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Knows Russian English Turkish.

ИнЯз, Баку

N Nanswered 9 years ago
answer (ru-en)


пустяки! - it's nothing! ; вздор - nonsense; неважно - never mind

N Nanswered 9 years ago
answer (ru-en)

моя мама негде не работает

My mother doesn't work anywhere.

#Travel and outdoors #Aviation
N Nanswered 9 years ago
answer (ru-en)

Женщины любого сословия обучались сначала два, затем три года

Women of any estate first studied two, and further three years.

N Nanswered 9 years ago
answer (ru-en)

В 1888 году курсы были закрыты

In 1888, the courses were terminated.

N Nanswered 9 years ago
answer (es-ru)


appreciate - 1) высоко ценить, быть признательным, благодарным; 2) понимать, принимать во внимание

N Nanswered 9 years ago
answer (en-ru)


hylid frog - древесная лягушка

N Nanswered 9 years ago
answer (en-ru)

a beauty


N Nanswered 9 years ago
answer (ru-en)

передвинуть дату

to shift the date

N Nanswered 9 years ago
answer (en-ru)

you are talking to jane, a colleague at work

ты (вы) говоришь (разговариваешь ) с Джейн, коллегой по работе.

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