Евгений Жабаровскийpublicó un comentario 8 лет назад
Periodically my cat dissapars/ They say it eats meat and drink milk from the neibours
периодически мой кот исчезает. Говорят, он есть мясо и пьет молоко у соседки.
From time to time my cat disappears. They say it eats meat and drinks milk at my neighbour's.
Periodically my cat dissapars/.They say it eats meat and drinks milk from the neibours
Sometimes my cat disappears. It is said to eat meat and drink milk at neighbour.
Periodically my cat dissapars/ They say it eats meat and drink milk from the neibours
There is no such word as "dissapars" in English, Евгений :) Исчезать - это DISAPPEAR. Соответственно "my cat disappears".
Переодически значит будет disappeares