палиндром, талисман, заклинание
в последние дни праздников
in recent days-off
"развести кого-то на бабки"
"развести как лоха"
to shaft smb
странные необычные родители
brought the matter off
снял вопрос (антоним поднять вопрос)
книги не когда не устареют
books will never turn old/be out of date
Blood and gore
расчленение, страсть, раны и кровь
pace yourself
to avoid doing something too quickly or doing too much at one time, so that you have enough energy left to complete an activity
The exams last for several weeks, so pace yourself when you revise.
Synonyms and related words
To delay action, wait or hesitate:delay, wait, hesitate...
меня обокрали
I've been robbed
a verb to mean the act of throwing glitter while receiting the alphabet
I like to stipp every now and then.
Dang it, I've run out of glitter to Stipp with.