Лев Гинзбургasked for translation 6 лет назад
How to translate? (ru-en)
Сыктывкар - столица свободы, город мечты.
- 1.
Syktyvkar is the capital of freedom, the city of dreams
translation added by ⁌ ULY ⁍Gold ru-en
Лев Гинзбургasked for translation 6 лет назад
How to translate? (ru-en)
Соси отечественное
- 1.
suck the domestic (one)
translation added by grumblerGold ru-en
Лев Гинзбургasked for translation 6 лет назад
How to translate? (ru-en)
Сыра с плесенью из Франции не жди, купи алтайский и полгода подожди.
- 1.
Don't wait for blue cheese from France; (just) buy Altai (/Altaisky) cheese and and wait for half a year.
translation added by grumblerGold ru-en
Лев Гинзбургasked for translation 6 лет назад
How to translate? (ru-en)
Из Европы к нам не едут иностранные продукты, под запретом овощи и фрукты.
- 1.
Foreign products are not sent us from Europe. Vegetables and fruits are under ban.
translation added by Tatiana OsipovaGold ru-en