ещё какие-нибудь варианты? интересует перевод фразы "поддаваться "именно в этом контексте
Играя в карты , я часто замечала что он мне специально поддаётся чтобы не обидеть меня.
When we played cards, I often noticed that he would fold for no reason so that I wouldn't feel bad.
When we played cards, I often noticed he'd lose on purpose in order to avoid offending me.
ещё какие-нибудь варианты? интересует перевод фразы "поддаваться "именно в этом контексте
поддаваться = FOLD:
WHILE, WHEN PLAYING CARDS is too Russian here.
GAVE IN is definitely not the right translation
Tatiana, I often noticed he'd LOSE ON PURPOSE in order to avoid OFFENDING me
Улий, спасибо большое! :)
Всегда пожалуйста))
Uly, on second thought, are you sure you understood the meaning of поддаваться? This verb can be used in ANY game and basically is cheating. But this kind of cheating is aimed at loosing for whatever purpose.
I understand completely. In other games, it’s called throwing the game. But in cards, it’s called folding.
Sometimes a boxer will get paid to throw a fight. Or a football player will purposely miss a ball in order to throw a game.
In this context, the card player purposely relinquishes his hand in order to lose on purpose. He folds on purpose.
Lee tells them only a novelist could come up with such a twist, as she told her publisher Cynthia was lying. Castle wouldn't write a memoir as he could paint himself to look good. A memoir is about truth. Cynthia's memoir was to garner sympathy, she didn't send the money. They mull it over at the poker game and Judge Markway believes the FBI. The Mayor asks what they know about the case. Giving Castle the clue this time. Susan wanted to save the Pikes, so where did the money come from. (Susan of course.) Beckett folds on purpose and the others wanted to see Castle cry like a girl.
GIVE IN means: (1) Finally accept or agree to something that you previously resisted. (2) Lose hope and decide you can’t take something anymore or can’t possibly win. Neither of these meanings work here.
О, это так сразу не разберёшь! Но хочется. 🙏👍
Again, GAVE IN is incorrect. She keeps getting hearts for that ridiculous translation.
Боже, а я была уверена, что Елена удалила перевод. (
Играя в карты - деепричастный оборот, обособляется запятыми.
Что - союз, перед "что" ставится запятая.
Both these translations are idiomatic and natural. These are statements a native English speaker would actually say and they render the context perfectly.