- 1.
translation added by Julio Anthar Jiménez RodarteBronze en-es
desde ya muchas gracias
- 1.
Thank you so much already
translation added by Marissa ZebaduaBronze es-en
no one we spoke to said said they'd be voting for the opposition party
- 1.
Nadie de con los que hablamos dijo que votaría por el partido de oposición.
translation added by Diana RODRIGUEZSilver en-es
no one we spoke to said they'd be voting for the opposition party
- 1.
Никто из тех, с кем мы говорили, не сказал, что будет голосовать за оппозиционную партию.
translation added by Маргарита Т.
espero que te recuperes pronto! saludos cordiales
- 1.
I hope you get well soon! Regards!
translation added by Diana RODRIGUEZSilver es-en
espero que sea legible
- 1.
I hope it is readable.
translation added by Diana RODRIGUEZSilver es-en
is unsure about future career prospects
- 1.
no está seguro sobre las perspectivas profesionales futuras
translation added by Diana RODRIGUEZSilver en-es
had a couple of false career starts
- 1.
tuvo un par de salidas en falso profesionales.
translation added by Diana RODRIGUEZSilver en-es
perder de vista las cosas que son verdaderamente importantes en la vida
- 1.
Loosing sight of the things that are truly important in life
translation added by Diana RODRIGUEZSilver es-en