It is intended for a full-text search and it significantly expands the possibilities of working with lexical items from the Russian glossary of LingvoUniversal. Contains usage examples, synonyms, and antonyms.


[pæʧ] брит. sound1 sound4 sound2 sound3 sound sound2 / амер. sound1 sound4 sound2 sound3 sound sound2

    1. сущ.

      1. клочок, лоскут; одежда, сшитая из лоскутков

      2. заплата, заплатка

      3. кусочек наклеенного пластыря

      4. повязка (на глазу)

      5. уст. мушка (на лице)

      6. нашивка

      7. пятно; участок

        1. небольшой участок земли

        2. зона ответственности, участок участкового полицейского, "околоток"

      8. информ. патч, "заплата" (ПО для оперативного исправления ошибки в программе, часто размещается на сайте разработчика)

    2. гл.

        1. = patch up латать, ставить заплаты

        2. служить заплатой, закрывать что-л.

        3. восстанавливать, исправлять; "латать дыры"

      1. уст. наклеивать мушки

      2. носить нашивки какого-л. рода

  1. сущ.; разг.

    1. шут гороховый, придурок

    2. строптивый, задиристый человек; непослушный ребёнок

Biology (En-Ru)


пятно; участок

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Ejemplos de los textos

I'd discovered a tiny patch of brightness, off somewhere to my right.
Справа от себя я обнаружил какие-то полосы света.
Zelazny, Roger / Nine Princes in AmberЖелязны, Роджер / Девять принцев Эмбера
Девять принцев Эмбера
Желязны, Роджер
© 1974, 1975 by Universal Publishing and Distributing Corporation
© 1970 by Roger Zelazny
© перевод М. Гилинский
Nine Princes in Amber
Zelazny, Roger
© 1970 by Roger Zelazny
© 1974, 1975 by Universal Publishing and Distributing Corporation
Farther off, to the right and ahead, was a huge body of water. It was so huge, in fact, that until the last hour or so Jack had thought it was a patch of sky that somehow had a slightly bluer color than the rest.
Вдалеке виднелась ровная гладь воды, показавшаяся вначале Джеку частью неба, более интенсивно окрашенной.
King, Stephen,Straub, Peter / The TalismanКинг, Стивен,Страуб, Питер / Талисман
Кинг, Стивен,Страуб, Питер
© Copyright Стивен Кинг, Питер Страуб
© Copyright Ирина Ткач
The Talisman
King, Stephen,Straub, Peter
© 1984 by Stephen King and Peter Straub
© 2001 by Stephen King and Peter Straub
There was nothing but a bare patch of field.
Не было вообще ничего, кроме пустого участка.
De la Cruz, Melissa / Blue BloodsДе ла Круз, Мелисса / Голубая кровь
Голубая кровь
Де ла Круз, Мелисса
© Перевод. О. Степашкина, 2010
© Издание на русском языке. ООО «Издательство «Эксмо». 2010
© 2006 by Melissa de la Cruz
Blue Bloods
De la Cruz, Melissa
© 2006 by Melissa de la Cruz
The conflict is resolved globally in 4(12) by continuing the lower ribbon so it fills out a bowl-like patch.
Глобально конфликт разрешается на рис. 4(12), где нижняя ленточка, продолжаясь, образует полусферическую оболочку.
Francis, George / A topological picturebookФрансис, Дж. / Книжка с картинками по топологии
Книжка с картинками по топологии
Франсис, Дж.
© 1987 by Springer-Verlag New York Inc.
© перевод на русский язык, Н. Ю. Нецветаев, 1991
A topological picturebook
Francis, George
© 1987 by Springer-Verlag New York Inc.
One such patch is grsecurity.
Одним из таких обновлений является grsecurity.
Lockhart, Andrew / Network Security HacksЛокхарт, Эндрю / Антихакинг в сети. Трюки.
Антихакинг в сети. Трюки.
Локхарт, Эндрю
© 2004 O'Reilly Media, Inc.
© Издание на русском языке ЗАО Издательский дом «Питер», 2005
© Перевод на русский язык ЗАО Издательский дом «Питер», 2005
Network Security Hacks
Lockhart, Andrew
© 2004 O'Reilly Media, Inc.
When a patch cord plug is not connected to the patch panel port the dry reed switch 5 is closed and “short” the antenna 3 as well as the coil 1.
Когда разъем соединительного кабеля не подключен в порт коммутационной панели, геркон замкнут и «зaкopaчивaeт», как антенну 3, так и катушку 1.
Immediately beneath the cliff there grew a considerable patch of high bamboo, like that which we had traversed in our journey.
У самого подножия хребта тянулись высокие заросли бамбука, такие же, как те, сквозь которые нам приходилось продираться в начале нашего путешествия.
Conan Doyle, Arthur / The Lost WorldКонан Дойль, Артур / Затерянный мир
Затерянный мир
Конан Дойль, Артур
© Издательство ЦК ЛКСМУ «Молодь», 1956
The Lost World
Conan Doyle, Arthur
© Wordsworth Editions Limited 1995
That white patch on its left leg ought not to be there, and, look, it tosses its head.
Совсем уж некстати это белое пятно на левой ноге и, поглядите, головой закидывает.
Чехов, А.П. / Учитель словесностиChekhov, A. / The teacher of literature
The teacher of literature
Chekhov, A.
© 1999 by Random House, Inc.
Учитель словесности
Чехов, А.П.
© Издательство "Наука", 1974
At centimeter and shorter wavelengths, the beams of reflector antennas used in synthesis arrays are generally smaller than the isoplanatic patch.
На сантиметровых и более коротких длинах волн угловые размеры диаграммы направленности рефлекторных антенн в составе синтезных решеток обычно меньше изопланатического участка.
Thompson, A. Richard,Moran, James M.,Swenson, George W. / Interferometry and Synthesis in Radio AstronomyТомпсон, А.Р.,Моран, Д.М.,Свенсон, Д.У. / Интерферометрия и синтез в радиоастрономии
Интерферометрия и синтез в радиоастрономии
Томпсон, А.Р.,Моран, Д.М.,Свенсон, Д.У.
© John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2001
Interferometry and Synthesis in Radio Astronomy
Thompson, A. Richard,Moran, James M.,Swenson, George W.
© 2001 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
© 2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
They lifted sticks in the air together whenever they came to an easy patch.
Дружно поднимали палки вверх, нападая на легкие тропки.
Golding, William / Lord of the fliesГолдинг, Уильям / Повелитель мух
Повелитель мух
Голдинг, Уильям
© Е. Суриц, перевод, 1981
© "Азбука-классика", 2005
Lord of the flies
Golding, William
© 1954 by William Golding
They went forward until he came to what was essentially an open well, ascending through the middle of the castle right up to an opening in the top floor of the tower. A patch of blue sky and a glimpse of battlements could be seen.
Источником света оказалась открытая шахта, поднимавшаяся по центру башни до отверстия в крыше, через, которое виднелись лоскут голубого неба и часть башенных зубцов.
Dickson, Gordon / The Dragon And The DjinnДиксон, Гордон / Дракон и Джинн
Дракон и Джинн
Диксон, Гордон
The Dragon And The Djinn
Dickson, Gordon
He shaves, but it seems like he always misses a big patch.
Он бреется, но такое впечатление, что никогда не добривается.
King, Stephen / Hearts in AtlantisКинг, Стивен / Сердца в Атлантиде
Сердца в Атлантиде
Кинг, Стивен
© Stephen King, 1999
© Перевод И.Гурова, 2000
© ООО "Издательство АСТ", 2001
Hearts in Atlantis
King, Stephen
© 1999 by Stephen King
At the end of her display Josefina, like Lidia and Rosa, was just a patch of light.
В конце своей демонстрации Жозефина, подобно Лидии и Розе, была просто пятном света.
Castaneda, Carlos / The second ring of powerКастанеда, Карлос / Второе кольцо силы
Второе кольцо силы
Кастанеда, Карлос
© 1977 by Carlos Castaneda
© "София", 2008
© ООО Издательство "София", 2008
The second ring of power
Castaneda, Carlos
© 1977 by Carlos Castaneda
Thom pushed past them and began transferring things from his patch-covered cloak to his new one so nimbly that Rand could not make out any of them.
Том прошел между юношами и принялся перекладывать вещи из своего лоскутного плаща в новый так проворно, что некоторые из них Ранд и разглядеть не успел.
Jordan, Robert / The Eye of the WorldДжордан, Роберт / Око мира
Око мира
Джордан, Роберт
The Eye of the World
Jordan, Robert
© 1990 by Robert Jordan
Finding a suitable patch of ground, he cleared away the bubble grass, lowered his head, and began sucking up the sandy soil beneath through a short, flexible snout.
Найдя подходящий участок, он расчистил его от пенной травы и принялся высасывать песчаную почву через короткий гибкий хоботок.
Foster, Alan Dean / Sentenced to PrismФостер, Алан Дин / Приговоренный к Призме
Приговоренный к Призме
Фостер, Алан Дин
Sentenced to Prism
Foster, Alan Dean

Añadir a mi diccionario

pæʧ sound1 sound4 sound2 sound3 sound sound2 Sustantivoклочок; лоскут; одежда; сшитая из лоскутков

Traducciones de usuarios


  1. 1.


    Traducción agregada por Petr Lanskov
    Heart 0 comment comment icon-learnHat

Categoría gramatical no está fijada

  1. 1.

    [pæʧ] брит. / амер.


    1. сущ.

    1. клочок, лоскут; одежда, сшитая из лоскутков

    2. заплата, заплатка

    3. кусочек накле

    Traducción agregada por
    Heart 0 comment comment icon-learnHat
  2. 2.

    To patch through - соединять через оператора (коммутатор)

    Traducción agregada por Holy Moly
    Oro en-ru
    Heart 2 comment comment icon-learnHat
  3. 3.

    контрацептивный гормональный пластырь

    Traducción agregada por Дарья Поендаева
    Heart 0 comment comment icon-learnHat


"pork chop" patch pocket
накладной карман со скошенным боковым входом
be not a patch on smth
быть много ниже или хуже по качеству
be not a patch on smth
не идти ни в какое сравнение с чем-л. или кем-л
bicubic Bezier patch
бикубическое сглаживание Безье
bicubic patch
бикубический лоскут
bicubic patch
бикубический фрагмент
biquadratic patch
биквадратная склейка
black patch
черная маска
bug patch
заплата, сделанная для исправления ошибки в программе
butterfly patch
"фигура бабочки"
butterfly patch
сыпь на лице
cold-patch mixture
холодная смесь для ямочного ремонта
contact patch
пятно контакта
Coons patch
фрагмент поверхности Кунса
cutover patch

Forma de la palabra


Common casepatchpatches
Possessive casepatch'spatches'


Basic forms
Present Participle (Participle I)patching
Past Participle (Participle II)patched
Present Indefinite, Active Voice
I patchwe patch
you patchyou patch
he/she/it patchesthey patch
Present Continuous, Active Voice
I am patchingwe are patching
you are patchingyou are patching
he/she/it is patchingthey are patching
Present Perfect, Active Voice
I have patchedwe have patched
you have patchedyou have patched
he/she/it has patchedthey have patched
Present Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I have been patchingwe have been patching
you have been patchingyou have been patching
he/she/it has been patchingthey have been patching
Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I patchedwe patched
you patchedyou patched
he/she/it patchedthey patched
Past Continuous, Active Voice
I was patchingwe were patching
you were patchingyou were patching
he/she/it was patchingthey were patching
Past Perfect, Active Voice
I had patchedwe had patched
you had patchedyou had patched
he/she/it had patchedthey had patched
Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I had been patchingwe had been patching
you had been patchingyou had been patching
he/she/it had been patchingthey had been patching
Future Indefinite, Active Voice
I shall/will patchwe shall/will patch
you will patchyou will patch
he/she/it will patchthey will patch
Future Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will be patchingwe shall/will be patching
you will be patchingyou will be patching
he/she/it will be patchingthey will be patching
Future Perfect, Active Voice
I shall/will have patchedwe shall/will have patched
you will have patchedyou will have patched
he/she/it will have patchedthey will have patched
Future Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I shall/will have been patchingwe shall/will have been patching
you will have been patchingyou will have been patching
he/she/it will have been patchingthey will have been patching
Future in the Past Indefinite, Active Voice
I should/would patchwe should/would patch
you would patchyou would patch
he/she/it would patchthey would patch
Future in the Past Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would be patchingwe should/would be patching
you would be patchingyou would be patching
he/she/it would be patchingthey would be patching
Future in the Past Perfect, Active Voice
I should/would have patchedwe should/would have patched
you would have patchedyou would have patched
he/she/it would have patchedthey would have patched
Future in the Past Perfect Continuous, Active Voice
I should/would have been patchingwe should/would have been patching
you would have been patchingyou would have been patching
he/she/it would have been patchingthey would have been patching
Present Indefinite, Passive Voice
I am patchedwe are patched
you are patchedyou are patched
he/she/it is patchedthey are patched
Present Continuous, Passive Voice
I am being patchedwe are being patched
you are being patchedyou are being patched
he/she/it is being patchedthey are being patched
Present Perfect, Passive Voice
I have been patchedwe have been patched
you have been patchedyou have been patched
he/she/it has been patchedthey have been patched
Past Indefinite, Passive Voice
I was patchedwe were patched
you were patchedyou were patched
he/she/it was patchedthey were patched
Past Continuous, Passive Voice
I was being patchedwe were being patched
you were being patchedyou were being patched
he/she/it was being patchedthey were being patched
Past Perfect, Passive Voice
I had been patchedwe had been patched
you had been patchedyou had been patched
he/she/it had been patchedthey had been patched
Future Indefinite, Passive Voice
I shall/will be patchedwe shall/will be patched
you will be patchedyou will be patched
he/she/it will be patchedthey will be patched
Future Perfect, Passive Voice
I shall/will have been patchedwe shall/will have been patched
you will have been patchedyou will have been patched
he/she/it will have been patchedthey will have been patched