⁌ ULY ⁍publicó un comentario 8 years ago
Valeria, you can't use the present perfect and the past in one sentence like this. Before the DECIDED (past), they (HAD) PLANNED (past).
Свою компанию они думали назвать «Аллен и Гейтс», но посчитали, что это больше подходит для юридической конторы, и тогда Пол предложил — «Micro-Soft»
They had planned to call their company "Allen & Gates", but figured it sounded more like a law firm. Then Paul suggested "Micro-Soft."
They have planned naming their company"Allen & Gates", but supposed that it was more suitable for a law firm, and then Paul suggested, "Micro-Soft"
Valeria, you can't use the present perfect and the past in one sentence like this. Before the DECIDED (past), they (HAD) PLANNED (past).