If KTP sensor was disconnected, don't want heater left on - can damage KTP crystal.(Fault) Occurs when homing a cube, it was initially on Home sensor, and after moving off the cube, it was still on the Home sensor. (мед. техника)
While entering Ready in User mode, the software shall check that the selected simmer is lit. (медицинская техника)
Suitability for crackfree folding and roll forming must be guaranteed for bending diameter = 3a. (металлургия)
- 1.
Должна быть гарантирована пригодность для неповреждающего сгибания (сгибания без трещин) и формирование рулонов для диаметра изгиба = 3a.
translation added by ` ALGold en-ru
Manual traveling gear, hand hoist, SMK22 is marked as removable but other location is not shown in drawing
Acid Cluster Flush (относится к аппарату по сепарированию молока)
- 1.
кислотное моющее средство
translation added by L ГBronze ru-en
22id x 60od Pipe Insulation
- 1.
трубная изоляция диаметром 22 вн. х 60 нар.
translation added by Alexander АkimovGold en-ru
SS Manure Grid Kit-Concrete incl.
- 1.
Набор для маникюра "грид", из нержавеющей стали. Акриловая пудра в комплекте
translation added by L ГBronze en-ru
Service kits and liners first year (Order Summary sheet, Merlin Service Kit)
Количество кандидатур, представляемых к занесению на Доску почета Федеральной службы
- 1.
Number of candidates put forward (/recommended) for adding to the hall of fame of the Federal organisations
translation added by grumblerGold ru-en
"Технический регламент о требованиях пожарной безопасности" от 22.07.2008 № 123-ФЗ.
- 1.
"Technical regulations for fire safety requirements" of July 22, 2008 № 123-FZ.
translation added by Paddington BearGold ru-en