growth has been spectacular, but she has no desire to conquer the country. i want to keep this a family business. My mum works with me, and we can get part-timers as we need them dad works for an insulating firm, but at night and at weekends he delivers to forty or --->>>
or so shops and looks for new markets. we're all working very hard, but we're working for ourselves and that makes all the difference.

what big successes have the girls had? There was, for instance, the case of the gold cycle. A tourist in the bar of the crosschannel ferry had finished a wonderful trip cycling round France. After a couple of drinks he remarked he was getting a bit old for this sort of thing...
... He said he was going to sell his bike when he got home. He'd got a buyer and was sure the bike would bring him a pretty penny-a few thousand pounds, for instance.
