i think correctly would with 'would be' because we have 'will' in the past and passive voice is meaning use infinitive form of the 'to be' auxiliary verb without particular 'to' is not it? i'm sorry for my english. i wait for you comment!
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Фелантроп Аллергиевsolicitó una traducción hace 9 años
¿Cómo traducir? (ru-en)
я надеялся меня будут учить, но отбили всякое желание учиться
i hoping i was would teached but prophs reject any wishes for education
El comentario del autor
будующее в прошедшом и вроде есть пассив
Traducciones de usuarios (1)
- 1.
I was hoping to be educated (или I would be educated), but then I was completely discouraged by the teachers.
Traducción agregada por Holy MolyOro ru-en2
Discusión (2)
Фелантроп Аллергиевpublicó un comentario hace 9 años
Holy Molypublicó un comentario hace 9 años
Фелантроп, both versions are grammatically correct. Either it's "I was hoping to be educated" or "I was hoping I would be educated" they mean absolutely the same. It's absolutely normal to use either of these forms after the Past Continuous.