| Валерий |publicó un comentario 2 years ago
4-летняя дочь такого не скажет
Четырёхлетняя дочь — папе: — Не ори на меня, я тебе не жена!
A four-year-old girl to her dad: Don't yell at me — I'm not your wife!
4-летняя дочь такого не скажет
Какая разница сколько дочери лет!
Uly спасибо 🌹🌹🌹.
Four-year-old daughter to her father: don’t shout at me! I’m not your wife!
DAUGHTER sounds more Russian here. When we classify people by age and gender, we tend to use boy/girl, man/woman:
“This would never come out of a four-year-old girl.
— What difference does it make HOW old this girl is?”