Traducciones en los diccionarios Lingvo
At first, when you arrive in the room, you could be forgiven for taking her for an assistant if a second look didn't reveal her prettiness:"Gosh, aren't you beautiful,' I say AS IF to apologise, and, blow me, if the woman who's launched a thousand shows doesn't blush.Сначала, когда входишь в комнату, можно понять, что она всего лишь какая-то помощница, но вот после второго взгляда заме... At first, when you arrive in the room, you could be forgiven for taking her for an assistant if a second look didn't reveal her prettiness:"Gosh, aren't you beautiful,' I say of to apologise, and, blow me, if the woman who's launched a thousand shows doesn't blush.по началу , оказавшись в номере, вы , да простят вас, могли бы принять ее за помощницу, если бы второй взгляд не выявил...